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Confidence and AAS


Aug 16, 2011
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IML Gear Cream!
So I am waiting in the mail for some Testosterone Enanthate at the moment, and needless to say I am very excited because it's my first time using Steroids. Now, for all the experienced users out there, I'd like to ask you a question.

I have been reading up on steroids, specifically Testosterone, for over a couple years now, and in many of the lists of side effects it says that steroids give you confidence. Now that is a pretty broad term, so if any of you can elaborate that would be much appreciated. Being familiar witht he effects of many drugs, I know how difficult it is to describe a psychoactive feeling, but I would still like a general idea of how I will feel. For example, does is make you feel like you can accomplish anything, make you more confident around other people, does it mask insecurities, does it make feel like you should beat up anyone who offends you (that's a really important one, because if it does then I'll definitely want to keep that under control because I don't want any such problems while on cycle), etc. Or, to be more specific, is the feeling similar to the rush you get when beating another sports team?

Now I think I have enough confidence as it is, and I'm definitely not using roids as a crutch in this regard, I'm just kind of intrigued with his idea, as many people say they feel more confident but I just kind of what to know what they mean by that. Also, I am a very laid back guy as it is, and I don't expect roids to change that, and make me aggressive for instance, so I view this as a generally positive thing

Also, does that general feeling of confidence differ from steroid to steroid, or is it the same all around. For example, is the feeling you get from D-Bol, or androl, or deca, the same as the one you get for Test?

I will be using 750 mgs of Test Enanthate a week by the way
It's quite simple as being bigger, stronger and leaner = feeling better about yourself in general. For example, I feel very good knowing that I am a better physical speciman than the average Joe. On the other end, some of the lardasses I see stumbling through Walmart must look at themselves and just know that they are really just a pile of shit with a set of eyes. Some people are so pathetic and have zero self respect that they morph into a piece of human waste and they are an absolute trainwreck and disgusting. That might sound shallow but it takes self respect to work hard and take care of oneself.
I havent even started my first cycle but I go to the gym 5 days a week and that alone makes me feel better about myself. Im not even really to muscular but Im in shape and that does alot for me in the confidence department.
You mean AAS and not ASS right? Unless you truly do consider yourself bootylicious.
The increase of confidence may get you some ass.
This thread has so much win lol.

I think you're overhyping the positive side effects of AAS. I'm on test/dbol right now and you just feel more optimistic and happy. Little things don't piss you off as much and you feel like you can talk to anyone. In terms of libido increase, you feel like you can hump anything that moves and spouses/gf's are like saints.

I think the confidence, like bigbird said, is from knowing that you're stronger/better looking than the average overweight weakass who brags about eating a whole pizza after running through a six pack. Nothing to really brag about. Saying you can lift the back end of a light car, now that's something to brag about.
Little things DON'T piss you off and you can talk to anyone? Hmmm what are you on again lol

You don't get that? My mood is just overall waay better. Even when lacking sleep i'm happier:winkfinger:
It's quite simple as being bigger, stronger and leaner = feeling better about yourself in general. For example, I feel very good knowing that I am a better physical speciman than the average Joe. On the other end, some of the lardasses I see stumbling through Walmart must look at themselves and just know that they are really just a pile of shit with a set of eyes. Some people are so pathetic and have zero self respect that they morph into a piece of human waste and they are an absolute trainwreck and disgusting. That might sound shallow but it takes self respect to work hard and take care of oneself.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
If you use Tren you will have the confidence to rip off your screen door for no reason and then chew a tractor tire.
LOL your just excited to get your gear.... its cool man you probably wont notice much if your looking for it. In terms of confidence and women though well for me the issue just became more pressing im already confident now i just needed ass ALL THE TIME!!! and you just feel better like your day is going to be great only its everyday.
You mean AAS and not ASS right? Unless you truly do consider yourself bootylicious.

