I am starting a new diet plan and figured I will copy my journal here as well since there is no diet like it posted. I am a bit skeptical but am going for it during this holiday season.
I was out of commission for a week and a half due to illness. No gym and bad foods due to unusual cravings while being sick. On top of Vegas. Got alot of work to do.
I am feeling much better and have 3 days left of antibiotics. Thank god.
Did moderate cardio Saturday and Sunday to ease into it. Tonight will be my first workout in a long ass time. I am excited
Training and diet will be dramatically different. I no longer want to add more muscle mass and long to be smaller in size. So a toned, lean, slim look is what I am going for. I will be working out each body part twice a week, with high rep/light weight. Except back- I would like more width, so I will continue with heavy lifts. Cardio will be light walking uphil 3 mornings a week due to the sedentary lifestyle that comes along with unemployment.
Mon and Thur.......Back, biceps, abs
Tues and Fri......Shoulders, triceps
Wed and Sat.....Legs, abs
Cardio........Tues, Thurs, Friday mornings
My Diet will not be TP's carb cycle as I yearn to "live" socially with food other than brown rice this winter. All the days of dieting and sacrifices has made me realize some fun is needed. Therefore I have elected to try a plan posted on FM.com by Akamais. Its a Warrior style diet- no carbs xcept a PWO spike, 1hr refeed on Wed and a 24 hour refeed on Sun. The non refeed days are very low calories. I will probably sacrifice some muscle on this plan but am willing to risk it. I have some doubts about the plan, but am equally curious. The refeeds will allow me to hang with friends and live a normal life during thoses times.
The DIET goes something like this:
M, T, W, Th, F, Sat
Meal 1
1 whole egg, 5 whites cooked in tblspoon of coconut oil
Meal 2
Chicken breast
1 tblspoon coconut oil
Meal 3
Same as two
Meal 4
Chicken Breast
1 tbsp Flax
ICE during W/O
30g dextrose via smarties or airheads
One hour later- Meal 5
Same as Meal 2
Wednesday Evening 1 hour carb load - eat anything!
Sunday - all day carb load - eat everything!
*Chicken can be substituted with any no/low carb protein source: fish, steak, eggs, powder, cottage cheese
*I will have veggies with at least 2 meals
*I will add 3 fish oils to each meal
Yes I know the plan seems a lil bogus. But I am gonna try it.
SUPPLEMENTS*which will not start until I finish my medicine- Thursday.
200mcg Selenium
200mg 7-KETO DHEA
Leptigen between meals
I am reserving my LIPO and Absolved til later in this cut when I have reached a plateau. I will be taking measurements tommorow morning and it wont be pretty. I have also started the pill again and am experiencing some bloating as well.
After7-8 weeks of this (if all goes well), I plan to buckle down and do the UD 2.0 diet and training to prep for a possible Spring show if I have the urge or just to prep for summer.

I was out of commission for a week and a half due to illness. No gym and bad foods due to unusual cravings while being sick. On top of Vegas. Got alot of work to do.

I am feeling much better and have 3 days left of antibiotics. Thank god.
Did moderate cardio Saturday and Sunday to ease into it. Tonight will be my first workout in a long ass time. I am excited
Training and diet will be dramatically different. I no longer want to add more muscle mass and long to be smaller in size. So a toned, lean, slim look is what I am going for. I will be working out each body part twice a week, with high rep/light weight. Except back- I would like more width, so I will continue with heavy lifts. Cardio will be light walking uphil 3 mornings a week due to the sedentary lifestyle that comes along with unemployment.
Mon and Thur.......Back, biceps, abs
Tues and Fri......Shoulders, triceps
Wed and Sat.....Legs, abs
Cardio........Tues, Thurs, Friday mornings
My Diet will not be TP's carb cycle as I yearn to "live" socially with food other than brown rice this winter. All the days of dieting and sacrifices has made me realize some fun is needed. Therefore I have elected to try a plan posted on FM.com by Akamais. Its a Warrior style diet- no carbs xcept a PWO spike, 1hr refeed on Wed and a 24 hour refeed on Sun. The non refeed days are very low calories. I will probably sacrifice some muscle on this plan but am willing to risk it. I have some doubts about the plan, but am equally curious. The refeeds will allow me to hang with friends and live a normal life during thoses times.
The DIET goes something like this:
M, T, W, Th, F, Sat
Meal 1
1 whole egg, 5 whites cooked in tblspoon of coconut oil
Meal 2
Chicken breast
1 tblspoon coconut oil
Meal 3
Same as two
Meal 4
Chicken Breast
1 tbsp Flax
ICE during W/O
30g dextrose via smarties or airheads
One hour later- Meal 5
Same as Meal 2
Wednesday Evening 1 hour carb load - eat anything!
Sunday - all day carb load - eat everything!
*Chicken can be substituted with any no/low carb protein source: fish, steak, eggs, powder, cottage cheese
*I will have veggies with at least 2 meals
*I will add 3 fish oils to each meal
Yes I know the plan seems a lil bogus. But I am gonna try it.

SUPPLEMENTS*which will not start until I finish my medicine- Thursday.
200mcg Selenium
200mg 7-KETO DHEA
Leptigen between meals
I am reserving my LIPO and Absolved til later in this cut when I have reached a plateau. I will be taking measurements tommorow morning and it wont be pretty. I have also started the pill again and am experiencing some bloating as well.
After7-8 weeks of this (if all goes well), I plan to buckle down and do the UD 2.0 diet and training to prep for a possible Spring show if I have the urge or just to prep for summer.
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