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  1. twisted

    Wifes new pet !!

    Thats a cool pet man ......👍
  2. twisted

    Wifes new pet !!

    Lolz....put some dbols in the fruit :roflmao:
  3. twisted

    The Word on PAXTON

    Maybe you did .....or there hit and miss idk ....hey if works for you great brother ...
  4. twisted

    New Here

    Welcome ....
  5. twisted

    The Word on PAXTON

    Oh yeah the dreadful "how come nobody said anything thread".....:mooh:
  6. twisted

    The Word on PAXTON

    Well if your just hearin this now than maybe you havent been payin attention ....multiple members done labs and proved there test was under ....if you went up 45lbs benchin with there gear then that means you should double that with properly dosed gear .... but hey if you like it and you feel...
  7. twisted

    New to this forum

    Sonabitch lolz.....
  8. twisted

    What do you guys wear to the gym, far as foot wear?

    Nike cortezs old school all the way :roflmao:
  9. twisted

    Medlabs still operational

    I kinda got the spot lite in the face questioning by the guys on asf about my steppin down thread .....but I understand some what why ....I had a long convo with ripped the day I stepped down and he assured me he would make it rite .....with that bein said and knowin there were other reps still...
  10. twisted

    New member here

    Welcome ...... All new members can count on brazey to welcome them :wacko:
  11. twisted

    New member 45 yrs old

    Welcome sorrg alittle late to the party ...:geewhiz:
  12. twisted

    Clear ur inbox I cant private message u !!! Its full

    Clear ur inbox I cant private message u !!! Its full
  13. twisted

    We gotta get ur post count up to 11 ....and ppease gp to new members subforum and introduce...

    We gotta get ur post count up to 11 ....and ppease gp to new members subforum and introduce urself ......post up ur stats ....ex height weight age ...how long u been workin?
  14. twisted

    Another medlabs blow out sale!!

    Sorry to have to announce this guys/gals, but this sale is coming to a end tonite at mid nite ...... Get those orders in.....!!!
  15. twisted

    newbie info

    Welcome aboard brother ....
  16. twisted

    Another medlabs blow out sale!!

    Ok guys announcement ...hcg doesnt count as an item for sale purposes ....sorry guys
  17. twisted

    Another medlabs blow out sale!!

    Ok we here medlabs have wwnt a step further with this sale .....new first time customers post count has been lowered to 25 .......all we ask is to be honest and gimmick accts.....:ohyeah:
  18. twisted

    Another medlabs blow out sale!!

    YES GUYS/GALS WE HERE AT MEDLABS ARE GIVING YOU ANOTHER SHOT AT A HUGE SALE !!! Ok heres how sale is layed out .....10 item minium .....30% off for return customers ...... New first time customers will recieve 2 free vials of there choice in addition of 30%.off order.....new customers must...
  19. twisted

    585lbs squat

    Nice work....
  20. twisted

    Gyno once again. Help.

    Whos ais are u using?