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First Cycle and PCT

IML Gear Cream!
Great post.

Great post here.

Is this all the needles I'll need?

HCG: Tuberculin Syringe 1cc 27G

Test: 3cc Syringe 25G x 1 1/2"

I find choosing needles is harder than finding gear lol.
Hello HeavyIron,

I was wondering if you could answer a few quick questions. I'm about to run a test/winstrol cycle, and I'm not looking to gain 30lbs like you did, which I applaud you for, that is fantastic. I'm 25 5'11 and 205 with 13% body fat. My diet is good, nice mixture of veggies, plenty of chicken, egg whites, a little yogurt and very few carbs. My question is do I really need the test if my ultimate goal is maybe 6lbs of lean body mass, I don't want massive gains, I want to just stay around 205-215 and change my body comp by dropping to 10% body fat with the ultimate goal of 6-8% in the future, and do I really need to use HCG, arimidex, or aromasin on cycle? I only plan on doing around 300-400mg a week of the test and 50mg a week of the winny. I understand PCT of these 3, but on cycle too?
Hello HeavyIron,

I was wondering if you could answer a few quick questions. I'm about to run a test/winstrol cycle, and I'm not looking to gain 30lbs like you did, which I applaud you for, that is fantastic. I'm 25 5'11 and 205 with 13% body fat. My diet is good, nice mixture of veggies, plenty of chicken, egg whites, a little yogurt and very few carbs. My question is do I really need the test if my ultimate goal is maybe 6lbs of lean body mass, I don't want massive gains, I want to just stay around 205-215 and change my body comp by dropping to 10% body fat with the ultimate goal of 6-8% in the future, and do I really need to use HCG, arimidex, or aromasin on cycle? I only plan on doing around 300-400mg a week of the test and 50mg a week of the winny. I understand PCT of these 3, but on cycle too?

Sorry I misquoted myself, I didn't mean PCT of HCG, arimidex, or aromasin, just PCT period. I plan on a PCT of clomid, forma stanzol, and unleashed/post cyle combo
I have a question about the PCT part of the cycle you have laid out.

"I recommend the following PCT protocol for esters like Cypionate and Enanthate;
Day 1-16 : 2500iu HCG every other day. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG etd.)
100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)
20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg Aromasin (20mg daily for 3 weeks, 10mg daily in week 4)
3g Vit C every day split in 3 doses
10g creatine daily"

The Aromasin is to be taken concurrently with the HCG, correct? Examle, HCG is taken for 16 days starting the day after the last injection of tesosterone, and aromasin is taken 20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg for four weeks starting the day after the last testosterone injection. Starting the second week after the last testosterone injection, clomid is then taken 100/100/100/50 for four weeks.

I want to clarify that this is exactly how the process should work:
Weeks 1-10:
Testosterone/HCG/Aromasin in the indicated amounts of the cycle

Day after last injection of testosterone to 2 weeks (technically 16 days from post) after last injection of testosterone:
HCG/Aromasin in indicated amounts

2 weeks after last testosterone injection to 4 weeks after testosterone injection
Aromasin/Clomid in indicated amounts

4 weeks after last testosterone injection to 6 weeks after last testosterone injection:
clomid in indicated amounts


A lot of ppl seem to get confused on pct..heavy has set a nice bacic guide here
..that's great for beginners! With a lil more reading You'll start to understand it better. You will also gind that many have different opinions on pct and not everyone runs it the same..
Hello HeavyIron,

I was wondering if you could answer a few quick questions. I'm about to run a test/winstrol cycle, and I'm not looking to gain 30lbs like you did, which I applaud you for, that is fantastic. I'm 25 5'11 and 205 with 13% body fat. My diet is good, nice mixture of veggies, plenty of chicken, egg whites, a little yogurt and very few carbs. My question is do I really need the test if my ultimate goal is maybe 6lbs of lean body mass, I don't want massive gains, I want to just stay around 205-215 and change my body comp by dropping to 10% body fat with the ultimate goal of 6-8% in the future, and do I really need to use HCG, arimidex, or aromasin on cycle? I only plan on doing around 300-400mg a week of the test and 50mg a week of the winny. I understand PCT of these 3, but on cycle too?

