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I have seen bloods come back to high levels without a SERM.

Serms are fine and cheap enough to just throw in there. But never think there is

only 1 way in this crazy hobby/lifestyle...


And how much of their gains were kept? You are too smart to recommend a no-SERM PCT from a harsh oral cycle.
And how much of their gains were kept? You are too smart to recommend a no-SERM PCT from a harsh oral cycle.

Pretty much all gains since hpta was never fully suppressed to begin with -- this is in regard to Andro products and full overview and control of blood work

I Have also seen pct bloods for injectable cycle using NON serm route but did not see a follow up to determine if gains were decently maintained.

I would love to sponsor someone who is doing a simple 12 week cycle of testosterone and perhaps something else and if they agree to adhere to bloods I would

like to see how their post cycle levels compare to pre-cycle levels...

Keep in mind - even if a SERM or NON serm PCT raises T leves , LH & FSH higher than pre-cycle levels that still hardly ensures cycle gains will be kept.

Of course gains will dissipate as normal hormone levels just are not adequate to sustain supra physiological gains induced by substantial aas usage.

I do believe firmly that natural levels can remain optimized post cycle though

Would love to see the bloods from that.
Would love to see the bloods from that.

I am working on getting someone to run what is considered a 'intermediate cycle'

for 10-12 weeks and solely rely in the 4 products in the Testosterone Recovery Stack for

regaining hormonal homeostasis -- HCG is still always great, but this is just for the sole fact

of understanding there are other ways to get T levels up withOUT Serm usage.
