The workout from Saturday & Sunday
So Saturday I did the Dumbell workout and as long as I kept my elbows forward of my shoulders it was okay.
Today I did an FST-7 style arm workout with short rest periods throughout.
Alt DB Curl - 22.5x12, 30x12, 35x12, 35x7
Preacher Curl -...
No problem!
So today was another workout and my shoulder was still very sensitive. It looks like I will be going to a less heavy program for a while.
This mornings workout was
30 seconds rest between sets and on the supersets there was absolutely no rest just back and forth.
DB Front...
No problem I will be popping in a bit I am running a log on Osta-Gains CJC-1295 with DAC right now in the research section pop on by if you get the chance.
Current Measurements and planned FST-7 split.
Here are my current measurements as of yesterday morning. I expect these to go down some as my body fat comes down but other than the waist line I don't think there should be any large changes unless I get into leaning up and go to a full on cut...
The 1295 with DAC elevates the GH levels in the blood for 14 days after the injection. Due to the long half life the saturation point is much higher think of it more like a longer acting steroid like Testosterone Decanoate. Not saying the growth is there but one thing that is increased on this...
Hey Guys, I am about 2.5 weeks late on getting this log started but I have pictures of where I was at the start and can go into a few of the things already gone on.
I am researching my rat who has been on a 10 month cruise and blast period and is not trying to get his huge rat like nads...
No doubt all of these are good choices. You might have a look at Shredded Labs ALPHA-1 as well.
Bottom line is Designer Steriods are typically already active and Pro Hormones require conversion so for fast acting stick to your Designers.
I got some of the Paragon for when I am kick-starting my boys back up soon. I only picked up one bottle, Craig do you think this will be enough in conjunction with a SERM after a 6 month Blast - Cruise - Blast?
Orbit's selection is great no matter what your preference is... Although with our selection and shipping it would be a bit queer to go elsewhere. Queer = Odd... See what I did there?
Also check into iForce Heart Help for your lipid if you are not on a statin from your doctor it is an amazing product we carry it and the Osta-Gain. And all of the ironmag labs products at and both for great prices.
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The mk-2866 or ostarine is very mild on lipids and is compared to deca-nandralone in higher doses. It is designed to be Anabolic in the muscle and not effect the lipids, prostate or hairline much. Out of the current anabolics it is probably one of the safer ones out there. However you may find...
Hopefully it stays weak but you will be getting a lot of rain regardless. Legs look great your physique is quite a bit like my wife's. Very nice bicep, I know some guys who's arms don't look that good.
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