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Lets see what this muscle can do..

IML Gear Cream!
Weighted chins
50lbs for 8x3

Standing OH BB Press
145lbs for 8x3

Wide grip pull ups
BW for 5x5

Unilateral OH DB press
45lb db for 5x5

Cable pressdowns
Cable curls

Sauna 15 min

I did some suitcase carries yesterday and it has caused some soreness...i hope.

Anyway, i did unilateral presses for more stability work. Once i got to the isolations, i was exhausted.
Marching BB Lunge
100lb bar for 10x2 (20 sec RI)

Goblet db squat
80lb db for 8x3

Romanian DB Deads
45lb dbs for 6x5

Suitcase walks

Leg extension
Ham Curl


I got a massage today, yes, but no pain throughout the workout.
holy shit. forgot a bench entry..


Romanian db deadlifts
70lb dbs for 5x5

35lb suitcase walks

Goblet squats mixed with swings and single legged rdls


Took it easy while going a little heavy. Still feel like legos. Muscles felt tight during yoga so there's my origin of pain. No discs.
Arguably the best/longest training journal in the history of the internet. Good to see you staying on top of everything bro
Weighted Chins
2 plates for 4x3 (full recovery)

Standing OH BB Press
185lbs for 3x3 (full)

Neutral Pullups
BW for 5x5 (30 sec RI)

Standing Unilateral OH DB Press
55lb DB for 5x5 (30 sec)



I am doing a new strength idea from a Joe Rogan podcast...well multiple of them. He talked about some coach saying to do heavy weights, very low volume, strict form. He implored that when doing heavy lifts, you need ample rest time, perfect form, but the best part, dont go to failure. Ever. When you leave the gym, you should not be wiped, but pumped! Crazy concept, but the idea is to increase gym visits and decrease down time, especially from injuries.
Marching DB Lunges
70lb DBs for 10x2 (after 5 sets, I did 2 lunges within each step; full recovery)

Goblet DB Squat
95lb DB for 8x3

Suitcase carries
KB Cleans w/ Goblet KB Squats


Going all out huh? Wellllllll, today was more of curbing some depression. Got some money problems and decided to spend my time at the gym rather out pissing it away.
Did a lot of caloric work. Likely to be sore around my core tomorrow vs my legs.
Weighted Chins
2 plates for 4x3 (full recovery)

Standing OH BB Press
185lbs for 3x3 (full)

Neutral Pullups
BW for 5x5 (30 sec RI)

Standing Unilateral OH DB Press
55lb DB for 5x5 (30 sec)



I am doing a new strength idea from a Joe Rogan podcast...well multiple of them. He talked about some coach saying to do heavy weights, very low volume, strict form. He implored that when doing heavy lifts, you need ample rest time, perfect form, but the best part, dont go to failure. Ever. When you leave the gym, you should not be wiped, but pumped! Crazy concept, but the idea is to increase gym visits and decrease down time, especially from injuries.

Mind pointing me in the direction of that coach/podcast episodes? Sounds like a good plan, I don't need to be the strongest guy in the room, but I don't mind being up there if it helps the physique
295lbs for 6x2

Bilateral hs row
3 plates + 30lbs on each side for 6x2

Weighted Dips
1 plate for 5x5

Cable Face pulls
120lbs? for 5x5


Ok i did not feel "pumped" after doing a lower volumed workout. Standing around after 2 reps is BORING. Maybe i can do less sets and add more metabolic work...
Ideally would be 10x2 but youre supposed to rest up to 10 min! Fuck that.
Flat Db Press
100lb dbs for 5x5 (30 sec ri)

Db Row
105lb dbs for 5x5 (30 sec ri)

Unilateral Decline Db Press
65lb db for 3x10 (30 sec ri)

Bilateral hs rows
2 plates on each side for 3x10 (30 sec ri)

Suitcase carries

Very little sleep today and of course, i just HAD to try my db presses. No pain.
I ditched the high rests.
IML Gear Cream!
295lbs for 10x2 (30-60 sec RI)

Bilateral HS Row
3plates on each side for 5x5 (30 sec RI)

Decline Bench
225lbs for 5x5 (30 sec RI)

DB Row
70lb DB for 4x6 (30 sec RI)

Core shit with arms


First day back from injury and all was well until I did the db rows. Truth be told, I am fucking terrified of shit going haywire again. So, fine, yeah, FINE. I hear ya, mr back! Ill take it easy for fucks sake.
Weighted chins
70lbs for 3x3 (full recovery)

Standing OH bb press
135lbs for 3x3 (full recovery)

Alternating gripped pullups
BW for 3x10 (30 sec ri; rps)

