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BWrag's Training Log

I figure it will keep you motivated and on track!
I figure it will keep you motivated and on track!
Yeah it helped during the transformation challenge too. I am super busy with training cooking and family its tough to get the time but ill make it work lol!
Yeah it helped during the transformation challenge too. I am super busy with training cooking and family its tough to get the time but ill make it work lol!

It dont have to be to detailed we just want to follow along and help in anyway we can.

Thanks bro! I appreciate it, keep up the good work im subscribing to this thread!

NO prob. let me know if you need any info or direction.

MEAL1 1 cup egg whites, 4 whole eggs
MEAL2 6 oz chicken, 47 grams almonds
meal3 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop micellar casien, 1 tbsp pb
meal 4 6 oz chicken
INTRA 20 grams peptopro
Post 2 scoop wpi, 1 scoop micellar casien, 40 grams dex
MEAL5 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop micellar casien, 1 tbsp pb




Seated barbell press 230x10,140x10,50x10
Seated DB press 95x10,65x10,45x7
front raises 25x10,20x0,15x10
lat raise 35x10,25x10,15x10
crossovers 75x10,50x10,25x10
inc DB Press 115x10,65x10,45x10
decline crunchs 25lbs x36
close grip board press 225x10,135x10,45x10
a bar pressdowns 150x10,125x10,100x10,75x10,50x10,25x10

MEAL1 1 cup egg whites, 4 whole eggs
MEAL2 6.25 OZ chicken, 47grams almonds
MEAL3 6 oz chkicken
MEAL4 2 scoops wpi, 1 tbsp pb
Post 2 scoop whey isolate, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 40 grams dex.
MEAL5 turkey wrap


Cable rows stackx10,15Px101,10Px10
Close pulldowns stackx10,15px10,10Px10
Prone inc db flys 45x10,30x10,15x10,
Prone inc front raises 20x10,15x10,10x10
prone inc db shrugs 65x32, 55x10,45x10
Hammer curls 80x10,65x10,45x6
Precher Db curls 35x10,30x7,25x4
Tbar rows 225x10,4180x10,135x10
trying to start deadlifting again slowly but surely 600 is in my future

hypers bwx10,10
revhypers bwx10,10


form started to breakdown on 405 so stopped there, I'm some what staisfied for not deadlifting for 4-5 months, hopefully next time I will progress
Nice work and nice pulling. I have no doubt 600 is in your future too.
trying to start deadlifting again slowly but surely 600 is in my future

hypers bwx10,10
revhypers bwx10,10


form started to breakdown on 405 so stopped there, I'm some what staisfied for not deadlifting for 4-5 months, hopefully next time I will progress

You'll get 600, I'm off shoulders for a while going to see if I can flat bench without tweaking my shoulder tomorrow.

MEAL1 1 cup egg whites, 4 whole eggs
MEAL2 6.25 OZ chicken, 47grams almonds
MEAL3 2 scoops wpi, 1 tbsp pb
MEAL4 6.25 OZ chicken, 47grams almonds
Post 2 scoop whey isolate, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 40 grams dex.
MEAL5 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop micellar casien



rest-pause to 10 total reps

Bench 385x4,2,1,2,1
Incline 310x7,2,1
Dips 120x8,2
rear cable flys 77x10
DB lat raise 37x10
Rope press-downs 205x6,4
rev press-down/arm 67x10
Cable crunches 11Px25

MEAL1 1 cup egg whites, 4 whole eggs
MEAL2 6.25 OZ chicken, 47 grams almonds
MEAL3 1 scoops wpi, 1 scoop micellar casien, 1tbsp PB
MEAL4 6.25 OZ chicken, 47 grams almonds
Post 2 scoop wpi, 1scoop micellar casien, 40 grams dex.
MEAL5 pizza


Rest pause to 10 reps

BB Rows 365x6,4
DB Rows 205x13
wide grip chins bw+10 x 5,3,2
one arm pulldowns 10Px8,2
Prone Inc. DB rows 65x22
standing hamstring curl 115x10
stiffleg 175x10
hyperextensions 30lbsx10
leg raise 18
You'll get 600, I'm off shoulders for a while going to see if I can flat bench without tweaking my shoulder tomorrow.

thanks jag, I'm sure our shoulders will get right soon, probaly need to experiment with your grip and wing spand while benching. I find when my shoulders are hurting drop the weight and do some insane volume to help stimulate your tendons and ligs with some lactic acid.
thanks jag, I'm sure our shoulders will get right soon, probaly need to experiment with your grip and wing spand while benching. I find when my shoulders are hurting drop the weight and do some insane volume to help stimulate your tendons and ligs with some lactic acid.

indeed, I need to do that My shoulder is minorly irritated today. just going to work it light or around it


MEAL1 1 cup egg whites, 4 eggs
MEAL2 2 scoops wpi, 47 grams almonds
MEAL3 60z chicken
Meal4 6.25 OZ Chicken, 47 grams almonds
INTRA 20 grams peptopro
Post 20 grams peptopro, 1 scoop wpi,1 scoop micellar casien, 40 grams dextrose
Meal 5 1 scoop micellar casien, 1 scoop wpi, 1 tbsp PB



Rest Pause to ten reps

Hack Squats 255x7
leg extension 150x25
DB curl 60x6,3,1
Abar pressdowns 255x7,3
inc db curl 45x8,2
cable overhead extension 70x10
bb curl 115x10
cable kickback 45x10
calf raises 245x30
Neck extensions 60x10
still going hard, heh? dont your joints and tendons need a rest going hard all the time?

