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IML Gear Cream!
Sorry didn't actually answer your question. The idea is the giant "front load" is for esters that are long you wouldn't really need it with fast acting stuff. Even though cyp is a long ester its not like its on a timer and after 12 days, BOOM all the test is released. The way it works is it is slowly being released over 12 days with the majority of the concentrations peaking around the 9th or 10th day. Then it falls off. So the giant front load will get more of the test into you and more would be slowly releasing as opposed to the small amount releasing. Basically if you inject 250 mgs and 10% of its strength is released everyday you only get 25mgs released. If you inject 1 gr, then 10% is 100mg released.

It is not linear - google the pharmacokinetics graph. There is a peak within a couple of days, half life is day 10 for cyp.
It is not linear - google the pharmacokinetics graph. There is a peak within a couple of days, half life is day 10 for cyp.

Wow! just checked it out. When I have a free week with nothing else to do I'll figure out those equations. lol I get it though it's not linear like you said it rises and falls with a slow steady increase in concentrations. Is there someone who can explain this in a, "half life and blood serum concentrations for dummies?" Cause I could use that shit :)

I recall seeing something on this a while back.
It is not linear - google the pharmacokinetics graph. There is a peak within a couple of days, half life is day 10 for cyp.

Dam I'm lost more now , just when I start to get the hang of half life's !!! Hmm maybe I should ask for my money back from my university!! Jk.
Anyone else wanna chime in!? I'm getting ready to buy my gear