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The road less traveled....


Super Hero in Training
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, Colorado
IML Gear Cream!
...ok, time for another new journal! New year, new journal!
I have switched up things, a little bit. Mainly giving gopros' 3 cycle workouts a whirl. I may not use his exact workouts, at least not yet, but his style.
I made up my own log book with a stats sheet at the end of each month.
I will take pics at the beginign of each month and post them here as well. I was thinking of taking some last ngiht, but am too embarrassed to let people see me the way I am now.
So, I am also working to add in the necessary cardio.. (blech) and cleaning up my diet. Note: I am not a hard core dieter, ask J'bo! There are some things I will / will no eat.
I believe in moderation, not extreme, so won't mind of fat stripping is slower. (I don't want to lose weight, that means I would eventually find it again)
After my 6 week layoff I had to take due to that cold I had, I think I am almost close enough to the weights I was using before to continue my journey.
I was actually looking thru an old log of mine a couple years ago to use as a template fore my new log book. I am impressed with some of the muscular gains I have made. I am not huge, by any means, but some of the weights I am using now are significantly more than what I was using then!
I still have about 20 lbs of crud I need to strip off me. THat is a priority.
Add more LBM as well. I also want to be able to put up 4 plates (405) on bench and squats by this time next year. I thin that is possible.
I do not have my current stats as of right now, so will just give basics, but will put them in once per month.
I would like to keep the whorring out of here, please. I want to be able to track my workouts without having to search thru pages of my friends talking back-n-forth. I will be in my other 'old' journal for that!
So, stats for now are:

Name: Mike (Burner)
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Approx. 200lbs
Body Fat%: Too much
Chest: Flabby
waist: Thick
Legs: Semi-hairy
Arms: Small
Day 1, Week 1 (POWER), 8 Feb, 04:

Bench Press:
135*15, 185*5, 225*5, 245*5, 275*3, 275*3 :(

Cybex Incline Machine Bench Press:
210*6, 210*5, 210*4, 210*4

Cybex Decline Machine Bench Press:
210*7, 210*8, 230*6, 230*6, 210*20

Wide Grip Bar Bell Curls:
65*10, 85*8, 105*5, 105*6

Machine Preacher Curls:
70*6, 70*8

** Was disappointed with weights. THought I'd be back to full strength, but 225 was heavy (was supposed to be warm up weight)

** Not sure if the weights are correct for the cybex benching. it is one of those machines that the bar is cuonter weighted, so not sure, took best guess.

** Took sort of easy for biceps, still babying them, do not want to reinjure them and have to take time off again

** No time for cardio
Relax! Recovery takes time!

You will be lifting heavier again soon :lifter:

Just don't hurt yourself ;)
why the frown for 275x3 on the bench press?? Looks like you have some pretty good strength there.

good luck.
Best of luck! Ill def be following! :)
Hey Erilaya!!! :) Of course he misses you!! We all miss you very much! And, who could ever forget the wooden floor and meat sandwich. You in the middle and Burner and a mysterious someone on each side of you! Now who could that have been? :rolleyes: :lol:

OK Mike, sorry to whore in your journal! Carry on!! ;)
Damn your quite the popular guy! haha I will be here to :D
Originally posted by P-funk
why the frown for 275x3 on the bench press?? Looks like you have some pretty good strength there.

good luck.
because I was benching 3 solid reps @ 315 in the begining of December....
SLowly getting it back up there.

Hey all!
Hiya eri!
no whorring here! Go to my other OLD journal and feel free to whore it up in there!
IML Gear Cream!
Day 2, Week 1 (POWER), 10 Feb, 04:

135*15, 225*10, 315*6, 335*3, 335*2 / 225*5, 135*10

Cable Step Ups:
50*10, 80*10, 80*10

Leg Extension:
150*8, 150*8

out of time.

