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  1. S

    Can anybody here help me out?

    Its a true ups box. It's under my own name. If the package was caught at customs what would happen? Would they just send a seizure letter? Thanks guys!
  2. S

    Can anybody here help me out?

    Hey guys! Thinking about making a order for a couple bottles of test e and was wondering if anybody had any trouble shipping to a po box? And how good are naps with customs? This would be first time ordering international. I live in USA if that helps. Thanks guys, Sohappy
  3. S

    NS4W : Celeb Oops!

  4. S

    NS4W : Celeb Oops!

  5. S

    Is this guy on drugs

  6. S

    Is this guy on drugs

    what a beast
  7. S

    lol guys at my gym say working legs is bullshit.

    do you even lift bro?
  8. S

    Honey Boo Boo reveals her pick for president

    Nasty trailer trash
  9. S

    BOOTY and TITS

  10. S

    DO test levels drop with age?

    Test goes down, DHT goes up. Hair becomes non-existent.
  11. S

    cost of testostorone

  12. S

    next cycle thoughts

    Go with test e.
  13. S

    I lost my dick forever?

  14. S

    What to take after my first cycle is done

    Research your cycles and then make your choice.
  15. S


    Definitely eat more. Train harder. Its that easy.
  16. S

    Do I have gyno

  17. S

    been 8 years....

    GO FOR IT! :winkfinger:
  18. S

    Acne control on cycle? Accutane??

    I would not take accutane on a cycle as well. Maybe try retin-a you need a prescription for it. Watch out for the dry/flakey skin the first couple of weeks!
  19. S

    Dont destroy me for this

    Eat till you cant eat anymore..then eat some more. Meat, Eggs, Whey. It's as simple as that.