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And I'm back in the very same place I was before..

IML Gear Cream!
You ever considering using straps or some other grip-enhancement device for those RDLs?
Good sessions, BTW.

About that other day, sometimes the body can you surprise you. I've had similar days, sometimes things come together for the couple hours in the gym.
You ever considering using straps or some other grip-enhancement device for those RDLs?

Good sessions, BTW.

About that other day, sometimes the body can you surprise you. I've had similar days, sometimes things come together for the couple hours in the gym.

I have straps, but I'd rather not use them. I'm quickly getting back up to where I left off. I think it's just a matter of my grip not catching up as quickly as my posterior chain has, or my grip is just getting that much more work during the week and it's still fatigued a bit when it's time to pull. I'll use the same weight next week and I'm sure I'll get it for a few more reps.

And thanks, I feel really dialed in right now.

nice good mornings those are killer

Thanks jag!
Lower - Quads:

ATG Squats:
Bar - 12
135# - 12
185# - 8,8,6

Hang Cleans:
95# - 5x5

Leg Extensions:
120# - 12,12,12

10 minutes stair climber, 20 minutes bike
nice workout, I am off shoulder work for another week or so. going to try and bench tomorrow.
Upper - Push

Flat BB Press:
Bar - 12
135# - 8
185# - 3
205# - 3
225# - 3
235# - 2
245# - 1

Standing BB Shoulder Press:
95# - 10,8,8 +

BW - 10,8,8 +

120# - 12,12,12

Lateral Raises:
20's - 12,12,12

I had a partner today and I guess I was so excited I'd have a spot I didn't realize I had my days mixed up. Just wanted to see where I stood benching. Not too bad I guess. Pretty much worked out on an empty stomach this morning, typically I work out in the evenings. Not too shabby.
IML Gear Cream!
nice benching, what are you weighing now

Thanks! Not bad for my first BB session. I think I was 201 that day, I haven't weighed myself in a few.

did Ok on the bench. not as good as my sqwuats! irritated the shoulder need to leave it alone for a while

Yeah, I like bwrag's suggestion of doing some light stuff and make sure you warm that sucker up real good. At least you kicked ass squatting! More important IMO.
Friday September 2, 2011

Upper - Pull

BO DB Rows:
30's - 12,12
80's - 12,10,10 +

HS Iso-Low Row:
3 plates - 12,10,10 +

Chest Supported TBar's:
2 plates - 10,10,10 ++

Seated Cable Rows (V-Grip):
135# - 12,12,12 +

EZ Bar Curls:
50# - 12
40# - 15,12 (someone snagged my 50 while I wasn't looking)

30 minutes on eliptical

Took yesterday off because I started bowling competitively again. Started a league Wednesday night, drilled up a ball and threw 5-6 games. My arm was toast but at least I shot 662 in league. Hadn't bowled in years and goddamn I was rolling the ball nicely. Bowling ball technology as come such a long way since I last bowled competitively. Hardly have to do anything to make the ball move. Feels good to have a few hobbies going too.
Haha. nice jag.

Took pretty much this entire week off to heal up some nagging injuries. Wrist is pretty stiff from bowling, leg is finally starting to feel 100%. Only thing that sucks is my diet went to shit. I'm eating a Sour Cream Dount from Dunkin' as we speak. Back on in tomorrow!
I havnt bowled in years, might have to give it a try this weekend, sounds like fun
Haha. nice jag.

Took pretty much this entire week off to heal up some nagging injuries. Wrist is pretty stiff from bowling, leg is finally starting to feel 100%. Only thing that sucks is my diet went to shit. I'm eating a Sour Cream Dount from Dunkin' as we speak. Back on in tomorrow!

When I was on Vacation on the Oute rbanks (Pre hurricane) my cousin took us to a town called Duck NC. There is a place called Duck donuts. They make your donuts to order, they are all warm and fresh. One day I ate five of them. I think we went to the Duck donuts three different times.

ATG Squats:
Bar - 12
135# - 12
185# 6,6

185# - 8
225# - 6,6

Ok so it took a few extra days to get back in the gym but I made it this morning. Just a quick session to get back in the groove. New job has me working long hours and bowling is taking up most of the rest of my free time so I'm not sure how I'm going to feel lifting and being as active as I've been lately. I'm thinking of dropping to 3 days, something like: lower/push/pull or 3 full body workouts. We'll see how I feel later and tomorrow.
I havnt bowled in years, might have to give it a try this weekend, sounds like fun

I'm having a blast doing it again. I was very competitive as a teen and the thought of going pro was even an option at one point. I was a member of a record setting team when I was 14 but I kinda fizzled out on it as I got into highschool. Now my old high school has a team and they won state championships a few years back.

When I was on Vacation on the Oute rbanks (Pre hurricane) my cousin took us to a town called Duck NC. There is a place called Duck donuts. They make your donuts to order, they are all warm and fresh. One day I ate five of them. I think we went to the Duck donuts three different times.

Holy shit that sounds amazing! Haha, I'd live there.

any word on your Ex Jackie?

I haven't talked to her but judging by her Facebook statuses she's been in and out of wherever they take you to interrogate/answer questions. Long days somewhere in West Palm she keeps saying. Really sucks for her considering she's pretty much got a newborn at home and she's a good girl.
I hopethings go well for her. Hate to see anyone in trouble. Nice squat and RDL #'s
IML Gear Cream!
Damn, it's been a lot longer than I thought since I posted in here. I'm just gonna pick this up from here. Few quick notes. Since I last posted here I've had some rough times. Went through a few more jobs, alienated all of my friends, moved to California to grow weed with an old friend and triggered what must have been a previous injury (ruptured S1, chipped vertebrae). I went a few weeks without being able to walk and I was rested in bed for the next month basically. Being in a perpetual opiate coma for a few months I wasted away to about 160 lbs. Lighter than I've been since I was in the 6th or 7th grade most likely. I still have lower back pain and numbness in my right leg and my left quad and my dick doesn't work too well anymore, but I moved back to Florida, threw away the pain pills and am starting my life over from scratch. That includes getting more than just a few hundred calories a day, getting out of the house to hang with my old friends any and every chance I get and as of a few hours ago... the gym.

What a fucking humbling experience that was...

Weight: 164 (201 the last time I posted here)

Full Body

Incline Dumbell Press:
30's - 12,12,12 (I struggled with these)

Seated Leg Press:
90 - 12,12,15

Bar - 12,12,15

Yates Row:
Bar - 12,12,12

Basically just a runthrough to see where I stood. Not the confidence booster I was looking for but on the bright side of things, for the first time in my life women are hitting on me and staring me down out and about which is a good feeling - too bad I probably couldn't get hard enough to fuck them...