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  • Hey Brother , as someone who has been through this before, i have 4 kids with her and it suck being without my kids daily. But i take them 3 to 4 times a week. The only difference is that i left her . But to do it all over again i think i should have worked alot harder than i did to make it work. im not sure how old you are but if your getting up there you can play the trt card and tell her you have researching on your own and feel your test levels have been down and you decided to take care of it yourself. Not 100% lying to her but maybe make it not so bad.Tell her you will go see a doc and do it legally. Maybe somthing along these lines to help smooth it over a bit. And if you really love her hang in there Trust me for what i deal with now and pay for its well worth the effort. Good luck.
    Hey Brother, hope all is well. Just stopping in to say hello and hope that you have a Merry Christmas!!!
    Hey bro wanted to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving. Go crazy and eat everything!
    I appreciate you insight on my planned cycle, was wondering if you thought the Anavar should be dropped from the cycle and if NOT what benefit can I gain from using it. I also have a question about the clomid, you have 100/100/75/50, I am assuming that is mg/day/week? Also, if I am correct, the PCT is about 4 weeks after last inject?
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