This is a great trick I learned from my doctor Micronizing gatorade or any sports drink. Gatorade has creatine precursers which activate arginine response and when micronized in fruit punch or orange juice it is easily absorbed and works more efficiently. Take a tablespoon gatorade blend in a...
in the body building arena cancer happens this is an oldie but goodie trick to shrink tumors. Take a teaspoon wheat Grass and blend into 16oz apple juice. This combination creates the optimum ph for the human body 7.5, when you fight cancer it is important to calorie restrict or fast a...
"ANABOIC steroids deemed more effective and safer than mainstream whey products for those not mentally ill" says professor Heck of Washington state University. All the additives and artificial sweeteners are toxic to the liver. When you are healthy those toxins are eliminated but you know how...
I'm going off the internet by next year while dumb founded people scalp media, foreigners are planning a big cyber war they will involve the little guy. Contributed some very practical useful things... The best fiber is veggie fiber perhaps some fruits. say roasted peppers onions and squash...
you have all heard it creatine is a combonation of Arginine Ornithine and Glutamine maybe a little Proline. This is how to make Creatine-Glycilnate very nice for alternate intake just be very careful to keep it at 5cc or there will be medical complications such as bleeding or heart failure. if...
I am not your enemy I never was your enemy Jessica forced her life on me 20 years ago. Jessica got into trouble recently with her kid after a previous incest picture and video leak which they did not confiscate her computers or network this time they DID on her computer was a occult and...
I just want to warn you of a problem that has arised in the past I don't know 3 months Jessica Alba has been opening up multiple identities in the shout boxes and forums in hopes to kill them and eat body builders. She is a hacker a high occultist and a vicious cannibal she has been practicing...
I was sleeping in my chair a government contractor entered my house with the key put nitro glycerin in my starbucks iced coffee it's reaction was slowed because of the antioxidants I laid down reached for it to drink "holy shit this is warm" poured it down the toilet thought it was C4 like they...
Yeah that bitch Jessica Alba has been a cannibal for years it's her favorite thing. The superiors have a thing about weeding people out. humble suggestion Intercept the meat and make it her last meal
I'm not doing too well I decreased my anabolic this witch I am enemies with has put a bind on all of my activities and pleasure I can't even get out of bed without feeling anguish. so less pumps but its better this way
I would like to further inform you that she has access to a navy lazer that is sacred technology. Her father gets in front of a judge that is payed off by her fathers cousin and tells the judge that people are a danger to his family and Jessica gets to "inact justice"
spermetogenesis is fine if you want babies and to be a romantic but a lot of people including myself want an anabolic or sarm without the mysterious odiferous molecules that make you want to hump a picture on your computer or worse
purification technique using brown rice tincture (TEST FOR...
You may have wondered how an injection lasts in the system for 4 weeks well I wondered too and a good friend taught me there is a industrial method and then there is this basic experiment
make some baking soda water and throw in some tribulus
get some white vinegar throw in some tribulus
since your in the porn business and your daughter is obcessed with my dick I want to tell you a story there was a porn star who used the bathroom and got excriment on his cock. He walks back into the shoot with it all over the bottom of his penis and says "all right I need a fluff" the director...
your one adorable fucked up puerto rican you know that? You and your daughter cause all this fucking trouble and controversy here in NY then when things don't go your way you weasle out the little guy and give the italian gentleman benefits to alter the skylers psych meds 19 fucking years and...
JessicaMA why don't you go to the mourge and let one out for the mortician too you stinky little bitch and fuck your abusive father MARKma with his ripped pieces of paper and concise bullshit about how I'm a danger to your family ID LOVE TO BE A DANGER TO YOUR FAG FAMILY YOU WOULDN"T HAVE A...
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