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  1. G


    Thanks guys. Cycles going good so far. I'm on test e 300. Currently running 600mg a week. I'm going into my 3rd week and starting to see great gains.
  2. G

    First Cycle and PCT

    Thanks. Great advice and knowledge.
  3. G

    Best PCT

    Okay thanks man. Definitely had some points there.
  4. G

    Best PCT

    What are best ideas for pct for a test e 500mg cycle. Clomid? Nolva?
  5. G

    Cutting and bulking

    Is it possible to diet so your both cutting and bulking at the same time.
  6. G

    Diet plans

    Thanks man
  7. G

    AAP Blend SALE!!

    Interested How do I get intouch? More info. Thanks man.
  8. G

    Diet plans

    Any tips on diet plans. What a 3000-4000 calorie diet looks like. Appreciate the help
  9. G


    I'm 24 years old. Weighing in at 152 right now. I'm trying to get myself to a lean 165. I'm currently on my 1st cycle. Idk if it's appropriate to talk about on this thread. If so lmk so I can get more into detail.
  10. G

    I need help with sending PM

    How do you send pm so other members
  11. G


    What's going on guys. New here just checking in and hope for guidance