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Leslie's Journal


Elite Member
May 20, 2002
Reaction score
Jersey Girl
IML Gear Cream!
I am starting a new diet plan and figured I will copy my journal here as well since there is no diet like it posted. I am a bit skeptical but am going for it during this holiday season.

I was out of commission for a week and a half due to illness. No gym and bad foods due to unusual cravings while being sick. On top of Vegas. Got alot of work to do.:hog:
I am feeling much better and have 3 days left of antibiotics. Thank god.

Did moderate cardio Saturday and Sunday to ease into it. Tonight will be my first workout in a long ass time. I am excited

Training and diet will be dramatically different. I no longer want to add more muscle mass and long to be smaller in size. So a toned, lean, slim look is what I am going for. I will be working out each body part twice a week, with high rep/light weight. Except back- I would like more width, so I will continue with heavy lifts. Cardio will be light walking uphil 3 mornings a week due to the sedentary lifestyle that comes along with unemployment. :p

Mon and Thur.......Back, biceps, abs
Tues and Fri......Shoulders, triceps
Wed and Sat.....Legs, abs
Cardio........Tues, Thurs, Friday mornings

My Diet will not be TP's carb cycle as I yearn to "live" socially with food other than brown rice this winter. All the days of dieting and sacrifices has made me realize some fun is needed. Therefore I have elected to try a plan posted on FM.com by Akamais. Its a Warrior style diet- no carbs xcept a PWO spike, 1hr refeed on Wed and a 24 hour refeed on Sun. The non refeed days are very low calories. I will probably sacrifice some muscle on this plan but am willing to risk it. I have some doubts about the plan, but am equally curious. The refeeds will allow me to hang with friends and live a normal life during thoses times.

The DIET goes something like this:
M, T, W, Th, F, Sat

Meal 1
1 whole egg, 5 whites cooked in tblspoon of coconut oil

Meal 2
Chicken breast
1 tblspoon coconut oil

Meal 3
Same as two

Meal 4
Chicken Breast
1 tbsp Flax

ICE during W/O
30g dextrose via smarties or airheads

One hour later- Meal 5
Same as Meal 2

Wednesday Evening 1 hour carb load - eat anything!

Sunday - all day carb load - eat everything!

*Chicken can be substituted with any no/low carb protein source: fish, steak, eggs, powder, cottage cheese
*I will have veggies with at least 2 meals
*I will add 3 fish oils to each meal

Yes I know the plan seems a lil bogus. But I am gonna try it.:grin:

SUPPLEMENTS*which will not start until I finish my medicine- Thursday.
200mcg Selenium
200mg 7-KETO DHEA
Leptigen between meals

I am reserving my LIPO and Absolved til later in this cut when I have reached a plateau. I will be taking measurements tommorow morning and it wont be pretty. I have also started the pill again and am experiencing some bloating as well.

After7-8 weeks of this (if all goes well), I plan to buckle down and do the UD 2.0 diet and training to prep for a possible Spring show if I have the urge or just to prep for summer.
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good luck Les.
cant wait to see how everything goes. :thumb:
Sundays will be fun!:lol: Why the dextrose/smarties after your workout? Oh, what type of rep range will you be doing? How many sets/exercises per body part? Good Luck!;)
PLEASE note these arent Canadian SMARTIES these are rockets :rofl: i learnt that the hard way :funny:
Originally posted by Jill
Sundays will be fun!:lol: Why the dextrose/smarties after your workout? Oh, what type of rep range will you be doing? How many sets/exercises per body part? Good Luck!;)

I know:grin::D the dextrose PWO is for an insulin spike. The insulin spike aids in shuttling the nutrients into the muscle cells to begin repaired. I have never done an insulin spike on any planbefore, so I am quite nervous. Some people swear by it and others feel its unecessary. :shrug:

I plan to do 4 sets for each body part starting with 15 reps and going down. I plan to use lighter weights than in the past. For legs my reps will be as high as 25 to start. I will post my workouts too.

Thanks for the luck Jill and J'Bo! I am scared:scared: But with no events coming up, I have nothing to lose.
At one point for around 3 mos I was doing sets with 30 reps for ALL bodyparts!:eek: Until I got to IM, and everone said what I was doing was basically useless.:shrug: Back to 8-12. Whats your take on high reps?
Originally posted by Jill
At one point for around 3 mos I was doing sets with 30 reps for ALL bodyparts!:eek: Until I got to IM, and everone said what I was doing was basically useless.:shrug: Back to 8-12. Whats your take on high reps?

High reps are not good for building muscle. 30 reps is counterproductive:eek:

I am switching to higher reps(15) since I have been lifting heavy for sometime and have gained lots of mass(too much IMO) and would like to break it down. Higher reps will def do that.

I am going for even higher reps for my legs because they are thicker and carry lots of muscle. There are no striations- just smooth muscle. I am aiming for smaller legs and definitly am not afraid to lose some muscle down there.

8-12 reps is great for muscle growth. 6-10 is even better.:)
Good luck sweetie ;)
Les...doesnt it suck how we build and build and then comps start looking for smaller women :mad:
IML Gear Cream!
Originally posted by J'Bo
Les...doesnt it suck how we build and build and then comps start looking for smaller women :mad:

Um, YES!!:mad: I placed higher in my first comp because I was half the size I was this year:no:
But I am yearning for a smaller look anyways. So I guess it all works out:rolleyes:
It does bite.
My federation wants us HUGE and RIPPED and then when we turn pro we have to lose muscle and soften up...doesnt make much sense to me :crazy:
**I have not recieved my coconut oil yet, so I have used regular fat sources to break into the plan.

