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Fu Fu's l337 journal

IML Gear Cream!
Today -

bilateral DB OHP -
1x5 w/ x2 70 lb

weighted pull up -
3x5 +55 lb

weighted push up -
3x5 +70 lb

barbell spider row - (wore straps)
3x5 w/ 225 lb

hanging unilateral straight leg raise -
3x1 w/ 11 sec iso each side

back squat -
1x9 w/ 285

deficit RDL -
1x7 335

increased ROM front rack Bulgarian squat -
3x5 each 175 lb

shoulder tap plank -
2x11 w/ 3 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
Today -

flat KB bench press -
2x6 w/ x2 88 lb

weighted feet on bench inverted row suspension strap -
3x4 +75 lb PR

hands on paralettes push ups for increased ROM -
1x9 +65 lb
1x7 +65 lb

weighted lock off -
6x10 seconds +25 lb (alternating between 90 degrees and 120 degrees)

hanging alternating single leg raise -
2x2 each side w/ 10 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
Today -

back squat - (belt, L knee sleeves)
1x5 w/ 315 lb (great depth, technique, speed)

conventional deadlift - (DOH, chalk, no belt)
1x8 w/ 335 lb

unilateral RDL -
2x2 each side w/ 225 lb PR

alternating deadbug -
2x12 w/ 1 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
Today -

weighted pull up -
1x1 +100.5 lb PR (BW=187 lb)

KB unilateral OHP -
1x1 each w/ 80 lb

spider row -
2x3 w/ 235 lb

parelette feet on smallest box weighted push up -
1x3 +90 lb PR

single leg hanging straight leg raise -
3x1 each side w/ 12 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
Today (last session of this program)

front rack Bulgarian squat -
2x3 each side w/ 205 lb PR

deficit RDL (standing on 25 lb bumper) - (straps, no belt)
1x6 w/ 345 lb

shoulder tap plank -
1x12 each side w/ 3 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
First day back after 7 day rest

KB flat bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 62 lb (as much ROM as possible, as usual) add 2.5 lb to each KB next week via straps

feet on box inverted row w/ suspension straps -
2x10 +15 lb

feet on box suspension strap push-up
2x10 +15 lb

weighted lock-offs -
6x5 seconds +20 lb alternating 90 and 120 degrees

alternating hanging single leg raise -
3x5 w/ 1 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
climber's elbow rehab 3 sets plus pronation + supination stretches between sets

20 mm half crimp hang -
5x10 seconds w/ 60 sec RI at bodyweight next week add 5 lb and do 75 sec RI

35 degree beastmaker sloper hang - (see picture for specific part on hangboard)
6x5 seconds w/ 60 second RI at bodyweight next week do 5x7 seconds
Today -

back squat - (belt, L knee sleeves)
2x6 255 lb

conventional deadlift - (chalk, DOH, no belt)
2x8 285 lb

deficit unilateral RDL - (standing on 25 lb plate, no straps)
2x6 w/ 135 lb progress by 5 lb, focus on increased ROM

stir the pot (biggest ball at gym) -
3x5 circles each side

full body mobility
many sets of different climber's elbow rehab
Today -

DB bilateral OHP
2x10 w/ x2 45 lb

weighted pull up -
3x5 +35 lb

paralette feet on smallest box push up -
2x10 +25 lb

single arm rotational inverted row -
3x8 each side BW (handle height just below belt level, see screen shot on 11/14 for heel position relative to seam in mat, strap centered between legs, controlled entire eccentric, can progress by stepping forward and/or adding weight in non-working hand. I think just adding weight in non-working hand is best right now).

alternating deadbug -
3x5 w/ 2 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
lots of climber's elbow rehab

back squat -
2x10 225 lb

deficit RDL - (standing on 25 lb bumper) (straps, nothing else)
2x10 w/ 275 lb

front rack Bulgarian squat -
2x6 each w/ 115 lb (tall bench on top of 15 lb bumpers, most range of motion ever done on these, by far)

shoulder tap plank
3x5 w/ 4 sec iso each rep

climbers elbow rehab
full body mobility
IML Gear Cream!
Today -

flat KB bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 64.5 lb next week use x2 70 lb

inverted row feet on box suspension straps -
2x10 +20 lb

suspension strap feet on box push up -
2x10 +25 lb

weighted lock off -
6x5 sec +25 lb alternating 90 and 120 degrees

hanging alternating straight leg raise -
3x6 each side w/ 1 sec iso

half crimp hold -
5x10 sec on 20 mm edge +5 lb RI 90 sec

beastmaker 2000 35 degree sloper -
5x5 sec +5 lb 90 sec RI
1x20 sec BW (more in the tank)

full body mobility
climber's elbow rehab

back squat -
2x6 265 lb

deadlift -
2x8 295

deficit unilateral RDL -
2x6 140

stir the pot -
3x6 each direction

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Today -

bilateral DB OHP -
2x10 w/ x2 50 lb

weighted pull up -
3x5 +40 lb

paralette feet on small box push up -
2x10 +30 lb (I used x2 15 lb plates with a folded yoga mat between to keep the top plate from slipping off the bottom plate)

single arm rotational inverted row -
2x8 w/ increased forward foot position compared to last time (see pic, did ~3 inch movement forward. one of my feet slipped forward on a latter rep in the 2nd set due to temporary loss of core stability and control). play this by ear week to week. next week increase foot position is the current plan

alternating deadbug -
3x6 w/ 2 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold -
5x5 sec 20 mm edge +15 lb 60 sec RI

