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Search results

  1. T

    protein shakes.. with water or milk?

    often with milk
  2. T

    Russian bear protein!!

    seems interesting
  3. T

    Most Effective Cardio

    running is best, when I can't run outside I go for the treadmill
  4. T

    Suprfast's "Its what's for dinner"

    those pictures are great, always makes me hungry
  5. T

    My Journey to a 450+ lbs bench

    awesome lift, i'm impressed, good job!
  6. T

    Pretty cool little diet planning site

    ill check this out
  7. T

    Benefits Of Walking Exercise!!

    I prefer jogging and biking
  8. T

    Cheap Foods / Recipes

    that tilapia recipe sounds delicious
  9. T

    Baked Alaskan Omelet

    this looks great for breakfast
  10. T

    Loaded Mashed Cauliflower Recipe

    this sounds good, will try this very soon
  11. T

    Beef Liver and Bodybuilding... Hell yeah.

    its good but not all the time
  12. T

    People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger

    good read, I learned some new stuff about water
  13. T

    Beef and Mock Potato Casserole

    im definitely gonna give this a try
  14. T

    Steak Bites Wrapped in Bacon and Mozzarella

    this is good food, thanks for sharing
  15. T

    Cheesy Bacon Chicken

    you're right, this is beyond amazing
  16. T

    Chocolate Whey Souffle'

    always loved souffle, thanks for sharing
  17. T

    Keto Bacon and Egg Lasagna with Ground Buffalo

    great recipe, i gotta try this ground buffalo too
  18. T

    Weighted Vest improved Running Times

    I've never really tried a weighted vest before but the article is pretty interesting
  19. T

    Triple Chocolate Low Carb Protein Bars

    looks very nice, can't wait to fix one for myself
  20. T

    Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake

    i haven't tried this.. looks really good