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CYX3 question


*I Got Gear*
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
i always her ppl say run t3 with a cycle or some test.
well with this pill will it be OK to run by its self or what? here are the details on it I copy and past from regenxl

CYX3 (an oral blend of T3, Yohimbine and Clenbuterol)

Combines the synergistic fat burning power of beta adrenergic agonists) and alpha adrenergic antagonists (Yohimbine HCl), all to add the T3 characteristics of increase the metabolic rate by increasing Thyroid efficiency.

Clenbuterol - 37.5mcg
T3 - 25mcg
Yohimbine 5.4mg
Effects and Dosage
damn thats some hard core stuff .....
Yeah, I remember before genx's misfortune, they had some hardcore stuff. like dnp, I dont think I've seen anyone else carry that. Glad to hear they're bringing hardcore back, lol.
you can take it without test, but to avoid muscle loss you will want some test imo...

I've taken CYX3...its good stuff.
I've taken it and had no problems.

It gives me slight sweats but you get used to it. Can give cramp too, I got it in the calfs whilst playing squash, like an instant calf pump, really hurt. I think that was down to Taurine depletion.

I would advise taking with 3-5 gm of Taurine as Clen lowers Taurine which is required for the T3.

Also don't forget that Clen use is only good for 3 weeks then a break unless you take Ketotifen to keep receptors open and T3 must be tapered down.#