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  9. YourMuscleShop

    SUPERCHARGE YOUR HEALTH -Explore a Vast Selection of Supplements on our Telegram bot.

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  10. AceLabs

    FREE Shipping!

    Guys, We have a lot of ways for you to save money from Promos to Coupon Codes, and now here's another way - Free Shipping on any order over 200 USD. We feature a huge selection of HGH, Peptides, and Anabolic Steroids. Come see us at AceLabs.pro Cheers, AceLabs Team
  11. S

    Need help with Hgh n sustanon

    New body builder. Haven't had a hard solid workout in 3 yrs. I'm 6' 180 and about 15% bf. I have never been big n always had issues building big chest n traps. Want to get back into shape. Want to add lean muscle n get cut up. Short term goal would be to weigh around 190-200 with 6-8% bf.(1...
  12. D

    Need Some Honest Help ife

    Hi Guys, I joined this forum because I need some HONEST advice, and I need somewhere to turn. I am 32 years old, I have some experience with anabolics about 6 years ago. I was on Sciroxx Pentadex 300 and Winstrol, and I loved it. I since moved to a small town in Wisconsin and I don't know...
  13. C

    Sustanon 250 HUNGER

    Like the title states. Today is my 4th day. 250mg the first and 50mg yesterday. I have never in my life had such an insatiable and persisting appetite. I eat and an hour later I am starved. I feel like I would kill for a meal. At one point I got so hungry I got nauseous. What is strange is once...
  14. vforgy

    Tren e dust with dbol kick!

    Soon I am starting my first tren cycle. I went with enanthate because I've read that it has a lower risk of unwanted sides and I know that if I do get sides I'll have to deal with them for a couple weeks. I also read so much on dosing the tren and test that I'm at a loss with what to do. Some...
  15. G

    new user

    I'm looking for any advice on how to take Test & Tren. & if I will need any additional supps to go along with. Thanks. i'm currently 5'10 / 270lbs / 28% BF / and need to drop as much BF as possible.
  16. K

    I need some advice on my cycle

    I've been using sust for 4 weeks at 1cc and achieved awesome results but noticed my energy and intensity is not as high like it was on my 3rd week so I started doing 1.5cc of sust which gave me a little better intensity, but not as high. Side note: I realized more food helped me with the...
  17. K

    1st cycle Sustanon 250.... & should I stack with HGH?

    I'm trying to get some feedback, I'll try to make this as complete as possible. Stats: Height 6' Weight 180 (173/174 when I eat right for competition) Age 30 Exercise: I've trained Martial Arts from a young age but now mostly Jiu Jitsu & Muay Thai Train 3 to 7 days a week doing that, I can...
  18. Demonknight

    Sustanon 350 (yes 350mg per ml) dosing advice please.

    Hello, Some advice needed on pinning this Sustanon 350. This particular "SUS 350 contains 50mg of each of these 7 compounds, Test prop, phenylprop, isocaproate, decanoate, undecylenate, enanthate, cypionate" (Sorry I will not disclose source, or lab on this one) I am seeing a lot of you...
  19. N

    new cycle for winter..input please

    ive used ph and aas before..but this is the first stack sust 270 1/wk x 8 wks stan 50mg/day for 6 weeks starting week 3 arimidex .5mcg/day for 10 weeks starting day 1 looks good to me ..any input from experienced bb w/aas is appreciated thanks
  20. B

    college baseball pitcher thinking about using SUSTANON 250 and DIANABOL

    hey i am a 6'4'' 200 lbs LEFT HANDED PITCHER who plays college baseball. My fastball topp out at about 84 mph and throw consistantly 80-83 but I want to throw harder. I've tried everything...protein, creatine, glutamine, BCAA's and training hard. I am not getting the results I need and want. I...