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  1. S

    Why is my upper back being unresponsive to chin/pull-ups

    I can do 5 unassisted chins at this point. After that I just go a machine, the ones that help you a bit, and take of enough weight to where I can do 12 reps. The more I experience failure the more assistance I use. I usually go for 8 sets.
  2. S

    Why is my upper back being unresponsive to chin/pull-ups

    Palms facing away from me and pulling up isn't working my upper back? Are you sure? This seems to go against everything I've known about pulls/chins. Also, I can feel the muscles in my upper back contracting, particularly my traps.
  3. S

    Why is my upper back being unresponsive to chin/pull-ups

    After taking a long hiatus from lifting and being ill for 6 months I've decided to get back into lifting. To my suprise some muscles haven't atrophied much, if it all, while others have significantly. Pecs, lower back, and stomach stayed in relatively good shape, upper back and legs went to...
  4. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Okay, I don't know how you guys do the quote thing but here it goes. Prince, thanks for the advice. I'll give it a shot and see how I do. I just thought that me not lifting would help me avoid getting into catabolics. As in I wouldn't put my body in a state of break down that it couldn't get...
  5. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Okay, so I should just stop running, keep my calorie intake at the same level, start lifting, and just get better carbs?
  6. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    I know you guys got better things to do, but could anyone possibly get me a eating outline and calorie intake that would allow me to lose fat and possibly gain muscle at the same time?
  7. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    About 2000 a day. Could be 100 calories above or below depending on the day.
  8. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Yeah, I'm male. And yeah, I get my vegetables. They'd usually be in a sandwich or a pasta dish. Wow. I thought pasta was low glycemic. So you guys just suggest lifting and cutting calories?
  9. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Haha. No, no, I do. I didn't get your last post til after I put up my what I usually go through.
  10. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Yeah, I realize. Okay, here's what I had today. Meal 1: 4 eggs, wheat bread, glass of milk, vitamins, water. Somwhere around 400 calories. Meal 2: Protein shake, cup of milk, peanut butter and water. Somewhere around 400 calories. A little more or a little less. Actually they all are at...
  11. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Oh, and I know it's a lot. But do you know how I could possibly get cut slowly but somehow keep putting on muscle? I would try a ECA or something but I have ADD and I don't think it'd work. Should I give it a shot?
  12. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Do you still want me to list what I eat over the course of... say... a week?
  13. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Daily diet? Ummm... well, it varies. I don't do any carb cutting or anything. I do avoid stuff with high glycemic index's. I make sure I get all my good fats in and I make sure I get a lot of protien in. I eat 5 times a day.
  14. S

    18 year old needs diet help

    Hey, I've been trying forever but I just can't seem to get ripped. Whats the deal? I'm 5'7 and weigh in at 135. I cut down to 2,000 calories and run 3 miles a day. I cut out weight lifting during this time. I've been at i6t about 2 weeks and I don't think much is happening. Am I possibly...
  15. S

    Will ephedrine shrink your "unit"?

    I've heard some things. I'm speculating it's a rumor, since the same was said with creatine. Well, does anyone know?
  16. S

    Safe thermogenic for 17 year old? Zwa?

    I was thinking that too, but 34.9 times the burning fat rate is mighty appealling. I could get cut up before wrestling really fast that way. I don't use it durning the season of course.
  17. S

    Safe thermogenic for 17 year old? Zwa?

    Is there such thing? The new EFX stuff says it's epedrine free but I've saw a warning. Plus it said there were some things that had to do with glands so I think I'll stay away. My hormones are already going crazy if the scientists who write biology books are right. If you have a answer just...
  18. S

    Damn Sludge!

    Try using the pulse feature a lot if you have it.
  19. S

    Creatine on a Cut

    Yeah, you'll lose the fat. But you'll retain water. But just run and sweat a bit and don't drink a ton and it will be gone. I think Cytodyne had a product for getting water out of your system.
  20. S

    Usnic Acid

    What is it?