They do on the day I use 70% of my ten rep max which is roughly 50% of my max, which is every 4th workout, plus I miss a day here and there. plus im fairly young so still have good recovery
IML Gear Cream!
Your diet is wild to me lol how do you manage with such little grub?

weekends my friend probaly put down any where from 5000-10000 calories/day on sat and sunday, but October Im going to start a 8 week bulk so I will be putting down atleast double.
started a traditional BB style workout and Im sore as hell


Incline 4x10 @225
DB Bench 4X10 85
incline flys 4x15 20
crossovers 4x15 50
calve raises 6x20 200


Tbar rows 3x10 205
db rows 3x10 155
wide pullups BW 6,5,4
close pulldowns 4x15 10P
stiffarm pulldown 3x15 90

I have also uped my carbs and am sitting at alittle over 3000 calories Oct-november, I will start heavy bulk and hopefully have my calories 3500-4000/day


meal 1 - 4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 1 dry cup oats
meal 2 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 50 grams almonds
meal 3 - 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 2 tbsp PB
meal 4 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 1 cup white rice
intra - 20 grams peptopro
post - 20 grams peptopro, 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop MC, 60 grams dextrose
meal 5 - 7 OZ ground beef, 1 OZ peanuts


30 min. 3.5mph w4% inc.


standing leg curls 5x15 @ 75
front squats 5x15 @ 95
leg press 5X15 @ 180
leg extensions 5X15 @ 75
GHR 2x3 @ BW

I know weight is low but Im sore as hell. back held up okay on squats was a little tight.


meal 1 - 4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 1 dry cup oats
meal 2 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 50 grams almonds
meal 3 - 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 2 tbsp PB
meal 4 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 1 cup white rice
intra - 20 grams peptopro
post - 20 grams peptopro, 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop MC, 60 grams dextrose
meal 5 - 6 0Z chicken,


30 min. 3.5mph w4% inc.


db curls 4x10 @ 30
cable precher curls with rope 3x10 @ 90
EZ curl 3x12 @ 95
rev curl 2x10 @ 75
A bar pressdowns 4x10 @ 180
cable overhead ext. w/rope 3x10 @ 125
rev pressdowns 3x10 @ 50
incline skull krushers 2x10 @ 75

Im at 232 now in the morning when I first wake up


meal 1 - 4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 1 dry cup oats
meal 2 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 50 grams almonds
meal 3 - 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 2 tbsp PB
meal 4 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 1 cup white rice
intra - 20 grams peptopro
post - 20 grams peptopro, 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop MC, 60 grams dextrose
meal 5 - 7 OZ beef, 1 0Z peanuts


30 min. 3.5mph w4% inc.


db shoulder press 4x10 @ 65
rear cable laterals 4x10 @ 50
DB laterals 3x10 @ 25
Front BB raise 2x13 @ 45
prone DB shrug 4x20 @ 65


meal 1 - 4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 1 dry cup oats
meal 2 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 50 grams almonds
meal 3 - 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 2 tbsp PB
meal 4 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 1 cup white rice
intra - 20 grams peptopro
post - 20 grams peptopro, 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop MC, 60 grams dextrose
meal 5 - 7 OZ beef, 1 0Z peanuts


30 min. 3.5mph w4% inc.


db shoulder press 4x10 @ 65
rear cable laterals 4x10 @ 50
DB laterals 3x10 @ 25
Front BB raise 2x13 @ 45
prone DB shrug 4x20 @ 65

Looking good. I am starting Today Per our PM's Lets see what happens in the next few weeks


meal 1 - 1 scoop whey, 1 cup whites, 1 dry cup oats
meal 2 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 50 grams almonds
meal 3 - 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop miccelar casien, 2 tbsp PB
meal 4 - 6.25 OZ chicken, 1 cup white rice
intra - 20 grams peptopro
post - 20 grams peptopro, 1 scoop wpi, 1 scoop MC, 60 grams dextrose
meal 5 - 5 OZ shrimp, steamed veg, 1 scoop micellar casien


bench 4X10 @ 275
Inc DB 4x10 @ 85
Flat cable flys(2sec stretch and 2 sec squeeze) 4x15 @ 15
decline DB Bench 4x15 @ 65
legraises 20,8
cable crunch 2x20 @ 8P
decline crunch 2x20 @ 25lbs
Meal one how do you eat your egg whites and whey and oats?

using Pasturized egg whites?