Standing OH db press
35lb dbs for 3x10 (30 sec ri)

Cable pushdowns
Cable curls



So 3x3 is for all strength for whatever rest i need. Reps must be strict, full rom.
The OHs. These added some pain. I opted to not go up and quit while ahead. The dbs were too easy but picking them up didnt feel well.
Ugh. week 1 down.
Eliptical for 12.min

Leg extension
120lbs for 4x10
BW squats
4x10 (30 sec ri)

Single legged rdls

Half ass.hit

Stretched w band

Ok...i have soreness but no pain. However this is what i felt last time i git hurt. No matter, well call this a success.
275lbs for 3x3 (full)

Decline bench
225lbs for 5x8 (30+ sec ri)

Bilateral hs row
3plates + 25lbs on each side for 3x3 (full)

Unsupported db row
35lb db for 5x8 (30 sec ri)

Cable face pulls
105lbs for 3x12 (30 sec ri)


Did low volume then metabolic. I like that type of setup.
For the pulls...the hs was a great challenge. The db rows, they were more for core which is why i did face pulls.

Doc said i had a disc problem. So. Rehab it is.
it must be contagious
Brisk inclined walk for 10 min

Turkish getups
31 or 35kg kettlebell for 3x3 on each side
Bw squats 3x10 (30 sec ri)

Gladiator getups w leg abducted for 5 sec, same KB
Same shit but with leg adducted for 10 sec
BW Single legged rdls for 3x5, last set with the kb

BW marching lunges for the distance x 3
Suitcase walks for the same distance and same KB x3 (20 sec ri)

Core shit on ball

Levered stretches

Confusing log for anyone not me looking. I was trying to do legs, but 1/4 way thru i remembered...im just here to get mobile and assess pain. No doms. That..sadly said, I tried swings and they made me nervous. This was with the kettlebell, that i cant remember what it said on the side. I think it was 35lbs. 16kg?

Well call today a success. I was out if breath and i was sweating like a mofo.
Standing oh bb press
155lbs for 3x3 (full)

Neutral grip weighted pullups
80lbs for 3x3 (full)

Standing OH db press
45lb dbs for 3x10 (30 sec ri)

BW for 3x10 (30 sec ri; 2 rps)

Cable press downs
90lbs for 2x12

Cable reverse curls
75lbs for 2x12


Ok so lets see.. Not to be picky but i did feel dull ache down front thighs during the bb presses. This is a traveling pain i feel when doing the theracane, which i did feel when i performed that too.
I did not feel pain when i got the dbs into position.

All in all, not much different at all.
Rehab day 3

10 min incline tread

Marching db lunges
20lb dbs for 4x14 steps [30-45 sec ri)

Goblet db squats
20lb db for 4x10 (30 sec ri)

Leg extension
1 plate + 25lbs for 3x10
Stationary knees to standing 3x10 (30 sec ri)


Ok so i added 20lb dbs. No pain, thank god, and i gotta say, i was fucking winded. My legs were filled with blood and i did NOT have my preworkout.
My lower back still felt sore until i got to goblets.

What i was doing was Mcakenzie press ups a lot. The first couple reps hurt a tad, then it goes away. These are supposedly perfect for disc problems. Didnt do these years ago and theyre old so...well see.
295lbs 3x3 (full)

Bilateral HS Row
3 plates on each side for 5x5 (30+ sec RI)

Weighted Dips
1 plate + 25lbs for 3x5 (30 sec RI)

Half Ass Unilateral Spider Row
60lb DB for 5x8 (30 sec RI)

Cabled, Supinated Crossover, unilateral
120?lbs for 3x10 (30 sec RI)

Face Pulls
200?lbs for 3x10 (30 sec RI)


Still working around back and its a bit of a mess. The spider row is the only thing worth mentioning. It was done with an incline bench. I did them with a supinated grip, since all the damn rows are practically neutral grip. Shit part is, the fucking DB head hits the bench. This is what happened last time I did this centuries ago. Thankfully, no pain setting it up.
IML Gear Cream!
Rehab day...4?

