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  1. biggiesmallz


  2. biggiesmallz


    Steroid Control Act oficially null and void, here's how; http://www.prohormoneforum.com/index.php/topic/84660-4-board-admin-patrick-arnold-and-mods-only-plz-lock-down-2-read/page-10#entry1393074
  3. biggiesmallz

    The General refuses to stand up

    Ya I agree with you guys, I actually didn't see Novice's post above regarding the use of semantics and distinctions between "shutdown" and "hard shutdown" until I posted the above reply... in any case I see your point. One more thing worth mentioning, is that above quote by Austinite is the...
  4. biggiesmallz

    Building muscle while burning fat?

    anabolics play little to no difference in your body composition, the FOOD that you eat, however, plays 100% into your entire structural framework. leangains.com most popular tab for cut/recomp
  5. biggiesmallz

    The General refuses to stand up

    The first link I sent you to had the full PCT layout, with HCG included. Furthermore, this was a significant point to ponder; Secondly, the Dr. Scally Power PCT protocol, if you care to look closer, only uses HCG during the first 2 weeks, and the whole PCT plan extends out 45 days total. The...
  6. biggiesmallz

    Black Coffee as a pre-workout

    just don't over-do it on the caffeine, too much caffeeine pre-workout, over an extended period of time, can put undue stress on the heart... along with the lifting load. Soo use wisely
  7. biggiesmallz

    Black Coffee as a pre-workout

    it's good stuff (coffee), I've used it. Cheaper and healthier than the preworkout mixes you buy at the store IMHO, no food coloring or artificial crap, just quick energy boost
  8. biggiesmallz

    Cut cycle

    another thing you can check out, if interested, google Kris Gethin's 12 week DTP program, it's also a recomp over a 90-day period and the transformation is nothing short of amazing, tho I'm fairly certain he used gear in that whole thing... nonetheless his videos and diet regulation was...
  9. biggiesmallz

    Cut cycle

    I agree with too many drugs just to get cut... check out leangains.com most popular tab, I lost 10lbs/month over 4 months (42 lbs rough total weight lost) just on IF off that link, with practically no gear (ran a mild oral hdrol cycle at beginning first 6 weeks, the rest was natty) With that...
  10. biggiesmallz

    The General refuses to stand up

    http://www.ironmaglabs.com/forums/showthread.php/2858-Post-Cycle-Therapy?p=30398#post30398 also http://www.bodybuildingdungeon.com/forums/steroids/46072-hcg-unraveled-valuable-resource-reference.html
  11. biggiesmallz

    The General refuses to stand up

    you gotta also realize the aromatase process is just as individual as everything else, I've seen guys be fine with minimal to no AI, and I've seen other guys have tit problems from the simplest things; everyone responds differently, what works for some doesn't necessarily work for all... so...
  12. biggiesmallz

    The General refuses to stand up

    x2 HCG mimics LH, and because it does so, natural LH production will be suppressed. Which means a suppressed/shut down HPTA. Natural recovery doesn't start till you're completely off HCG and other exogenous hormones As per OP's question, my guess is estro is high from the dbol/test combo...
  13. biggiesmallz

    Need Help Again.....Injecting.

    Yes, I've also used 23g, but find 25 is just smoother and goes in and out easier. 1 1/2'' for the glutes, 1'' everywhere else works fine for me
  14. biggiesmallz

    HCG and labs

    HCG mimics LH, not FSH, and it doesn't RAISE it because it's NOT it... in other words, it's a very similar structural substitute. Natural LH production is suppressed while on HCG, because it's not needed (due to the HCG supplementation). Natural recovery doesn't start untill you're off HCG...
  15. biggiesmallz


    Fair enough, thanks for the honesty, hope ye finds what ye's lookin for, I think I got the general gist in regards to what I asked anyway... how hard can it be, just start eating caps n food n drinkin water, bound to eventually get it right. Thanks brother God Bless 'Murica
  16. biggiesmallz

    My first complete cycle, along with pct

    Seriously? CEM Products is a sponsor on this board, their banner flashing right at the top, would be a good place 2 try. Have used their torem, was very satisfied
  17. biggiesmallz

    Have questions concerning superdmz 3.0.

    You don't need all that bullshit. Keep it simple, food, lots of water (let thirst dictate but I usually drink around a gallon and a half daily on orals) a SERM for PCT, and if you want, an all-in-one cycle support, something like Iron Mag Labs Advanced Cycle Support would be plenty, tho some...
  18. biggiesmallz

    solution for side effects of a low carb diet

    You can check out leangains.com it's basically Intermittent Fasting, but the cool part is you can eat whatever the hell you want (within reason) and still lose weight if you structure it right, I lost 10lbs per month over 4 months (about a 42 lb loss overall) but I'll admit I should have fed...
  19. biggiesmallz

    Pheromone issue?

    Sometimes a little man-handling, wisely, is all it needs to bring the spice back