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Jagbender's battle of the bulge

Great job Jag very cool adding the video! Congrats on the PR!
great addition to the log with the vid! Straps def help me a ton when doing deads.

I have straps. 325 went up well 355 definatly need the straps as grip was failing.

Nice PR on the deads

Thanks Dave

Great job Jag very cool adding the video! Congrats on the PR!

Thanks Halo

The 325 x 2 was better video. my daughter though she was video taping with her Ipod LOL

Well the scale jumped back up the it's happy place 232

BUT the scale indicated the lowest body fat reading to date 17% hydration 55% I have to get it out of my mind it isn't what I weight it is where the fat levels are. 225 pounds and 10-12% bf would be pretty good I think.

Also looking at these two videos compaired to earlier videos my belly is not swinging all over the place it is more solid!
IML Gear Cream!
what are dumbells 6 ways? this is the second time I've heard this... I can think it could be OH press, front raise, side raise.... ??:hmmm:
fasted cardio 12:30 today
Winds in my favor for a change

15.22 miles Max speed 21.5 MPH average 16.3 MPH Time 56:01 minutes
Great job on the deads. :thumb:
Good luck on upcoming weeks your going to kill it
Nice workout today
flat bench
135 x 10
185 x 10
205 x 6
225 x 2
235 x 1 PR
245 x 1 slight assist from spotter mid push I took it back when i got past the middle

Standing overhead BB press
95 x 5
95 x 10
115 x 8
135 x 4

yates Rows
bar 20
95 x 12
115 x 10

had to get back to work

PWO 48 g whey / casein blend in water
Well the scale jumped back up the it's happy place 232

BUT the scale indicated the lowest body fat reading to date 17% hydration 55% I have to get it out of my mind it isn't what I weight it is where the fat levels are. 225 pounds and 10-12% bf would be pretty good I think.

100% agree!!!
Last edited:
quick cardio before Doc appt

7.97 miles Max speed 23.9 MPH average 17.0 time 28:05 minutes
Nice video at the top I know im late to the party. also with the 245 pr on bench. youll never see my pr on bench posted ANYWHERE!
Nice video at the top I know im late to the party. also with the 245 pr on bench. youll never see my pr on bench posted ANYWHERE!


your Bench Cannot be THAT bad??? :geewhiz:

back a page I pulled Dead lifts 325 2x nice and clean.