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Search results

  1. J

    I requested for bloodwork done from my doctor. Did he give me enough tests?

    Hi guys, I want to do some pre-cycle bloodwork to know what my baseline levels are. I went to see my doctor and asked for some blood for "general health reasons" I checked the bloodwork sticky and there is a ton of things that are tested. My doctor only gave me: Hematology Glucose Baseline...
  2. J

    First Cycle and PCT

    Great post. Great post here. Is this all the needles I'll need? HCG: Tuberculin Syringe 1cc 27G Test: 3cc Syringe 25G x 1 1/2" I find choosing needles is harder than finding gear lol.
  3. J

    Chen not responding?

    Is Chen still running? Been off the scene for the past year and OLM is shut down now. Still have his old email that I ordered from but it's dead. Trying to hunt this guy down.