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  1. niki


    Since the good Lord did not see fit to bestow upon me gracefulness or coordination, I have had to learn compound lifts in segments. So, instead of clean and jerks, which I've tried to learn several times, I am focusing on just the upper movement. I do not know what to call these, and my...
  2. niki

    Why ?

    I think anal bitching for the win!
  3. niki

    Why ?

    I think anal bitching for the win!
  4. niki

    Career Women, just say no to them

    went to school to help relieve hubby's financial burden when the economy tanked - six months to graduation he wanted a divorce. Now I have a career and angry kids. And cured of the idea of marriage.
  5. niki


    Alright, busier than usual this week with training at work. Day 1: Flat bench: 3x5, 135 Decline: 4x5, 135 Incline: 3x5, 135 Pec flies: 3x8 I can't remember..... Day 2 Calf press - 20 reps each set Leg press - 8 High foot placement press- 8-12 335, 465, 605, 695, 785 for two sets. Last set...
  6. niki

    Why ?

    :roflmao: Photoshop aside....you just might want to grab a pin and start poking. Unless its the ego causing all that swelling..... ;)
  7. niki

    Why ?

    God, there's always so much work to do, Captn', never get a break!
  8. niki


    Sorta day three - went wi a friend and got cut short. barbell military - 5x95)3 rows 3x8 120 HHR - 3x8 225 Reverse assist chins 5 - rushed, dammit.
  9. niki

    Why ?

    Oh, and I second theCapt'n......... no tickling!!
  10. niki

    Why ?

    Ya got me me coming AND going? ONLY if you can lift more than I do, deal? I got better pics, but I'm shy and not so savvy with my new pc or what is now IM.....
  11. niki

    Why ?

    lol,YOURS work! am I being punished for leaving, or coming back??
  12. niki

    What is your favorite Pumping Iron scene?

    I've seen it probably 5/6 times. And any scene where they are lifting something - awesome to watch them lift. Liked the short guy, myself...not the little posing guy - the really short one. :) You know the one.
  13. niki

    Why ?

    Hormones, erm, I mean gears, torture, villains, pestilence (grasshoppers?!) I can live with that. So, who likes pain? And why won't my goddamn smilies work? I want the person who is in charge of emoticons fired.
  14. niki


    Day 2 Single leg press/high foot placement press 3x10 200 Adductor 3x16 200 (until the squat rack opened up!!) squat - 5x5 95, 135, 155, 155, 155 bicep db curl 5x5 30 barbell curl - 3x10 110 HIIT on the bike
  15. niki

    Matt Kroc / Janae Marie Kroc came out as Transgender

    LOL (damn smilies won't work)
  16. niki

    Greg's hijack thread

    Took it. Got the same results. I think its rubbish.
  17. niki

    Why ?

    I came back, but all I hear are crickets, and I miss the good ol' days - which was about four years ago. WHAT the hell happened? Whatever it is - whoever is to blame - it sucks, and they need to be tortured.
  18. niki


    Day 1 Incline barbell press - 95x5, 135x5, 135x5 Decline - 5x135, 5x185, 5x185, 10x135 Rack pulls - 135x5, 5x225, 5x275 for three sets. Calves- 180x16 for three sets My son was my spotter and he had a touch of adhd so my sets were cut kinda short - plus it was late and I worked last...
  19. niki


  20. niki


    In the interim I obtained my bachelors degree, while dealing with some intensely challenging family situations (understatement). One of my best friends, the powerlifter who introduced me to lifting in 2011 was killed in 2013. It's been a rough few years, but I've been lifting since last August...