I think he ate like a horse to gain 30+ You can actually cut on a test cycle. If you did 600mg per week and kept a low cal diet it could possibly cut you up and give you the results you are looking for. Perhaps run a DHT drug like Var for your tendon strength.
Anavar Cycle

I'm getting ready to hop on Anavar 75mg a day. Liquid Tamox ok for PCT? I'm 23, 6-3 about 190lbs. Just looking for some advice and trying to get rid of belly fat and cut up. Let me know, thanks
I'm getting ready to hop on Anavar 75mg a day. Liquid Tamox ok for PCT? I'm 23, 6-3 about 190lbs. Just looking for some advice and trying to get rid of belly fat and cut up. Let me know, thanks

ps.. should i bump up to 80mg a day?
Hey guys - esp. HeavyIron - lots and LOTS of info in this thread and on these forums. However, it's still left me a bit confused in regards to PCT. Here's my deal. I am eventually going to be getting back on Test Cyp. I have 80cc 250/mg. And no, I am not going to use it all at once, but rather several shorter cycles as I now know (from this thread) about that plateau, which I actually experienced on a couple 12 weeks cycles in the past. I am not stacking anything, just straight Cypionate. I have used Nolva/Clomid in the past for PCT, and did not use an AI on-cycle as I did not experience gyno. I just want to get my PCT nailed down to a T before I even start with the test. I guess I am asking for advice from HeavyIron, who is a proponent of Testosterone. If I am cycling 500mg cyp/week for 8 weeks at a time, what would you personally recommend as a viable effective PCT? I get awesome gains from Test alone, and do not want to waste them. And if I cycle the test as mentioned, how much layoff time would you recommend after PCT before starting again? Sorry for the questions, I am just getting getting confused with reading all the different advice on the forums. :confused:
IML Gear Cream!
Read the stickies made by HeavyIron in the anabolic section.
I think Ive read this post at least 6 or 7 times. Thanks for this !
Hi HeavyIron:

I would apreciate your help very much? I have been weighlifting since I was 16, when I was 22 i decided to do my first cicle but the advise I got was pretty bad, eventually i started a cicle of deca 200 + sustenon 250 weekly, but on week number 3 I injured my lower back and got an hernia so I couldn?t continue with it. Today I am 35 years old, last 2 years going to the gym 4 times/week 5?9.5? 165 pounds 15%bf and would love to add 20 more pounds of muscle mass.

I have read over and over your post and will like to know if this is the right way to do a first cicle.

8 week/cicle

Every Sunday 10mg Aromasin
Every Monday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG
Every Tuesday 10mg Aromasin/250mg Enanthate
Every Wednesday 10mg Aromasin
Every Thursday 10mg Aromasin
Every Friday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG
Every Saturday 10mg Aromasin/250mg Enanthate

And for PCT, as soon as i finish the cicle:

Day 1-16 : HCG 1000iu daily

Day 1-21: Aromasin 20mg per day
Day 21-28: Aromasin 10mg daily

Day 14-35: 100mg Clomid per day (Split 50/50)
Day 36-43: 50mg Clomid per day

Day 1-21: 3g Vit C daily

Day 1-60: 10g creatine daily

Thank you for your time, regards,

Hi everyone new to this forum
Just started my first cycle
Malay tiger test e 2ml monday 2ml thursday
12week course
Unsure what pct to take thinking nolva & clomid
Some help would be great, the gear am using anygood? pct help? etc etc thanks alot guys
21 training for 1 n half years was 9stone 4 when started now 11stone 4 and its gettin hard to gain weigh thanks alot
Hi everyone new to this forum
Just started my first cycle
Malay tiger test e 2ml monday 2ml thursday
12week course
Unsure what pct to take thinking nolva & clomid
Some help would be great, the gear am using anygood? pct help? etc etc thanks alot guys
21 training for 1 n half years was 9stone 4 when started now 11stone 4 and its gettin hard to gain weigh thanks alot

Make your own thread, tell us you height(feet), weight(lbs),years of training and what your diet is looking like. At 21 you shouldnt need any test being that test levels are very high. But since you started already i guess continue. You need to get pct, you shouldnt start cycles without pct. As for pct, Heavy laid out a good pct in the first post. Make sure to have nolva on hand just incase gyno flares up, you dont want bitch tits
Make your own thread, tell us you height(feet), weight(lbs),years of training and what your diet is looking like. At 21 you shouldnt need any test being that test levels are very high. But since you started already i guess continue. You need to get pct, you shouldnt start cycles without pct. As for pct, Heavy laid out a good pct in the first post. Make sure to have nolva on hand just incase gyno flares up, you dont want bitch tits

