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  • ok "IMO" appearance news, so today I start with cypionate, decanoate and undecyl, I have to wait at least 2 weeks. to see if they feel the effects ..
    we hope for at least mixes hygienically ok
    I am seeing its effects my sleep is fucked up (tren) but i cant say if it is dosed properly or not yet. I am using 500 test e and 300 tren e.
    i dont think it is a good idea to use deca then swich to tren,
    pick one and continue ill the end, not good with hcg but for pct use clomid
    ok wait for news to me .. thanks .. nice package arrived today .. hopefully good content hello thanks
    I cant say for sure it is too early to say, it has been only 10 days, i will let you know how it goes.
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