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  1. SoCalSwole

    Men's Masters division Body building Champion!!

    No Sir that was not me. Back in 2000 I was still a fat fuck and not training:)
  2. SoCalSwole

    Men's Masters division Body building Champion!!

    Week 1-16 EQ 1.2 Test Sust 900mg weeks 17-20 Test Sust 300mg weeks 21-33 Test Sust 300mg Tren A 600mg Masteron Prop 600mg Halo 100mg daily. Looking back I should have run less EQ. I am going to stay on the test, tren, and dost as long as my body will let me. I have shows scheduled to Oct...
  3. SoCalSwole

    Men's Masters division Body building Champion!!

    I just wanted to give a quick update. I have been absent from the boards for a while concentrating fully on contest prep. Well everything I have learned here and other places paid off. This past Sunday my wife and I entered our first competition. I entered Men's Bodybuilding Masters over 40...
  4. SoCalSwole

    How do I know of what I'm getting?

    Guys, This is the name of the game. Unless your getting sealed packaged vials from Bayer or Shering like Vic said then your gambling. Know your source, that all I can say. On the flip side I have also gotten gear that it well over dosed and over filled in the vial as well. If your willing to...
  5. SoCalSwole

    Morning? Or evening?

    In the morning or right before activity. For example. I take a walk everyday on my lunch hour, so I do it right before I go walking. Gets blood into the area and makes it less painful. Very little to no PIP.
  6. SoCalSwole

    tren dreams and sex drive

    The tren dick happens if you come off of it and only happened to me once coming off of parabolin. For me 700mg of tren A was the highest dose I can handle. The dreams do get pretty nuts. Even better if you able to Lucid dream. Just a thought but if your on 700mg a week of tren why are you on...
  7. SoCalSwole

    New Cycle

    Totally agree with you. But I have yet to see a newbie make this work. Maybe he can prove me wrong. Most times they struggle with E levels. Because they don't have the experience to be able to tell what is messing with them they can't get it figured out and end up wasting gear and chems.
  8. SoCalSwole

    New Cycle

    I guess I was saying that if you don't have experience in proper AI administration you could bloat up. Also being that heavy. I have never seen any newbie at that BF% come out the other side of a cycle looking like he wanted to. No matter what they always bloat like crazy.
  9. SoCalSwole

    New Cycle

    Big Ronnie is 100% correct. Speaking on my own experience and also others I have tried to mentor. You really want the BF to be low like no more than 15 before going on cycle. Otherwise your just going to bloat up like the michelin man. The only way I would agree with a cycle on someone had heavy...
  10. SoCalSwole

    I know I messed up..

    Looks to me like you dodged a bullet. Everything looks pretty good. It could be your E is too low and messing with you. But test at 500 is pretty normal. plenty enough to make you feel normal. Even your LH looks good. So no need for HCG or PCT SERMS. Take a deep breath, go to the Corpsman and...
  11. SoCalSwole

    Is it really ethical to donate blood on AAS

    I struggle with this all the time. I rationalize it, that 1 pin of test will not really harm a person. Plus there are those guys that are naturally on the high side with test levels. like close to 1000. what about these guys? If it was a big concern they would check for test levels before adding...
  12. SoCalSwole

    TRT / Cruising & Disk surgery

    Sounds like it's just going to take a bit for it to straighten out. I realize your only cycling off for med reasons. But once you get things normalized might be a good idea to stay off for another month or so and see if you can stabilize to normal. I mean if you ever want to have kids your going...
  13. SoCalSwole

    TRT / Cruising & Disk surgery

    Doctors will always say that TRT causes hematocrit to build which it does. Which is why you need to donate every 3 months. Also one of the other things on the long list of side effects is increased risk for blood clots, and stroke. As long as you keep your blood thin and hemotocrit in line your...
  14. SoCalSwole

    LIKE, or remove the rep limit?

    With content like this I can't imagine why everyone is over at ASF.
  15. SoCalSwole

    Anavar and TRT---Gains Kept- Muscle and Strength

    If your on TRT your already shut down. So no the Var can't shut down what is already shut down. As far as using it for a method of preserving gains. I believe that is the lesser known benefit of Anavar. I have seen several women use it and gain 5-10 pounds of lean mass, then go off and not lose...
  16. SoCalSwole

    Idea behind switching compounds every 6-8 weeks

    I have heard of this as well. Anyone who has been on an extended cycle knows how over time the effects start to diminish. I think this id definitely an advanced or very experienced way to cycle. I don't want any newbies to read this and assume they should try this but for guys that have been...
  17. SoCalSwole

    Masteron and bulking

    Nyde what's up Bro? For a guy with 222 posts and almost half a mil in rep points these are some fucking newbie questions bro?!?!?!
  18. SoCalSwole

    Anyone used these 2 at the same time?

    Sure I have started a test cycle with prop and cyp to get it rolling quicker then after 4 weeks cyp only. Test feels like test. The only difference in the feeling is the sides that come if you do not pin it in the right intervals.
  19. SoCalSwole

    The thread of honesty

    Great thread Tre. For your age you have a ton of experience. Looks like your on your way to GH. lol
  20. SoCalSwole

    Halo extreme..

    I'll start by saying I agree with everyone above statement. Then I will say that Halo extreme is a good product for guys who already are on an injectable schedule. On its own I would not run it. Having said that you need to consider the liver toxicity of it and plan for it with liver sups and...