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  • Thank you and WOW i love your avatar too and of course all the pics. Yes 4 months out on 6/9/12 Southern Cal Bodybuilding show in San Diego at "Scottish Rite Center " Jon lindsay is the promoter and a really nice guy. i feel like you excited but nervous been training real hard though.
    Aloha! yes love your muscle very sexy. Great job. Yes Oahu is my fav there is so much diversity because the south side of island Wakikki is all built up slow rolling waves then u drive to northside and the smell of pineapples in the air and it becomes so green/plush and the surf is so big and amazing. I love it there! Is it the"Desert Muscle Classic"? Congratulations on pro card and i hope you win the show the whole damn thing. ttys
    i just saw your pics and you look amazing girls with muscle is so sexy. Great and inspirational. Do you have your pro card? I love the islands especially the north shore of Oahu!
    Happy LATE Birthday my "super sexy muscle" girlfriend. I am so sorry about the late wish. The BOSS (what he makes me call him)lol, had me working in the yard all weekend. I hope your day was amazing. You looked fantastic on stage. I so adore you. XOXO. Double Birthday dinner on us when you have a free evening.
    Gena Marie.
    Brooding. lol Seriously, the nearby IFBB NY Pro is a yearly favorite, but this year the promoters chose to drop female bodybuilding from the contests being held that night! grrr It is the beginning of the end for FBB it seems. :-/ On a happier note, just got back from Gold's where I trained back tonight. I hope you're doing well!
    Me either. Should be a fun time. We are bringing you the protein powers and the Advanced Cycle Support and a check :) Is there anything else you all need? I love the back double bi pose. Damn you are built. I think that looks so amazing.
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