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  • mate, that camel rapist is down for a banning if you vote it so, check out the thread in Anything Goes
    sounds like a solid program I am working with the Doc on a supervised program as you saw in my journal I have been fighting weight for 20 years easy,
    Well, quite honestly, I've banged my head over and over trying to loose the fat. I am only concentrating on my workout intensities. I have lost about 8 pounds over a span of 1 year. I don't stare at the scale anymore because it only discourages me. I just concentrate on strength gains and workout intensities and hope that my metabolism is raised in the process. If I can raise my metabolism naturally by lifting heavy than thats all I shoot for. The weight is slowly coming off and I'm happy with that for now. I'm getting some PH's in the mail and will give them a try. I definately will go on some Test E eventually once I get my body to a stronger level.
    I laid out in my backyard today for 2 1/2 hours today and I'm nice and toasted. It's been cool but extremely sunny lately. I've read you journal and that's kick ass.
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