** kinda funny on that 2nd set of squats @ 335! I did my 315 for 6 and felt pretty good for it, so I wanted to bump up and get my sets of 4. THat first set @ 335, I felt ok, but maybe could have done that alst rep. The 2nd set...I got one, then two...then on my way towards three...and it kept going down...down...down....luckily, I learned a long time ago to put up the safety bars in the cage! (I use them mainly for spotting AND to know how far I need to go down)
I had to scooch out from under the weight. I stripped it down to 225lbs and was able to get under it and rack it back, then do my set of five. Tha was an 'ass to ankle' 225 squat too, thank you!

The last set @ 135, is like a hack squat. I stand with feet together and squat down as far as I can until burn out. Pretty sick!

THat step up was pretty cool. It took a couple reps to get my balance and movement right, but felt good. (it is hurting me now!)
I will do them again next week with a variation..make it hurt better!
My reps were still shy of what I should have been doing. (I should have reps of 10, not 8 @ 150!)

*** No cardio...ran out of time. Had to get to Kristen's. She had a bad day, was in need of my special margarita and BBQ chicken therapy!
Day 3, Week 1 (POWER), 11 Feb, 04:


Seated Bar Bell Military Press:
65*10, 90*10, 135*10, 185*4, 135*9

Standing DB Side LateralRaise:
35*10, 45*5, 45*5, 25*10 (slow resps, pause at top)

Pec Dec:
120*1, 120*10, 120*8

*10, *10, *10, *10

Still didn't have a belt for weighted dips. some jag-off stole the other one

*that tetndon thingine is still buggin me, so no upright rows or shrugs to further inflame.
**ran out of time. was getting late. Lucky to get to gym, was TIRED after work!
thanks, they are sore as hell today!
Day 4, Week 1 13 February 04:

WG Pull ups:
BW*10, BW*10, BW*10, BW*8, BW*6 = 44 :(

Bar Bell Row:
135*10, 185*6, 185*6, 185*6 / 135*6

WG Pull Down:
180*8, 180*8

CG Cable Row:
180*8, 180*8

Out of Time

***I want to get back to my 50 reps within 5 sets for pull ups. I have slowed down some (rep speed) then after a couple consecutive 50 rep work outs, WIll add weight back into sets!

***Still not sure I totally like bb rows. I try and be strict, but fels like I am still cheating..need to have someone watch my form

Been reading other people's workouts. think I will adapt some of them into mine. Will start off tomorrow's workout; (week 2, Day1) with legs.
Day 1, Week 2), 10 Feb, 04:

135*15, 225*10, 275*6, 275*6, 275*6 :(

135*8, 135*8, 135*8

80*10, 80*10

Out of Time

**legs were weak...but concentrated on giong deep. No belt. Maybe why reps were lower?

** Front squats..felt good after got the hang of them again. Had to work on balancing the weight. Also forgot how the bar wants to 'choke' you!

**not sure if I am going to use that cable machine for those step ups any more. Not sure if I will use them again., Will eiher do lunges or Smith lunges o something.

**FOOD: coulda been better.

Did try the 'mudge meal' last night with Kristen.
Used white rice instead of brown, as you know I HATE brown rice..and it doesn't really matter anyway. Will be looking to get written proof for those out there that are skeptics!)
Mudge Meal: 2 chicken breasts (marinated in beer, the grilled to my perfections with some seasoning) white rice and spagetti sauce. and a salad. Real gooooood!
Also bought some more liq. clenbutrx..as it is about to no longer be sold....
Workouts and weights lookin good B. Yea. eliminating the belt really hurts the ego in terms of weight and reps. It is a good thing though, and you will be stronger because of it :thumb:
hey pre-
I usually didn't use a belt 22 @ under..but didn't think I'd need it for 275. It did tweak my back, sounds like the way it does yours too.
I had Kris take some pics of me last night. WIll be posting them later this week. I be lookin' like shiat..but ya have to start somewhere, right?
IML Gear Cream!
Correctamoondo! Better to have shitty first pics and great last ones, then good first and great last ones. It will just show how much further you have come, and be inspiration to all :)