So I am waiting in the mail for some Testosterone Enanthate at the moment, and needless to say I am very excited because it's my first time using Steroids. Now, for all the experienced users out there, I'd like to ask you a question.
I have been reading up on steroids, specifically Testosterone, for over a couple years now, and in many of the lists of side effects it says that steroids give you confidence. Now that is a pretty broad term, so if any of you can elaborate that would be much appreciated. Being familiar witht he effects of many drugs, I know how difficult it is to describe a psychoactive feeling, but I would still like a general idea of how I will feel. For example, does is make you feel like you can accomplish anything, make you more confident around other people, does it mask insecurities, does it make feel like you should beat up anyone who offends you (that's a really important one, because if it does then I'll definitely want to keep that under control because I don't want any such problems while on cycle), etc. Or, to be more specific, is the feeling similar to the rush you get when beating another sports team?
Now I think I have enough confidence as it is, and I'm definitely not using roids as a crutch in this regard, I'm just kind of intrigued with his idea, as many people say they feel more confident but I just kind of what to know what they mean by that. Also, I am a very laid back guy as it is, and I don't expect roids to change that, and make me aggressive for instance, so I view this as a generally positive thing
Also, does that general feeling of confidence differ from steroid to steroid, or is it the same all around. For example, is the feeling you get from D-Bol, or androl, or deca, the same as the one you get for Test?
I will be using 750 mgs of Test Enanthate a week by the way
I have been reading up on steroids, specifically Testosterone, for over a couple years now, and in many of the lists of side effects it says that steroids give you confidence. Now that is a pretty broad term, so if any of you can elaborate that would be much appreciated. Being familiar witht he effects of many drugs, I know how difficult it is to describe a psychoactive feeling, but I would still like a general idea of how I will feel. For example, does is make you feel like you can accomplish anything, make you more confident around other people, does it mask insecurities, does it make feel like you should beat up anyone who offends you (that's a really important one, because if it does then I'll definitely want to keep that under control because I don't want any such problems while on cycle), etc. Or, to be more specific, is the feeling similar to the rush you get when beating another sports team?
Now I think I have enough confidence as it is, and I'm definitely not using roids as a crutch in this regard, I'm just kind of intrigued with his idea, as many people say they feel more confident but I just kind of what to know what they mean by that. Also, I am a very laid back guy as it is, and I don't expect roids to change that, and make me aggressive for instance, so I view this as a generally positive thing
Also, does that general feeling of confidence differ from steroid to steroid, or is it the same all around. For example, is the feeling you get from D-Bol, or androl, or deca, the same as the one you get for Test?
I will be using 750 mgs of Test Enanthate a week by the way