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Search results

  1. W

    MLG kicks ass

    1mg Adex E3D has worked for me...MLG Test C and Adex. Here are the blood test results I recently got... http://www.ironmagazineforums.com/threads/198819-Labsmd-Results-%28actual-testosterone-number%29-Test-C-amp-Arimidex
  2. W

    Labsmd Results (actual testosterone number): Test C & Arimidex

    Weeks 1-2: 250mg Test C 2x week and 1mg Arimidex E3D Weeks 3-5: 250mg Test C 3x week and 1mg Arimidex E3D Blood was drawn 2-3 days after last shot, which was the beginning of week 6. Got the tests done through Labsmd.com who uses Quest Diagnostics so it lists the actual Testosterone level...
  3. W

    Props to Blue Sky Peptide

    I was seriously impressed with Blue Sky as well. Ordering was simple and the package arrived silly fast. You kinda got me wishing I would've hunted down a discount code, but oh well...live and learn :D
  4. W

    Breakfast Proteins.....I need new ideas

    Steak and eggs Smoothie made with greek yogurt, frozen berries, honey Breakfast sausages (get turkey or chicken if that suits you). Whole foods has some pretty good ones Peanut butter smeared on whatever you can find Or something I feel is way too often neglected...eat dinner food for...
  5. W

    Need first cycle help

    Perhaps, but certainly not the right stuff. Hit the stickies as Warriorblaze has kindly guided you to.
  6. W

    Too much test

    I suppose everything has a price, but good health and peace of mind should certainly be worth more than whatever the gear cost. My vote, for what little it is worth, goes in the toss it camp. It doesn't take that long to get a replacement. I know it's easy to get caught up in the mindset of "i...
  7. W

    Need first cycle help

    The previous responses are all you need. Take a little time each day to read (or binge on weekends) and you''ll have those questions answered plus many more in no time. Sure, someone could come in here and answer each question and give you some specifics, but then what do you have? Random advice...
  8. W

    Purchase Peptides Anastrozole Put to the Test!

    Thank you for this.
  9. W

    Heres a game changer

    Interesting turn of events here. What's that all about? Anyhow thanks for taking the time and spreading the knowledge. I'm sure more people will do the same.
  10. W

    FLEXERIL? (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride)

    If you are going the doctor route you can tell them exactly what's wrong and that it is making sleeping difficult. Also mention that Naproxen, Ibuprofen and Asprin aren't doing the job fully. In addition, check the PM from me
  11. W

    Cheap Bloodwork - How to Get It WITHOUT Insurance

    Seriously great post. Thanks!
  12. W

    Anyone wanna go in on a bag of Krokodil with me?

    Man that's some fucked up shit. Reminds me of an episode of Drugs Inc. when they're in Puerto Rico, and the junkies are getting "jungle rot" from shooting up.
  13. W

    Favorite tv series

    Trailer Park Boys. There's no way you can't like it. Just sit tight through the first 3 episodes (you'll be thinking WTF am I watching a lot), and then enjoy something truly great from then on.
  14. W

    Anyone here read books? I mean real books...

    One of my favorite books. I try to read a little bit every day all year round. If you like that sort of thinking look into Stoicism in general. To the OP: Best books I've read in a long time are by Daniel Suarez. 1) Daemon 2) Freedom 3) Kill Decision. These are the kind of books you just can't...
  15. W

    favorite recreational drug

    Beer MXE Adderall
  16. W

    Christmas Present Ideas

    lol that made my morning. Perfect stocking stuffer...
  17. W

    First Cycle and PCT

    This is just the thread I've been looking for, thank you. Now for more research...
  18. W

    All you need to know about TREN

    Very informative. Helped me make a decision. Thanks.