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  1. A

    what do you do with stupid motherfucker like _LG_ ?

    Sounds like you need to get your estrogen in check. Maybe up your aromasin dose. lol
  2. A

    Blueprint buy one get one sale

    Thanks jimmy. I was hoping someone in touch with him would be able to ease my mind.
  3. A

    Blueprint buy one get one sale

    Yeah I know they aren't a sponsor anymore. I'm just hoping they didn't screw some people over on their way out. It's good to hear HungLo got hos stuff in 14 days. There is still hope. Lol
  4. A

    Blueprint buy one get one sale

    Anyone order anything from this sale and actually recieve your stuff yet? I've ordered from them in the past and received everything fairly quickly. It's been 10 days since my payment was picked up.
  5. A

    Test E and EQ Stack

    Thanks badgas. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  6. A

    Test E and EQ Stack

    Sounds good. I'll get right on that. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  7. A

    Test E and EQ Stack

    Looking to add something to a test cycle to continue to put on some size without all the bloat associated with Deca.
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    Test E and EQ Stack

    What ratios do you guys usually run your Test and EQ at? Some people tell me to go more on the EQ some tell me equal EQ and Test. Some people say More test then EQ. I was reading on some other forums and getting mixed info everywhere. Currently my plan is to run EQ at 600mg/EW and Test at...
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    A Closer Look at World Pharma

    Where is world pharma? Are they domestic to the US?
  10. A

    40 yr old newbie looking for advice

    Check the stickies. There is a good one called first cycle and PCT. It has everything you really need to know about a basic. Here is the link. cycle.http://www.ironmagazineforums.com/threads/104658-First-Cycle-and-PCT
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    First cycle

    It will be interesting to see where you end up at the end of your cycle without much working out.
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    Asian Fever

    LOL Really?!?
  13. A

    Where did BP go??

    Not a good sign.
  14. A

    Which will make my butt grow faster??

    Booty WOW!! LOL
  15. A

    Take a look at my Labs

    He is running 750
  16. A

    favorite place to pin?

    Delts. Quads kill for a couple days after each pin. Im about to give them another shot though and see how it goes.
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    Heavyiron attacks bigd for extortion resistance

    I like BP more and more everyday.
  18. A

    Blood work

    Read the sticky that says cheap blood work. Its pretty much laid out step by step.
  19. A

    Test only

    I am just getting into my 3rd week of test e. Im running 600mg/EW pinning on Mondays and Thursdays. So far strength has been fairly normal should start kicking in within the next couple weeks though. I have been waking up feeling awesome everyday though. Not sure it this is a normal side effect...
  20. A

    Low libido fix by cycling test?

    Any amount of test over his normal level will keep him suppressed. This is AAS 101. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk