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Decimate Sale

awesome deal. I'm thinking of stacking this with my alphamine run!
Oh helll J that would be sick and now that you spoke it u must do it!! Log it and link me dang it!!
Hell of a deal there. For those that ever used the HEAT Stack, this is a very close cousin.
That sounds intense for sure.
For those cutting on orals this is perfect if you want to limit stimulant intake; not you gear addicts that take clen with tren for shits and giggle.
For those cutting on orals this is perfect if you want to limit stimulant intake; not you gear addicts that take clen with tren for shits and giggle.

would this stack well with clen?
You know it! I'm figuring I'll add the Decimate in at the half-way mark (when I switch to tub #2 of alphamine).
It says to take 3 times daily on an empty stomach. I don't ever have an empty stomach 3 times a day .