35 degree sloper hold on beastmaker 2000 -
3x10 sec +5 lb RI 90 sec

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Today -

back squat -
2x10 w/ 235 lb (very snappy, a lot more in the tank) maintain 2x10 for another week

deficit RDL -
2x10 w/ 285 lb maintain 2x10 for another week

front rack Bulgarian squat - tall bench on top of 15 lb bumpers
2x6 each w/ 125 lb

shoulder tap side plank -
3x6 w/ 4 sec iso each side

full body mobility
climber's elbow rehab
Today -

flat KB bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 70 lb (next week do 2x10 w/ 72.5 lb)

inverted row -
2x10 +25 lb (next week do x2 15 lb plates with a folded yoga mat between them)

suspension strap push-up
2x10 +30 lb

weighted lock off -
6x5 seconds +30 lb alternating 90 and 120 degrees 60 sec RI continue with 60 sec RI

hanging alternating straight leg raise -
3x7 each side w/ 1 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold -
5x10 sec on 20 mm edge +10 lb RI 90 seconds for first 3 sets, then 2 minute RI for latter 2 sets (continue with 2 minute RI for all sets)

35 degree sloper hold on beastmaker 200 -
5x5 second +10 lb 90 second RI (I started slipping on sets 3-5. I still held on for full 5 seconds.
1x15 second at BW (couldn't hold it, slipped off)
1x25 second at BW (barely any left in tank, but huge difference from previous set. I needed to focus on full body compression to achieve this. On previous set I was not engaging my fingers enough because I was afraid of falling into crimp position. but I overcompensated and didn't engage fingers enough. I engaged fingers more and maintained sloper hand positiopn when I previously thought I was falling into a crimp. I was overchalking too. I found after messing around a bit with more moisture on my hands I was able to hold friction significantly better. NEXT TIME ALLOW FOR SOME HAND MOISTURE. May be something special on how friction works on a wooden surface, or sloper surface in general.
Holy smokes...this has to be the longest running log ever. Got to hand it to you brother!

Rock on 💪
Today -

back squat -
2x6 w/ 275 lb

deadlift -
2x8 305 lb

unilateral RDL -
2x6 each w/ 145 lb progress by 5 lb

stir the pot -
3x7 in each direction

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
bilateral OHP -
2x10 w/ x2 55 lb (next time make sure I get very psyched up, well fed, well rested because today they felt attainable but harder than expected due to climbing hard yesterday and having shoulder soreness already)

weighted pull up -
3x5 +45 lb

paralette feet on small box push up -
2x10 +35 lb

single arm rotational inverted row -
2x8 w/ increased foot position see pic from last week when deciding progression -> next week stand with heel at end of yellow band, which is aligned on mat seam

alternating deadbug -
3x7 w/ 2 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold on 20 mm edge -
5x5 sec +20 lb 60 sec RI (felt easier than expected)

35 degree sloper -
4x10 sec +10 90 sec RI (increase to 2 minute next time)

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Today -

back squat -
2x10 w/ 245 lb

deficit RDL - standing on 25 lb bumper
2x10 w/ 295 lb

front rack Bulgarian squat - tall bench on top of 15 lb bumpers
2x6 each w/ 135 lb

shoulder tap plank -
3x7 w/ 4 sec iso each rep

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
IML Gear Cream!
Today -

KB flat bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 72.5 lb

inverted row feet on tall box -
2x10 +30 lb

suspension strap push-up feet on tall box -
2x10 +35 lb

weighted lock off - (feel like I can go significantly heavier on these, wondering if I'm baby-ing myself)
6x5 sec +35 lb RI 60 seconds, alternate between 90 and 120 degrees

hanging alternating single leg raise -
2x8 w/ 1 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold on 20 mm edge -
5x10 sec +15 lb (felt easier than last week, despite all RI's being 90 sec and weight being heavier) doing tendon gliding and individual finger stretching is very important for keeping fingers feeling good on these. also focusing on evening pressure between each finger during hold)

35 degree sloper -
5x5 sec +15 lb 90 sec RI
1x28 sec at BW (went to failure, found a bit of sweat on hands definitely helps. still finding balance of chalk use on these.)

back squat -
2x6 285 do 1 set next week?

deadlift -
2x8 315 do 1 set next week?

