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  • looking good there sista !!
    Yeah, don't worry, who cares about vanity, do it for your health
    ~have a good friday ~:)
    Things are good my friend, my back is getting better, but still have to take it slow thou, but I'm back killin it, well, not really killin it yet, but getting there, how about u ? how's ur training going ?
    Thank'ya girl...
    How long ago did u get divorced ?
    anyway, I'm feeling much better today, so I think I'm hitting the gym fo sho !!
    Are u not in Elite anymore ?
    really? oh well who cares what he thinks right ? how long were u married for ? I got married when I was 19, 15 years ago, and thankfully I'm very lucky I couldn't have asked for a better man... I look back now and think ...O.M.G where has time gone it seems like it was yesterday, he was my first boyfriend, and I can really say he's my soulmate.. Hope u don't think is cliche..lol

    BTW, is his loss for letting u go, you are a great catch to any guy !!!
    I'm sure You'll find your prince charming one day ;)
    Girl u look amazing, was this for a photoshoot ? I love it !!!!!! you are beautiful, I mean it.. Thanks for your well wishes, it's much better today, so I'm getting better by the day, it suxs to have a bad back I tell u...

    Take care my friend ! ;)
    aww, your too sweet with me, is this u in your profile pic ?
    That sounds great girlie, I messed up my back again, so Haven't been able to workout in days, I have two herniated disks and when they get aggravated it's hell for me, been taking it easy, hopefully tomorrow I can do something... I HATE being in bed, I honestly have to be on the go all day... I'm glad things are going good for u :)
    No way, I hate to drive with no radio, I love music, I love to sing too, I literally cannot live without music...lol
    When do we vot for the challange ?
    Whaat ?? Check u out !! Love this pic of u, you are very beautful girl !!
    and yes, Mojitos are the Bomb !! love them ;)
    Glad u had a good time, minus the old pervert part..lol
    I just replied to your email.. Loved the pics, u really look great, u can totally see the difference.. good job Girl !!!
    Really ? That sucks, well at least u realized it fast right ? Don't worry more opportunities will come your way :)
    Old pervert ! ewww :(
    No babe,
    Don't u feel bad, u worked really hard, be proud of what u've accomplished !!
    Changes are sometimes slow to come, I'm sure you look great, us girls tend to be too hard on ourselves....Looking forward to seeing them.. Your a champ !! don't forget that :) How's Vegas treating u ?
    Hey there ! Hope your road trip is going well, I'm sure u made it to Vegas by now, So enjoy yourself girlie, and have a mojito on me ;)
    is that you in the picture? If so, you are very pretty. So you are moving to Vegas? Well have fun. Too much of a Party City for me. It just never ends. lol
    So your leaving tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.M.G !! U must be so excited !!
    I hope everything goes super for u, in all aspects of your life ;)
    Girl, u better have an extra room for us, cause we would totally meet up :)
    Wow ! Vegas, that's quite the big change, how come your moving there ? I live about 20 min from the beach or beaches, there's quite a few down here.
    In Vegas u can tan in your backyard, is hot enough ! lol
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