Thanks for reply pal, knew to this so didnt know weather to make a thread or owt
got sum nolva n clomid on order so shud have it soon, iam 5,8, weigh 159lb , been lifting around 18month
Jabbin 4ml for first 5week then going to jab 5ml till the 12th week hope this healp, any more advice thanks
Thanks for reply pal, knew to this so didnt know weather to make a thread or owt
got sum nolva n clomid on order so shud have it soon, iam 5,8, weigh 159lb , been lifting around 18month
Jabbin 4ml for first 5week then going to jab 5ml till the 12th week hope this healp, any more advice thanks

This is heavy's cycle for first time users. "
"Sunday 10mg Aromasin
Monday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG
Tuesday 10mg Aromasin/300mg Enanthate
Wednesday 10mg Aromasin
Thursday 10mg Aromasin
Friday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG
Saturday 10mg Aromasin/300mg Enanthate"

PCT as follows:

Day 1-16 : 2500iu HCG every other day. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG etd.)

100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)

20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg Aromasin (20mg daily for 3 weeks, 10mg daily in week 4)

3g Vit C every day split in 3 doses

10g creatine daily

hope this helps

Guys doing my first test e cycle 500mg per week, shud i inject once or twice a week? what do u reccomend for pct thanks
Guys doing my first test e cycle 500mg per week, shud i inject once or twice a week? what do u reccomend for pct thanks

Did u read this thread dude? do u read any threads? this has been covered multiple times! Research is your friend
Awesome Post Heavy, Very easy to understand and Good Important info with the PCT. alot of times people dont realize how important PCT is when they first jump into running gear. I Learned the hard way years ago. Live and Learn. Awesome Post, Have read it over multiple times! Helps Simplify and Understand the hows whys and whens.
IML Gear Cream!

I am looking for some advice on a first cycle. I have been on 300mg per week of Test Cyp for about 2 months. About one month ago I started taking 150mg of HCG every other day. I wanted to add a small trenbolone dose of 50mg every other day and a small dose of nandrolone, 75mg twice a week for 10 to 12 weeks. I have nolvadex to add in about half way through the cycle and into post cycle. I plan to continue the HCG during and after the cycle. My goal is not to gain much weight but to lean out and get some joint relief. Any strength or size gains are welcome but not my primary focus. I know running two 19 nor's at the same time increases the propensity for prolactin production. Considering that I am running such low doses for a short time should I be concerned with prolactin side effects? Should I include pramipexole?

If it helps, I am 43 and have been lifting for about 25 years. I'm 5'6" and weigh 220 at about 8% body fat.
I am looking for some advice on a first cycle. I have been on 300mg per week of Test Cyp for about 2 months. About one month ago I started taking 150mg of HCG every other day. I wanted to add a small trenbolone dose of 50mg every other day and a small dose of nandrolone, 75mg twice a week for 10 to 12 weeks. I have nolvadex to add in about half way through the cycle and into post cycle. I plan to continue the HCG during and after the cycle. My goal is not to gain much weight but to lean out and get some joint relief. Any strength or size gains are welcome but not my primary focus. I know running two 19 nor's at the same time increases the propensity for prolactin production. Considering that I am running such low doses for a short time should I be concerned with prolactin side effects? Should I include pramipexole?

If it helps, I am 43 and have been lifting for about 25 years. I'm 5'6" and weigh 220 at about 8% body fat.

I would not run 2 19nor's. better to up the dose to something like 600mg test and 300mg nandrolone. You should take 500iu hcg 2x a week. Aromasin 25mg or arimidex 1mg every day. Then proper pct.
Last edited:
Following your suggestions word for word with Test E 400mg/wk. M4BTEAM.COM or RBB ?
This is just the thread I've been looking for, thank you. Now for more research...
I'm on my first cycle and got told to take deca and sus I'm one week into it what should I do I'm 21 12stone 5ft8 and 10%bf