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Hypertrophy's Bulk up log!

Thanks fellas things are coming together got a new job, it sucks but, I have a job I have been working longer hours. I wrecked it in the gym yesterday had good energy and felt great! I'm getting my diet back on track along with my workouts. My weights the same but I haven't been working out except for at work.
Got to go for now it's gym time!
yeahhhh man that's what I like to hear! go in there and kill it, I'm sure your body's been dying to hit the iron again
Pick from today! I felt great had a lot of energy! It was a good day. I have been grubbing all day too!
Dude you look good. There's a total difference. How many softgels are you taking of BULKUP?
I am taking three a day! This morning when I was looking in the mirror all my muscles look puffy and swolen . So I'm Headed in the right drection now!
Yes I was heavy for a week ! But the rest of the Tim was bulk up!
So I have to admit that I was skeptical about this product but, since I got my diet and routine on track I have gained a couple pounds!:)
IML Gear Cream!
What's up been working long hours the last couple days but, diet has been on point for bulking, it's cooling off and I have been eating everything in sight so I guess my Apatite has increased! I can't wait to see how much weight I have gained this week! My shoulders and chest are visibly bigger! Will post picks in a fyew more pounds!
So here is a pick from today no pump I have gained 5lbs this week! I'm disappointed that I haven't had my diet and program in order since the beginning of my log!
I wrecked the gym today and my forearms felt like they were ripping apart they got such a good pump today! Energy is felt strong today!
I see some new size there for sure. Not bad for having been a tad inconsistent with diet and training.
Ya thanks I've definitely seen growth since I've gotten back on track!
So, give it to us strait. Are you seeing good results on BULK-UP? The photos look good, what are the gains?
Definitely increase in chest and arm size. I see your vascularity has increased A LOT! Was the after pic taken after the gym because you look seriously pumped up!
Sorry guys new job baby back in the hospital, shit has been hectic! Happy to report up 10 lbs! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351066567.726470.jpg
I'm on a mission to exsplode and this is a good step in th right drection!
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