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AW's Pharmatropin HGH Blood work

IML Gear Cream!
good thing i didnt order
Good work Pitt and thanks for testing and the results. Now if AW would remove it from their website so those who don't come to this forum don't buy bunk gh. Now that would be impressive and a good move for AW.
Good work Pitt and thanks for testing and the results. Now if AW would remove it from their website so those who don't come to this forum don't buy bunk gh. Now that would be impressive and a good move for AW.

I can assure you that they are not being sold. Not sure that It will come off the site.. but it won't be taken in orders.
So did you feel anything at all? or did you have any sides? like CTS sides? please explain, thanks!
I wonder if all the bunk HGH that has been tested here had zero sides also? any thoughts??
I wonder if all the bunk HGH that has been tested here had zero sides also? any thoughts??

Not sure.. I know that it's not HCG.. cuz my boys are still high and tight. I know for a fact it's not a GHRP or GHRH because I am more than familiar with those. I don't have a clue as to what could have been in those vials. F'ing Chinese bastards.
Pitt: was the powder in the vial loose or a pellet?
IML Gear Cream!
Sorry to here about results thanks for posting, truly the ONLY way to know is test 1 vial out of each batch you recieve. Anything less than that are no guarntees.
Thanks for posting pitt!
any updates pitt?
I see BML catching a plane very soon with a can of whoop ass in his pocket...