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  1. mac10chap

    lower back

    That sciatic is a bitch. This was the 3rd time that I pinched mine b/c of my back. The first two times, it went away after a month or so. This last time, it had been hurting since August of last year and never went away. Doc had me on nerve pain killer meds and tramadol every day for months...
  2. mac10chap

    lower back

    I had the same issue. Slipped a disc 4mm and it was sitting on my sciatic nerve. Had shooting pain down my right leg. I finally caved and went to Laser Spine Institute in Florida and had back surgery. They put rods and screws in to hold the disc in place. That was 5 weeks ago and I feel...
  3. mac10chap

    You think it"s nooooooo but it"s ok to root for the eagles{philly}

    It's almost that time again...
  4. mac10chap

    do you think muslims realize?

    ^best thing I've read all day.
  5. mac10chap

    I want to Drop Tren (Help)

    Var is not very hard on your liver at all.
  6. mac10chap

    Igf1 lr3 ,bac water, dosage / mixing

    http://forums.steroid.com/igf-1-lr3-hgh-insulin-questions/284555-reconstitution-igf-1-lr3.html Check out the second post. By the way, a lot of people will tell you that it needs to be reconstituted with AA, not BAC. However, if you can go through a vial in a couple weeks, you will be fine...
  7. mac10chap

    ANAVAR (Oxandrolone 10mg*100 tablets)

    Can not vouch for what they are selling now, but I have bags of var and winnie from them at my house that I picked up a little over a year ago. Took 2 bags of each and never noticed anything. Took the var up to 150mg a day (which the pumps should have been killing me) and nothing. Then took...
  8. mac10chap

    gun control

  9. mac10chap

    gun control

    Shit like that is going to happen. The world is not perfect. But look at Cali. They have a ban on assault rifles and high capacity magazines. Remind me again what weapons were used in the San Bernardino shootings......Yeah, gun laws dont work. All they are going to do (if the liberals get...
  10. mac10chap

    gun control

    This liberal bullshit about gun control is fucking retarded. They think that gun control is somehow going to make these crazy bastards stop committing murder. What they fail to realize is that a lot of them are acquiring these weapons illegally. They already tried this with vast amounts of...
  11. mac10chap

    Anyone ever use/heard of

    I'm opposite on Tren. Tren Ace fucked me up way more than Enth did. I actually enjoy running Tren E, but only about once a year.
  12. mac10chap

    Body builders girlfriend.

    Tell him to lay off the Tren. It's no good for him.
  13. mac10chap

    It's Official: I'm Obese. Need some serious course correction here...

    Also, cutting calories and exercising on the treadmill is all I would do at this point if I were you. No dietary supplements to try to help speed the process. I'd imagine that in your current condition, you probably have elevated blood pressure. Anything you take that is going to "work" is...
  14. mac10chap

    It's Official: I'm Obese. Need some serious course correction here...

    Sleep apnea is no joke. My dad has it and during his sleep study, he stopped breathing 107 times in one night. Woke up choking all the time so now he just doesnt sleep.....which basically turned him narcoleptic. Falls asleep randomly throughout the day and is ALWAYS tired. Very sad to...
  15. mac10chap

    .......... Colombian Chicks !!! .........

    You must spread reputation around before giving it to Charley again
  16. mac10chap

    New to the forum and moving to Houston! Need new Gym

    Welcome. There are a TON of gyms around here. I just stick to 24 hour though. Been a member for about 10 years and they only charge me $56/year membership fees. Cant go wrong with that.
  17. mac10chap

    ....... as if you didn't know .......

    Haha....preseason. Wait till regular season. Although I fully expect Murray to run all over us, Bradford will be in a body cast the first hit he takes. Cowboys sweep this year.
  18. mac10chap

    not many here knew him, but today my friend nev passed away

    Sorry to hear Sheri. RIP