McKenzie press ups

Single Legged RDLs
35lb DB for 3x5

Goblet DB Squat
35lb DB for 5 reps
BW for 5 reps, 3 sets

KB Swings
14kg for 3x5

Suit Case Carries
40lb DB for 2 passes

Core on ball

McKenzie press ups


There is still that dull ache. Nothing got worse and I suppose thats a success. Kept things light and the swings were about the riskiest move. Still, I feel like this is how shit should be if I come back in here this fast. Next 3 days I wont do a thing cuz of a film shoot.
Weighted Chins
90lbs for 4x3 (full; last set sucked)

Weighted Wide
25lbs for 3x5 (30 sec RI)
Weighted Neutral
25lbs for 2x5 (30 sec RI)

Standing OH DB Press
35lb DBs for 4x12 (30 sec RI)

DB Curls


Got rid of the BB presses, see?
Ok the wide pullups, these resulted in some shoulder pain so I changed it to neutral. Fuck, what the fuck is happening to me?
The DB Presses didnt hurt at all, but on set 3, my back didnt like the setup. I did think, shit, I have to deadlift these up and theyre 70lbs. Once I got to set 4, I was thinking, I am gonna fuck myself again. But it was fine.
Real reverse hypers

Goblet Db squat
35lb db for 3x15

Marching db lunges
25lb dbs for 3x10

Suitcase carries
45lb db for 3 walks

Leg extension
115lbs for 4x12

Reverse Hypers

Core like a mofo

Obviously, im taking it easy. I was tired from the lunges today. I mean, a lot. All rests were 30 sec except the lunges, they needed 60 sec. No pain, popping, or new stiffness.

The reverse hypers were done on a back extension only backwards. I had to use some padding to raise me but it worked. I did have pain when i brought my legs in, flexing the spine. The legs should only hang, no more.
300lbs for 5x2

Bilateral HS Row
4 plates on each side for 5x3

Unilateral HS Row
2 plates on each side for 4x10 (30 sec ri)

Unilateral db press
75lb db for 5x8 (30 sec ri)

Cabled, supinated cross overs
Face Pulls

McKenzie presses


Modeat weight yeah. I loved the db press. I can set this up safely too. Exercise was a bitch, just cuz of being unbalanced. More core calories!
Rehab day...whatever

Goblet db squats
35lb db for 3x10

Marching db lunges
25lb dbs for 4x7 (14 steps)

Turkish Kettlebell getups
14kg kb for 2
Gladiator getup
14kg for 2

Kb Swings
14kg kb for 3x3

Suitcase walks

I did 5 MCKENZIE pressups after just about every set.

Quads were engrossed with blood, but no soreness today. No new pains either.

I did do the pressups after each exercise and looking back, these used to hurt in the lower back. Now, none at all.

I did some getups with no pain so then i tried swings. Here...hmm. I quit while i was ahead cuz i didnt have full confidence.
Everything was 30 sec ri today

Weighted neutral chins
25lbs for 5x5

BW for 3x10

Unilateral Standing OH db press
35lb db for 5x8


I was low on time and decided to fire through a workout with low rests. But i hardly sweat...
Presses were too easy.
Rehab hams

Reverse hypers
15lbs for 3x10

McKenzie presses
Ham curl
2 plates
Reverse hypers
BW for 3x10

KB Swings
16kg for 3x3
Turkish getups
16kg for 3x2

Single legged rdls
25lb db for 4x5

Suitcase carries

As i sit and stand here today, i have some pains that likely may not had been as obvious if i didnt work out today. Now, i dont remember pain from rehab years ago being like this. My back does feel sore and i love stretching it so perhaps its maintaining the spine as much as it can while recovering from the workout.

Such an odd pain. I have no numbness, tingling, or shooting pain but there are aches. And there is a jolt if pain in my back here and there, but fuck, i can never reproduce it. I do have traveling pain too but again, not at the level as before years ago.

No more pain at all during McKenzie presses.
275lbs for 5x5,5,5,4,3 (75-90 sec ri)

Unilateral db press
80lb db for 5x8 (1 min ri)

Bilateral HS Row
3 plates + 25lbs on each side for 5x5 (1 min ri)

Unilateral HS Row, supinated
2 plates +25lbs on each side for 4x10 (1 min ri)


Did some half ass stretching. Still, back feels better....so far.
Ok so i went down on bench and im ok with failing. I was really waiting for the db presses. Ok the left side is much harder to control and i had core pains but no sciatica. Spine is stable and supported but the db wants to twist it and i resist it.

Rows were good. Not much to say.
Turkish getups
16kg for 3x2
KB Goblet squats
16kg for 3x5

Same shit but with Gladiator getups

Half getups, w kb on shoulder
16kg for 5x5

Leg extensions
McKenzie getups

Suitcase carries


Didnt use the theracane til later amd not much of it.
This was yesterday and i don't feel any new pains after an hour motorcycle drive to work. No doms either tho.
Weighted Neutral pullups
35lbs for 5x5

Unilateral Standing OH DB Press
45lb db for 5x8

BW for 3x10 (2 RPs)

Cable pressdowns
Cable curls
Sauna 10 min

All rests were 30 sec again and today I sweat! I am a bit dehydrated today so everything was hard. The neutrals had close to failure form and the chins had RPs...AGAIN.