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  1. Me the 6 August 2009

    Me the 6 August 2009

  2. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    Heavy would like your advice on the cycle below, I want to cut but add some mass too. Was wondering if it's best to start the first 4 weeks with SDMZ or finish the last 4 weeks with it?????? Tell me. Althought since I had a slight Gyno the last time, could I finish my PCT with some Nolva to...
  3. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    GoD!!!! You have to show us that!!! Post a picture ASAP!!!!
  4. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    Hey Heavy! Was wondering how your body looks like now??? are you fat or ripped???? send us some picture!!! and don't say I'm gay!
  5. C

    Gym jones

    Does someone know these guys and their training? Maybe one of you have been there? Their training seems to come from Cross Fit. Tell me what you think about them. Here is theyr link : Gym Jones / Home
  6. C

    Cutting Cycle

    I'll stay Away from tren!
  7. C

    Cutting Cycle

    Thx Captn always good advice
  8. C

    Cutting Cycle

    Hey guys, what do you think of this cycle to cut: 10 weeks Test E 700mg stack with SDMZ 2.0 the first 4 weeks What do you think if I add Winstrol or Anavar? Don't wanna use T3 or Clen
  9. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    Do you recommend it at the end of the cycle, for example during the last 5 weeks, lowering the dose progressively to not stop it brutaly keeping safe your own thyro?d?
  10. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    Heavy concerning T3 I read that it could completely shut down my thyroid. At 50mcg's daily is this risk real or not?
  11. C

    Third cycle

    OK Darth. Leanmachine what are you talking about ??? Too quick too fast??? I think I've been so far really conservative trying to be the most secure in my steroid use.
  12. C

    Third cycle

    OK. What do you mean by 1g of test s really a sweet spot????? I pin i my two legs???
  13. C

    Third cycle

    ok maybe I typed too much... Darth I made this cycle according to Heavy advices so to net it out : 1G of test+ SDMZ 2.0 first four weeks+ proviron+ T3 with Aromasin and Nolva along the cycle. I don't wanna be big but ripped and add a little more mass plus I'm not familiar at all with deca and mast
  14. C

    Third cycle

    No it's just a good reminder to write it all. if it bothered you, you didn't have to answer.
  15. C

    Third cycle

    Hi guys! Feel free to comment and suggest ajustements if needed! I did two cycles, the first one between: 21st february 2012 to 21st apriil 2012 ( 10weeks) The second one: 24th september 2012 to 2nd december 2012 ( 10 weeks) The first one was with just 500mg of Test E, the second one was...
  16. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    Hi Heavy, I did two cycles, the first one between: 21st february 2012 to 21st apriil 2012 ( 10weeks) The second one: 24th september 2012 to 2nd december 2012 ( 10 weeks) The first one was with just 500mg of Test E, the second one was with Test E at 750mg with a kickstart during the first 4...
  17. C

    Am I getting gyno or am I crazy???

    Yep I won't touch them for sure. Nolva is already doing is job! Have you already get a gyno?
  18. C

    Q & A with John Connor Expert AAS advisor

    Heavy, Don't know if you remember me but to be sure: I'm 9 weeks after my PCT ( Test E for 10 weeks at 700mg with a frontload of sdmz 2.0 during the first 4 weeks. Since a week my tits hurt in an unusual way. They look exactly the same than before, absolutely no change when I look at them in...
  19. C

    Am I getting gyno or am I crazy???

    Hi guys, I went to see my doc he sent me to pass a mammography. It reveals that I have a bilateral gynecomastia. Nothing bad at all, but still Gynecomastia. As I said, my tits don't hurt anymore and their aspect are still strictly the same than before my cycle. I'm taking Zymoplex since almost...