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  1. thomaslop08

    Fitness Journal

    Good job keep going Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  2. thomaslop08

    super dmz 3.0 first cycle advice

    I just ran super dmz my last cycle and love it, gain around 14 lb , and started when I was around 170lb. My strength went up the roof on my bench press. Right now my max is 275 for 1 rep...
  3. thomaslop08

    My path to get fit and lean, First Journal

    Great picture and love when woman deadlift Sent from my SGH-T599N using Tapatalk
  4. thomaslop08

    My path to get fit and lean, First Journal

    Will be following this journal and see how this first run do for you Sent from my SGH-T599N using Tapatalk
  5. thomaslop08

    What is your Favorite alcoholic beverage?

    Yea can't go wrong with that
  6. thomaslop08

    2013 HERE I come for YOU

    Thank you :)
  7. thomaslop08

    What do you do for a living?

    lol, hey if that where the money come why not
  8. thomaslop08

    What do you do for a living?

    Just trying to gains some new friends lol. What is it that you do for a living? what is your job and what is it you make money off? ?I am in the army reserve this past oct 12 was my 5 yrs in the service, i did 1 tour in Iraq in 08-09. I still have 3 more yrs in my contract. I also work as a...
  9. thomaslop08

    2013 HERE I come for YOU

    Ok today was a good workout, i was supposed to do legs but there was this one guy on the machine so long that i just decide to do back/Traps/biceps/ forearms. Today was my first time taking one pill of super dmz this morning, at 5 i will be taking my second pill. Let see how this week goes.
  10. thomaslop08

    What is your Favorite alcoholic beverage?

    Mine would have to be Jack Daniels and coke. :ohyeah:
  11. thomaslop08

    New Guy Here

    welcome mate
  12. thomaslop08

    2013 HERE I come for YOU

    Goal: My goal for this cycle is to gain an amount of LBM and strength, hopefully this cycle go good. And to make sure I keep this gain on the post ?pct I will upload before and after picture and see how my progress goes from there. CYCLE: Super DMZ RX 2.0 ? 30 days, 2 caps daily 1 cap with...
  13. thomaslop08

    Did We Exist In Our Previous Life?

    Anyone believe that we was someone in our previous life. I know we have no memorys of what happened if there was an afterlife. Some people have suggested that we didn't even exist so we wasn't actually dead at all. Nobody knows for sure we will find out when eventually when we die. Many...
  14. thomaslop08

    My Journey

    I had a mind set like that before every time i went to the gym i just did what i like more and mainly it was chest and shoulder. but now tomorrow i will be started my log and i don't know if you ever heard of the rock hard challenge i use it before and my diet was good and i saw a lot of...
  15. thomaslop08

    New guy from MMA to BBing

  16. thomaslop08

    New to the Site

  17. thomaslop08

    My Journey

    what is your main goal meaning in strength like bence press, squat, etc
  18. thomaslop08

    Comment by 'thomaslop08' in media 'hot'

    i will like that asshole