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Jagbender's battle of the bulge

IML Gear Cream!
just from your pics from 300 lbs to now there is an amazing change! I think you have turned heads..... it is very inspirational.

my wife tells me okk stop now, you look good, so do everyne that has not seen me in a year, some think I am jacked, (do they even know what jacked means cuz I am far from jacked), but I am leaving impressions with less of a ransformation than you have had! BUT, my goal is eventually 10% bf with a maintainance of around 12-14 top end, which i think is most manageable on a balanced diet without going crazy.

I intend on getting there by the spring, thats 6-7 months from now, could do it in 3 but I want to have muscle too.
just from your pics from 300 lbs to now there is an amazing change! I think you have turned heads..... it is very inspirational.

my wife tells me okk stop now, you look good, so do everyne that has not seen me in a year, some think I am jacked, (do they even know what jacked means cuz I am far from jacked), but I am leaving impressions with less of a ransformation than you have had! BUT, my goal is eventually 10% bf with a maintainance of around 12-14 top end, which i think is most manageable on a balanced diet without going crazy.

I intend on getting there by the spring, thats 6-7 months from now, could do it in 3 but I want to have muscle too.

Wont take that long with a little help
just from your pics from 300 lbs to now there is an amazing change! I think you have turned heads..... it is very inspirational.

my wife tells me okk stop now, you look good, so do everyne that has not seen me in a year, some think I am jacked, (do they even know what jacked means cuz I am far from jacked), but I am leaving impressions with less of a ransformation than you have had! BUT, my goal is eventually 10% bf with a maintainance of around 12-14 top end, which i think is most manageable on a balanced diet without going crazy.

I intend on getting there by the spring, thats 6-7 months from now, could do it in 3 but I want to have muscle too.

I don;t think we can stop Carmine! LOL healthy eating and exercise are my new addiction!
I don;t think we can stop Carmine! LOL healthy eating and exercise are my new addiction!

awesome to see your loggin continuing! keep it up! i'm gonna be starting up a new log on here in next week or too for a nice bulk :D
awesome to see your loggin continuing! keep it up! i'm gonna be starting up a new log on here in next week or too for a nice bulk :D

Thanks Kid! glad to see you still @ IM

looking forward to your log!
jag with this diet your going to be ripped before to long
Took a while to get through alot of that but man looking good keep up the progress man..:clapping:
Cardio day 15.26 miles, avg 15.6 MPH, 58:26 minutes

I need to figure out how to work around my right shoulder. Benching and curls irritated it Tuesday. The injury seems to be on the top ot the shoulder and hurts when I pull up, or rotate to get my wallet.

DOMS from my squat day almost gone!

I wonder how much I can squat is I do not do ATF squats!

Scale still hanging 232-234 this week. Seeing changes in my face, getting thinner and more loose skin in the belly area. I suppose I should be taking measurements but I know I am losing fat.

Got up this AM and Ate 2.5 cups of Life cereal and milk. I haven;t done that in a long time. Not going to see ketosis today LOLZ
I need to figure out how to work around my right shoulder. Benching and curls irritated it Tuesday. The injury seems to be on the top ot the

I also have a lot of shoulder pain (unattached collar bone) but i find that doing dumbell press hurts it less than bench same with flys. and on curls I have to make sure that my shoulders are back and i bring the dumbell hammer curl motion to the opposite pectoral this will isolate your bis really well and helps keep my shoulder pain at a minimum. Hope that helps you.
I also have a lot of shoulder pain (unattached collar bone) but i find that doing dumbell press hurts it less than bench same with flys. and on curls I have to make sure that my shoulders are back and i bring the dumbell hammer curl motion to the opposite pectoral this will isolate your bis really well and helps keep my shoulder pain at a minimum. Hope that helps you.

:hmmm: trying to think of the last time I had cold cereal & milk.......

Honestly, probably 5 years ago...LOL
:hmmm: trying to think of the last time I had cold cereal & milk.......

Honestly, probably 5 years ago...LOL

I usually don't eat cold cereal. I kept hearing that old commercial in my head. Give it to Mikey he won't eat it

YouTube Video
LMAO Epic commercial... I loved it!

I still use that line to this day, but use it for my dog.. "Give it to Morty, he'll eat anything" :laugh:
LMAO Epic commercial... I loved it!

I still use that line to this day, but use it for my dog.. "Give it to Morty, he'll eat anything" :laugh:

Hey I checked out your pics and Morty

you are looking good!
those are OLD pics..... ha ha I'm trying to delete them, but I'm having a little difficulty
Still kickin' ass though jag! Are you keeping those elbows tucked in when you're benching? I have a bad shoulder too and it lets me know immediately if my form is off a little bit.
Still kickin' ass though jag! Are you keeping those elbows tucked in when you're benching? I have a bad shoulder too and it lets me know immediately if my form is off a little bit.

I am going to not do any shoulder for a week or so. Will see how it feels.
My shoulder hurts when I pull the hanldebars on my bike when I corner. need to rest it and take some NSAID
My shoulder feels okay now, I know when I hurt mine, last couple of reps on incline db bench when my arm got tired and flared out!
My shoulder feels okay now, I know when I hurt mine, last couple of reps on incline db bench when my arm got tired and flared out!

I have done this before years ago and was trying to avoid doing this in the first place. I did it on a weight machine while on vacation. it sucks but will heal.
Laying off the weights this week. so more cardio today

windy this afternoon, wanted to fly my stunt kites after work and no friggin wind!

Ride was slower today due to the winds. 15.29 miles 14.7 avg 1:02:14