Really the Diet and exercise are THE key. The Testosterone really helped me with the energy to get started lifting again. and also helps with building muscle on such a low calorie diet.
Marianne (Built) and I have known each other for several years and she has always guided me on transforming from a fatty to a "regular" person. She has been a blessing for me. She pushed me to try TRT and is sure does help. She also reccomended I come ov er here to IM.
I am only taking 140 mg a week currently. Labs coming up next week.
My true goal is not weight based but fat based. I really don't care how much I weigh. I just want to get to a reasonable body fat %. I want to look better that most 50 Y/O men. I have the body shape of a powerlifter and probably will never get rid of my belly. But it would be nice to see where I pee from LOL
I am shooting for somewhere between 200-215ish for a maintenence weight. But If I am jerked and tan @ 225 I don't care LOL
My legs and core are strong but I would like to get my chest, arms and back a bit bigger.
would like to see if I can flatten my belly more. Heck it took me 49 years to get that fat and it doesn't matter how long it takes to reach my goal. But the sooner the better. I enjoy eating healhy and working out now. I spent a good part of my life partying and carrying on. Now I need to set a better example for my two girls 8 and 12 Y/O. Yeah I know most guys my age are grasdpa's but the wife and I did practice a LOT
I have a cruise in October ane will be seeing a bunch of family. I want them to crap their pants when they see me.