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Search results

  1. K

    "Issues" during PCT

    I wonder how not running hcg until end of the cycle affected the whole situation. Happy recovery!!
  2. K

    First Cycle and PCT

    Heavyiron, what's ur take on this method of hcg usage and pct: HCG During Cycle, Compelling Article Main difference being the stopping hcg usage one week prior to esters clearing. Thanks for any info or help.
  3. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Victory is mine...
  4. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Dos mad.....
  5. K

    PMs /New Guys

    TThree more..
  6. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Four mote
  7. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Lost pm capacity
  8. K

    PMs /New Guys

    AAll escapes.....
  9. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Diets max
  10. K

    PMs /New Guys

  11. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Fudge packers win..
  12. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Drew brees....
  13. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Great game part migjy..
  14. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Who does it best..
  15. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Monk who??
  16. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Gettin Der....
  17. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Need to ordered.....
  18. K

    PMs /New Guys

    Fake TOT...
  19. K

    PMs /New Guys

    This takesca
  20. K

    PMs /New Guys
