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  1. E

    Is this good for mass?!

    I used to think that way. Trust me Squats are awesome, I honestly think they help your whole body grow.
  2. E

    Protein drink

    Charger, I ordered it without flavoring because of the health risks involved associated it.....Okay Okay I was a idiot and forgot to check the flavor column and am now stuck with $70 worth of protein that tastes like I am licking a cow when I drink it. LOL live and learn I guess.
  3. E


    Thanks for the replies, and the sympathy!
  4. E

    Protein drink

    Hey guys, I used to use designer with water or milk and it was pretty good. This time I ordered some from protein factory and its unflavored. i mixed some with water and almost threw up- what do you guys usually mix the unflavored stuff with? I was thinking maybe milk and a banana to make it...
  5. E


    Ok I here is the deal. I took the past week and a half off from lifting. It was my first break in like three months. So I go back in today and start my workout and after the first set my head felt like it was gonna explode, it hurt to even keep my eyes open. The same thing happened a couple...
  6. E

    Shear curiousity

    height 5'7 barely weight 165-170 bench-235 squat-265 I know I know deadlift-305 I started about a year and a half ago at only 135. I am still pretty small but not compaired to what I used to be or the rest of my faimly. I neglected legs which is why my squat is so bad, and i just started deads...
  7. E


    Hey guys, I have decided to add a little cardio to my routine because summer is coming up. I really don't know jack about it so any advice is welcome. I was planning on running in the mornings maybe 4 times a week. Is this too much or not enough?, How long should I run? Current routine...
  8. E

    routine help

    thanks guys, i think im gonna try the chest/bi, back/tri. Seyone I train my shoulders with my back.
  9. E

    routine help

    Hey guys, I usually do a three day split, with chest and tris together, back and bis together, and then legs. I was thinking about adding a strictly arm day (bis,tris). I find that after I am done with my back I am too tired to do bis. Has anyone tried this?
  10. E


    Difficulties show men what they are-Epicetus For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. Harry F. Banks Whatever does not destroy me makes me stronger. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucius He who has...
  11. E

    What is everyones top 3 favourite and top 3 least favourite exercises?

    Favs: Deadlift Bench Pullups Dislike: Kickbacks (never do them anyway) Lat Pulldowns Any type of running