So I'm planning my second cycle.
Age: 30
Weight: 155
Height: 5'5
Bf: 12%
Goal: Recomp. Competing in a weight sports so I can't get too heavy.
Thinking of running
8 Weeks Cycle
0.7ml Tren A 100 Eod - 245mg Tren A a Week
0.3ml Test P 100 Eod - 105mg Test P a Week
Caber 1mg a week...
From my many months of research, tren E is side effects in a vial. Its weaker than Ace & takes longer to kick in and it stays in your body so long and it causes a lot of sides for most people. I know peoppe have ran Tren e with no problems but Tren A would be most suitable for everyone - 50mg Ed...
Okay so I totally get what you're saying. I'm currently in my week 4 CJC 1295 DAC, 2mg/week. 1 shot a week. I'll run it for total of 16 weeks. Then I'll run my anabolic cycle after.
Also a few more question,
1. u mentioned u gained 20+lbs on your 1st & 2nd cycle. Don't mind me asking, what...
With 500mix of test, I'd still need like 12.5mg aromasin EOD aye?
So for var, no more than 6 weeks? I've read that some ran up to 10 weeks with no problem.
So something like this looks good?
1-12 500mg test Ed
1-12 50mg provieon Ed
1-6 50mg anavar Ed
1-12 12.5mg aromasin Eod
For reals...
Yea I get what you're saying, I definitely know how to diet and cut, just that it takes a long time to build muscle & lean out st the same time - recomp. And I wanna get a huge total in my up coming competition. I also definitely wanna look good and lean. I'm relatively lean now, 10-12% bf.
Because eq actually has good quality muscles, not whole bunch of water. When I ran my first cycle of 500mg test, I held a lot of water & had acnes on my chest & back, it wasn't super serious but it was frustrating.
Maybe it was because of the dbol I ran. I was thinking of 300mg because of the...
Hello everyone, I've a question regarding running moderate low test + high eq for my 2nd cycle.
I'm 27, 5'4.5 weight 138-140, body fat 10-12%
Im light because I compete in a certain weight class in powerlifting so I can't bulk too heavy as I have a make my weight class.
Goal is to recomp &...
Hello guys, have you guys heard of Saw their website, having pretty good deals. Just wondering has anyone bought and tried their peptides? Thanks
Hey John, question regarding hCG. Is it better to inject Subq rather than IM? Because from what I've researched, IM seems fine.
So which one would you recommend? Subq or IM?
Whats the difference if we can do it IM and alot of guys are saying Subq only..?
Okay according to your PCT protocol,Day 1-16 : 2500iu HCG every other day. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG etd.)
100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)
What about 1-8 300-350mg?
8-12 500 mg
Should I do PCT at week 14 or just cruise with 125mg for 6 weeks n blast 500mg with dbol kick start for another 8-10 weeks
Hey John quick question what do u think of my first cycle.
1-8 test c 250mg x 1 (see how my body react with AAS)
IF bloat or gyno appear I've letro , tamoxi & arimdex on hand
8-12 250mg x 2 pin
8-12 might use adex .5mg end if bloating
12- 16 cruise on 125mg a week
16 - 24 250mg x 2 pin
16 -...
What about gear, have you guys tried bringing any into the US from other country? I'll be going over in sept for studies but I'm afraid of getting caught with gear in my luggage
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