deficit RDL - standing on 25 lb bumper
2x6 each 150

stir the pot -
3x8 each direction

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Today -

bilateral DB OHP -
2x10 w/ x2 60 lb (felt a lot stronger than last week, more in the tank)

weighted pull up - (been doing wide grip on these)
3x5 +50 lb always tuck weight between legs

paralette feet on small box push up -
2x10 +40 lb

single arm rotational inverted row -
3x6 w/ increased foot position (on the last set I set up a box with weights on top (see pic) to position toes on so I don't slide forward. it makes a big difference in being able to focus on the lift. that is what I'll be doing moving forward) next week increase foot position (see pic)

alternating deadbug -
3x8 w/ 2 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold on 20 mm edge -
5x5 seconds +25 lb 60 sec RI (felt very strong) (i've been doing more dynamic start, instead of slowly lowering)

sloper 35 degrees -
3x10 +15 lb (these were tough. next week progress by 2.5) next week maybe do these before crimps?

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Still killing it man
Glad your still here

trt life
back squat -
2x10 w/ 255 lb

deficit RDL -
1x10 w/ 305 lb

front rack Bulgarian squat - tall bench stacked on 10 lb bumpers
2x6 w/ 145 lb

shoulder tap plank -
2x8 w/ 4 sec iso each rep

full body mobility
climber's elbow rehab

KB flat DB bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 75 lb (next week, do x2 80 lb)

inverted row - (usual set up)
2x10 +35 lb

suspension strap push up - (usual set up)
2x10 +40 lb

weighted lock off -
6x5 sec +40 lb (alternate 90 and 120 degree)

hanging leg raise alternate -
2x9 w/ 1 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold on 20 mm -
5x10 sec +20 lb (started with 90 sec RI and gradually increased to 2 minute 45 sec RI before last set)

35 degree sloper hold on beastmaker 200 -
5x5 sec +20 lb (RI 90 sec all sets) (these felt a lot easier than expected) looking up while holding slopers helps
1x30 sec BW (a lot more in the tank despite shaking a lot. brushing beforehand and right amount of chalk is key, and tucking under hangboard, leaning back a bit, and looking up helps, engaging lats hard)
Today -

back squat -
2x6 w/ 295 lb (definitely notably easier than expected)

deadlift -
lots of warm up sets
2x3 w/ 325 lb (I definitely had more in the tank, but I am limiting how much training stimulus I am creating through lifting to allow for more climbing and climbing training)

deficit unilateral RDL - standing on 25 lb bumper)
2x6 each w/ 155 lb (technique felt solid today)

stir the pot -
3x9 in each direction

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility

35/45 degree sloper hold on beastmaker 2000 -
12x1 sec hold each side (L on 35 and R on 45) (30-45 sec RI)
3x2 sec hold each side (i started getting better technique to hold on longer. i notice my body rotates toward the hand on the steeper sloper) (i'm stronger with R on lesser sloper and L on steeper sloper)

I then fucked around with matching on 25 degree sloper, move one hand to 35 degree sloper, move other hand to 35 degree sloper, move initial hand back to 25 degree, then match on 25 degree, pausing only for 1 second to establish control after each movement before doing next movement) a nice little dynamic drill I came up with
Today -

bilateral KB OHP -
2x10 x2 62 lb

weighted push up -
1x5 +55 lb
2x4 +55 lb (I did 3x5 with this weight last phase, but I was much less fatigued due to less directly previous OHP work, and I'm also on a calorie deficit currently)

paralette weighed push up feet on small box -
1x10 +45 lb PR
1x8 +45 lb (pretty sure I could've done 10 if I got psyched up and really grinded)

single arm inverted row -
2x6 w/ increased foot position (~3" more than last time)

alternating dead bug -
2x9 w/ 2 sec iso each rep

half crimp hold on 20 mm edge -
5x5 sec 60 sec RI +30 lb

sloper 35 degree hold -
4x10 +17.5 lb 90 sec RI (did an extra set, and last set felt strongest)

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Today -

back squat -
1x10 w/ 265 lb

deficit RDL - standing on 25 lb bumper
2x3 w/ 315 lb (climber really hard yesterday, back toast, so significantly cut volume)

front rack Bulgarian squat - tall bench on 10 lb bumper plates
1x6 each w/ 155 lb

shoulder tap plank -
1x9 w/ 4 sec iso each rep

climber's elbow rehab
full body mobility
Today -

KB flat bench -
3x5 w/ x2 80 lb (way more in the tank, but wasn't looking to fatigue myself maximally)

weighted inverted row feet on tall box suspension strap-
1x3 bw, +45, 55, 65

weighted push up feet on box suspension strap -
3x5 +55 lb

weighted lock off -
8x5 sec alternating 90 and 120 degrees, I did +45, 50, 55, 60

hanging alternating leg raise -
1x10 each side w/ 1 sec iso each rep

climber's elbow rehab
finger rehab
full body mobility