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I am Back!!!


Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Just popping in to let you all know that I will be a sponsor on here by the end of this weekend. Most of you already have tried my oils so it's nothing new there and soon I will be stocked with legit GH again. I have replacements for yellow tops en route and about to touchdown anyway now. You will see people posting about this within a week. If I do owe you from the yellow top fiasco, forward my your email to my securenym account. I will also give you all 10% off your first order for being so damn patient.
Welcome back Bush! Glad to see you around again bro.


Just popping in to let you all know that I will be a sponsor on here by the end of this weekend. Most of you already have tried my oils so it's nothing new there and soon I will be stocked with legit GH again. I have replacements for yellow tops en route and about to touchdown anyway now. You will see people posting about this within a week. If I do owe you from the yellow top fiasco, forward my your email to my securenym account. I will also give you all 10% off your first order for being so damn patient.
Good to hear Bush!!! I am in need of a new sponsor for oils now that AMA is gone.
Welcome back Bush! I knew you'd be back, glad to see you here brother.