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  1. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    Things are good. I move to Geneva on Tues and in between gyms now so not been going as much as I would have liked. Gonna get a day pass on Monday and train hard. My diet for the last week has pretty much been protein smoothies, cereal and lots of milk (over 2 litres a day). Once I get to Geneva...
  2. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    The first night of my new cycle I dosed 1mg sermorelin and 500mcg ipamorelin pre bed. I woke up feeling more rested but expected more. Anyway the 2nd night I dosed exactly the same but that time woke up and my hands were ridiculously numb and I felt like I had had a really deep sleep. I have...
  3. Elvia1023


    I am loving my Ipam cycle. I am only dosing it once daily but will start doing it twice soon. For the first 2 days I used 1mg sermorelin and 500mcg Ipam pre bed. The following 2 nights I used 1mg tesamorelin and 500mcg ipamorelin. I have noticed an increase in fatigue though which is a good sign...
  4. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    I never realized I didn't have enough bac water to cover everything so I ordered more. It come today so I will be starting my peptide cycle tonight. My cycle will be... AM= CJC no DAC at 100mcg and Ipamorelin at 500mcg. Glutathione at 100mcg (eod) PM= Tesamorelin at 1mg and Ipamorelin at...
  5. Elvia1023


    I am waiting for some bac water but it should come 2moro. Therefore I get to start my cycle. I am gonna run... AM= 100mcg cjc no dac and 500mcg ipamorelin PM= 1mg tesamorelin and 500mcg ipamorelin Not used ipam for ages so excited to try. It's my fav GHRP and looking forward to the results...
  6. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    I am training hard again. Really going for it now. I trained back, rear delts and calves for 3 hours today. 2moro I am thinking chest and quads before work. I started adrol today at 50mg and decided to add in 20mg dbol (both pre workout). After 1 week I will up the adrol to 100mg split 50mg pre...
  7. Elvia1023

    Health foods worth mentioning

    This is blatantly obvious and it probably provides the most health benefits out of everything. But it's worth a mention because even though obvious I do not have enough.... water. This really makes your body work more effectively and flushes out all the toxins and keeps us looking our best. I...
  8. Elvia1023

    Health foods worth mentioning

    Manuka honey is another great one worth mentioning. I haven't used it for years but plan to start some fairly soon. I would always get at least a 10 UMF.
  9. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    It's been a while but wanted to update with my progress etc. Things have been good. I noticed a drop in fat loss after stopping the pep combo. I did dose GHRP-2 (solo) a few times but it feels so strong I don't really like it. Granted I took too much but one time I was literally a sweating wreck...
  10. Elvia1023


    If that's your budget you are best just getting 1-2 bottles of MK-677 and running that at 25mg every day. That is one of the most effective things you can run solo especially on a low budget.
  11. Elvia1023

    Health foods worth mentioning

    I enjoy a varied diet, love my food and also like to experiment. I take various things that can negatively effect my health so I try to counteract that when I can through my diet. I just wanted to briefly go over a few things many may find beneficial in adding to your diet. Most of these things...
  12. Elvia1023

    Slower release carb powders

    I am just curious if any of you guys use complex carb powders? I see threads about Karboload, Dextrose and HBCD's but never about other carb powders. I prefer whole foods but sometimes powders are more convenient. Price comes into it for me as on a bit of a budget now. I use HBCD's and aminos...
  13. Elvia1023

    Scared About MK-677

    x2 You have nothing to worry about at all. You would have to abuse high doses of HGH over an extended period of time for such side effects. I know guys who have used 10IU HGH most days for years straight and showed next to no sign of acromegaly. MK-677 is super strong but it is not gonna do...
  14. Elvia1023


    x2 Firstly you can get 5mg cjc no dac vials and they work out cheaper. Plus your maths is wrong. If you added 2ml bac water to a 2mg vial it would mean every 0.1ml would be 100mcg and you would get 20 injs per vial. I would recommend running your peptides for at least 6 weeks but 12 would be...
  15. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    Off the peps now but hoping to get on a new cycle soon. Reading everyone's posts on mk-677 etc don't help although the last thing I want is bloat right now. Gonna tighten up even more and get my waist down. Feeling good and had a great workout early today. Although I had a bad start to the day...
  16. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    Things have been great. I am in a good routine now. I have made small improvements in the last week so I am happy. Unfortunately I have finished my LR3 and PEG MGF but hope to start a new peptide cycle soon. I am happy but realize I will have to lower carbs slightly as I am currently consuming...
  17. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    Yesterday I trained shoulders with hamstrings. Today I trained abs, back and finished with sled pushes. Being training really hard and the sled pushes always done me in today. I was on the floor shaking barely able to breathe but it felt good :D The last few days I have ate pretty much clean...
  18. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1

    I had a day off the gym today but will be training 2moro morning before work. My plan is back and hamstrings. I am feeling good and ready for 2moro. After 2 days of watching what I eat more my waist literally feels 2 inches smaller. My aims over the next few weeks is overall fat loss. I want to...
  19. Elvia1023

    LR3, PEG MGF and PGE-1