And I always accidentally read "AAS" as "ASS" and just dismissed it until I read your post. lol
Tha esai levendi.... if from ur name your greek you'll get it... if not wtf you picked a funny greek word for a username ha. But all in all you feel like THE MAN.
Of course getting some ass will also boost your confidence.
Confidence is a understatement my first cycle ! I WAS MOTHERFUCKING Jesus, zeus , Rambo, brad Pitt , bill gates , and the MOTHERFUCKING almighty . So much I thought it be a good idea to leave my family and go out with the world. Why am i saying this , well it's because you sometimes get too high on the I'm invincible and can do anything . Then come down and realize you've wrecked people in your path of godness. Just keep your head on straight and you'll be good. I lived I learned


Tha esai levendi.... if from ur name your greek you'll get it... if not wtf you picked a funny greek word for a username ha. But all in all you feel like THE MAN.

yeah it was done on purpose. not that i consider myself a malaka or anything haha

Confidence is a understatement my first cycle ! I WAS MOTHERFUCKING Jesus, zeus , Rambo, brad Pitt , bill gates , and the MOTHERFUCKING almighty . So much I thought it be a good idea to leave my family and go out with the world. Why am i saying this , well it's because you sometimes get too high on the I'm invincible and can do anything . Then come down and realize you've wrecked people in your path of godness. Just keep your head on straight and you'll be good. I lived I learned

:ohyeah: now that's what im talking about

It's quite simple as being bigger, stronger and leaner = feeling better about yourself in general. For example, I feel very good knowing that I am a better physical speciman than the average Joe. On the other end, some of the lardasses I see stumbling through Walmart must look at themselves and just know that they are really just a pile of shit with a set of eyes. Some people are so pathetic and have zero self respect that they morph into a piece of human waste and they are an absolute trainwreck and disgusting. That might sound shallow but it takes self respect to work hard and take care of oneself.


You know what I heard different opinions on this. I've heard from some, including on this thread, that say that the reason for the huge confidence boost is because your getting swole, others say that the confidence is a direct result of the roids on the brain. I guess there's only one way to find out...
Consistent weightlifting and exercise in general gives you confidence and well-being...with or without AAS.

Although, it is true that AAS seem to amplify this to a greater degree.
Ass, a nice piece of it always make me confident :roflmao:
If you use Tren you will have the confidence to rip off your screen door for no reason and then chew a tractor tire.

Lmao I second this.. If you manage to control the rage you have a powerful weapon at your disposal
I think what you mean the general feeling of "well being" that comes from AAS. That is because derivatives of testosterone work to hit some of the same receptors as normal testosterone and then that causes a release of endorphins.

As for me, i noticed this happening when I was on.
Confidence is a understatement my first cycle ! I WAS MOTHERFUCKING Jesus, zeus , Rambo, brad Pitt , bill gates , and the MOTHERFUCKING almighty . So much I thought it be a good idea to leave my family and go out with the world. Why am i saying this , well it's because you sometimes get too high on the I'm invincible and can do anything . Then come down and realize you've wrecked people in your path of godness. Just keep your head on straight and you'll be good. I lived I learned



great advise there i know the feeling its when you come off and realise... thats why i know people who NEVER come off they know there fuckin em selves up but they just cant imagine not beeing juiced up.. the first cycle is always great like any drug lol ur first hit is the best.. just be carefull gear is not somethin to mess with half heartedly.
So basically its like your high for the whole however long you choose to cycle then you come off lose all the water retenson lose a bit of strength lose a bit of weight and can feel shiter than you did b4 usually leading to depression then you get more gear double the dose.. double the swole... come off double the comedown.. then thts you pretty much a gear head for life. all the best.
If you use Tren you will have the confidence to rip off your screen door for no reason and then chew a tractor tire.

It aint confidence that causes one to rip off the screen door. I believe that is tren rage.

Remembering several times waking up and attacking the alarm clock. Was ripped out of the wall and then impaled into the drywall on the other side of the room.

Using testosterone causes emotional and psychic changes in the personality. The object is to get ahold of it and control it.
No it's not confidence that makes you want to rip the screen door off, it's cause the god damn screen door always sticks when your trying to open the bitch!!

