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  1. _Romeo_

    Blood work before 2nd Cycle...... God damn it's LOW

    I do feel good, and the libido is still way MORE than fine..... i am gonna have to see an endocrinologist i guess.
  2. _Romeo_

    Blood work before 2nd Cycle...... God damn it's LOW

    all indications are pointing to TRT....it was low before, low after, low still. I gotta start researching TRT and how bad this thing is... i might at least feel better once i am taking adequate amount of test that i never had before.
  3. _Romeo_

    Blood work before 2nd Cycle...... God damn it's LOW

    oh nice... that's comforting.lol i am gonna have a legit reason to pin every other f*** day.lol Life is good again. with all seriousness, i have suspected the low Test thing in my early 20's since i have a couple of surgeries done on my left Testicle. From that day on, i just pressed on and...
  4. _Romeo_

    Blood work before 2nd Cycle...... God damn it's LOW

    well, got my blood work results before starting 2nd cycle, and i don't know what to make of it. Blood work 1 month prior to 1st cycle and my Total Test was @ 314 (250-1100 ng/dL) ...and Free test was @ 73.3 (35-155 pg/mL) Blood work 1 month after my PCT and my Total test was @ 329 (249-836...
  5. _Romeo_

    PLEASE CRITIQUE ........ Full Cycle from A to Z (AAS, Training, Diet)

    brother, this goes against a lot of things i grew up hearing... will take it on though. always good to keep an open mind... i appreciate it.
  6. _Romeo_

    PLEASE CRITIQUE ........ Full Cycle from A to Z (AAS, Training, Diet)

    you think i would still obtain mass if i were to consume 100-150g a day of carbs (between pre and post workouts) without having to cycle them?
  7. _Romeo_

    PLEASE CRITIQUE ........ Full Cycle from A to Z (AAS, Training, Diet)

    I would love to adapt that and stay lean all the time... but this seems to go against what we were taught regarding bulking and carbs....so you are saying their diet consists of Low/minimal carb days (training days) and NO carbs on off day? Can you achieve hypertrophy that way?
  8. _Romeo_

    PLEASE CRITIQUE ........ Full Cycle from A to Z (AAS, Training, Diet)

    And i thought my carbs were a bit low.lol I don't do well with carbs... first cycle of test alone i put on 28 pounds, kept solid 10lbs (i am a endomorph)... so it took my a while trying to get rid of that excess fat. That's why i chose the carb cycling, hoping i would minimize the...
  9. _Romeo_

    PLEASE CRITIQUE ........ Full Cycle from A to Z (AAS, Training, Diet)

    so drop the var and up the prop & npp!!... that's a first. what would you suggest i up it to? I was contemplating upping the dosage. and as for the routine split... isn't it an overkill to train arms arms twice a week? they are already being worked on with bigger muscles as it is!!
  10. _Romeo_

    PLEASE CRITIQUE ........ Full Cycle from A to Z (AAS, Training, Diet)

    After a ton of reading and preparing for my 2nd cycle... need your input on Cycle all together Stats: 32 yrs, 5'7, 194lbs, 14%BF, 10+ years lifting Goal: Clean bulk, looking to add 10 pounds of solid lean mass. Gear for 12 weeks: Prop 150 EOD, NPP 125 EOD, last 6 weeks on Var at 75mg Daily...
  11. _Romeo_

    Carb Cycling for a bulk ..... Need Clarification please

    I am pretty well aware of the breakdown...and i wasn't going gram for gram, check the numbers again :) Anyone else would like to chime in on the structure of it? Should calories remain the same daily just manipulate the macros or the daily calorie fluctuation isn't that big of deal as long as...
  12. _Romeo_

    Carb Cycling for a bulk ..... Need Clarification please

    Hey folks... been reading up on carb cycling as i am getting ready for my next bulk... apparently i didn't go too great last cycle in the fat department. my confusion is here.... my BMR is 1990 ... TDEE @ 3,680 Once i drop the carb on my low days, i should make up for it in the fat column...
  13. _Romeo_

    Calling on those who have run NPP ................. Please Critique

    hopefully the gains will be as good as the planning i am putting into this cycle. Boy am i gonna be a pinning cushion !!!!
  14. _Romeo_

    Calling on those who have run NPP ................. Please Critique

    thanks all for the response..... i am adjusting a couple of things. weeks 1-12 Prop at 150 EOD weeks 1-10 NPP at 100/125mg EOD Last 6 weeks Var at 75mg better ?
  15. _Romeo_

    Calling on those who have run NPP ................. Please Critique

    Your Input is appreciate. Goal: Lean Bulk Stats: 32 years old, 5'7, 198, 14% BF, lifting for more than 10 years. Proposed Cycle: Week 1-10 test Prop @ 125 EOD Week 1-9 NPP @ 125 EOD Week 4-10 Var @ 75mg ED Aromasin @ 12.5mg ED Caber @ .5mg E3D HCG 250iu Twice a week throughout...
  16. _Romeo_

    Please Critique ..... Prop - NPP - VAR Cycle

    Question: Do you guys recommend running NPP at 150mg eod... Prop at 100mg eod or just leave them both the same at 150 eod ?
  17. _Romeo_

    Please Critique ..... Prop - NPP - VAR Cycle

    Thank you longworthb .... will keep you updated at far as the progress. Still thinking of dropping the Prop dosage to 150mg eod and starting PCT 3 days after last shot.
  18. _Romeo_

    Please Critique ..... Prop - NPP - VAR Cycle

    Thank you all for the input... i am adjusting a few things based on feedback i am getting. week 1-8 Test Prop @ 200mg EOD week 1-8 NPP @ 200mg EOD week 1-8 Var @ 50-100mg Daily (dosage depending on how i react to it) HCG & Aromasin from Beginning to end ... Caber E3D PCT (one week after last...