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  1. B

    The General refuses to stand up

    I am running 900 mg test and had great wood, and then as soon as i start SDMZ 2.0 limp noodle syndrome. Coincidence, maybe, but i started an AI just to see if that is the case. Estro can be a mofo
  2. B

    Whats Up

    What up Ace i think you are safe from ronshipman here lol
  3. B

    Arnold Classics 2014

    Any bros going to the Arnold Classic in Columbus? I was 10 feet from Arnold last year ( just happened to be in the right place at the right time )
  4. B

    Keeping my gains

    If you pct, control your estrogen first and foremost, restart your hpta, and work your ass off and you should have no problem keeping half or more of your gains. Diet is probably the most important thing to keep consistent. Eat for your new body not your old body. Good luck, i am hating the fact...
  5. B

    What's up IronMagazineForums?!

    What up
  6. B

    Pheromone issue?

    Bro do you even lift? If not then start and get swole and she will not be able to keep her hands off of you. Try a different cologne or maybe try some kinky shit she and you have never done before. Myself have been with the same woman for 17 years and we have been down that road. So i said hell...
  7. B

    Will 20mg of Nolva slow/impact gains?

    Nolva will keep estrogen from binding to breast tissue, but it will not get rid of it. If you start Nolva, keep running exem until the excess estrogen is gone, and then you will have probably found the ideal dosages to continue with until end of cycle. I do not think gains will be impacted at...
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    Looks like an interesting forum here. Welcome aboard my brother
  9. B

    CEM Ralox obliterated gyno

    Was it soft saggy tissue or hard lumps behind the nipple?
  10. B

    ...I'm here

    Stop it you are making me blush
  11. B

    ...I'm here

    Hello all