Damn, it's been a lot longer than I thought since I posted in here. I'm just gonna pick this up from here. Few quick notes. Since I last posted here I've had some rough times. Went through a few more jobs, alienated all of my friends, moved to California to grow weed with an old friend and triggered what must have been a previous injury (ruptured S1, chipped vertebrae). I went a few weeks without being able to walk and I was rested in bed for the next month basically. Being in a perpetual opiate coma for a few months I wasted away to about 160 lbs. Lighter than I've been since I was in the 6th or 7th grade most likely. I still have lower back pain and numbness in my right leg and my left quad and my dick doesn't work too well anymore, but I moved back to Florida, threw away the pain pills and am starting my life over from scratch. That includes getting more than just a few hundred calories a day, getting out of the house to hang with my old friends any and every chance I get and as of a few hours ago... the gym.
What a fucking humbling experience that was...
Weight: 164 (201 the last time I posted here)
Full Body
Incline Dumbell Press:
30's - 12,12,12 (I struggled with these)
Seated Leg Press:
90 - 12,12,15
Bar - 12,12,15
Yates Row:
Bar - 12,12,12
Basically just a runthrough to see where I stood. Not the confidence booster I was looking for but on the bright side of things, for the first time in my life women are hitting on me and staring me down out and about which is a good feeling - too bad I probably couldn't get hard enough to fuck them...