Meal 1
1 egg 4 whites
1 tbsp PB
Green Beans

Meal 2
5.5 ounces chicken
2 tbsp Newmans Cesear
Green Beans

Meal 3
5 ounces chicken
1 tbsp Flax oil

2 airheads. YUMMY :D

Meal 4
5.5 ounces Chicken
2 tbsp Newmans Balsamic
5 fish oil caps

Meal 5
1 cup Cottage cheese
1.5 Tbsp PB
**This meal seems to be too high in carbs- 10g?

Not too bad considering I havent seen the gym in a while, I have been sick and I am on no carbs and antibiotics. I started off strong but quickly grew into a weakling. Biceps were a pure disappointment as I usually curl 30's for my last set :(

Superset Style
Pulldowns 15/80, 10/100, 8/100, 6/110
CableCurls 15/45, 12/50, 10/60, 9/70

DB Row 12/40, 11/50, 7/60
DB Curls 12/20, 10/20, 10/17.5 FUQQING PATHETIC:no:

Seated Row 12/80, 9/90, 6/100
Hammer Curl 15/15, 12/15, 10/15

Hypers 3 sets 15
Roman Chair 2 sets 15
Side Obliques 2 sets 15
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Good Luck

I didn't realize Akamais plan had refeeds......very interesting!! Are you using any coconut oil or is it cold pressed? Just curious.
Thanks Senimoni. Nice to see you hear:)

I ordered my coconut oil and havent recieved it yet. So I am not sure.:shrug:
I ordered it off Mercola's website.
:banana: Yay! :clap: Leslie has started a journal here again!! :dancer: :D

This will be very interesting, I'll be watching ;)
Journal looks interesting and be curious to see what results would work. It was very similar to what I used during contest time except carbs would be in the morning and post workout. Instead of using cooccunut oil you may want to use MCT oil. Coocunut oil does have MCT oil but it will not give you the same benfitis as the MCT oil. Yes i'm sure it is cheaper, but you get for what you pay for as well. MCT with meal before your workout with help with energy levels big time plus it doesn't cause any inuslin spike as well which is always a good thing !!
i'm with you on the insulin spike....it will be the first time i've used one too and i'm scared but since my eating plan is new i'm going to do it completely so i can fairly "judge" it.
really glad you have a journal over here!
if you want to avoid excesssive fat storage from the refeed or spike (not during workout) use either 100 mgs R ala for 30-40 grams of carbs to offset it IMO
IML Gear Cream!
the ALA is on the way! thanks han
Originally posted by hardasnails1973
Journal looks interesting and be curious to see what results would work. It was very similar to what I used during contest time except carbs would be in the morning and post workout. Instead of using cooccunut oil you may want to use MCT oil. Coocunut oil does have MCT oil but it will not give you the same benfitis as the MCT oil. Yes i'm sure it is cheaper, but you get for what you pay for as well. MCT with meal before your workout with help with energy levels big time plus it doesn't cause any inuslin spike as well which is always a good thing !!

Thanks HAN:) I didnt know there was such a thing as MCT oil. Hmm, will look into that. I have some R-ala left over, I will use during my PWO spike. Thanks for the tip. I am getting much heat over this new plan as many seem to think its crazy but I really want to see where it goes over the next few weeks.:nanner:
everyone takes heat when going against the grain. You seem to have a firm understanding of the whole nutritional-diet-training-thing, so why not. :)

Good luck.
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Ok heres the tough part. Posting measurements. Not that bad actually. My flexed bi is the same- so I havent lost that much muscle over the past few weeks. My thigh is down 1/4 of an inch. Could be muscl eloss or no swell from w/o's and cardio.
The biggest increase is my waist and butt. I am still wearing the same jeans and such. They are just a lil snugger. The thing that bothers me the most is my waist. I usually am 26" and have zero fat here Right now I have the perfect bod according to my fiance' Well I guess he better enjoy me while he can before the ass goes bye bye.

Novemeber 18th
BW 168 *up 7 pounds since pre Vegas
Chest~ 40"
Bicep ~
.Unflexed~ 11 3/4
.Flexed ~13
Waist ~27 1/4
.top 36 1/2
.butt 38
.Under 37 1/2
Thigh~ 22 1/4
Calf 15 1/2
was i complimating the same thing belive it or not. I followed the m,th spike during contest time and it worked really good. As long as your caloires are in ck the refeed will do you well. During contest time i miscalulated my carb intake becuase I used groats instead of oats (which are 2.5 times qunatiy of regular oats by volume) ex 1 cup dry oats is 56 grams. 1 cup dry groats is 123 grams of carbs. I normally at 3 cups of oatmeal with 20 oz yam 2 bannanas when I was carbing up right before bed time last week of contest. Instead that night I cooked 3 cups of groats and when it was done I just looked at it and said ok and I ate all of it along with the 20 oz yam and 2 bannas. and 1000 mgs ALA with 1000 mgs biotin. well it turned out to be about 7-800 grams of carbs I wasn't used to eating. mind you that i comsumed4 gallons of water that days and about 2400 caloires of solid food on top of this !! I ate it all of it and i was getting harder and more vascaular by minute. I went to bed over stuffed weighing 205 and hard. in the morning I woke up same scale i weighed night before and weighed 194. This proves to the fact that eating a large meal before bed time when in a dieted state will jumps start metobilsm if you have stalled. As for variety I was going to day one refeed of 450-600 grams of clean complex carbs for the other refeed day just to see how differnt i looked and felt. Well I never got to do it..But after I get done with this gaining phase I will experiment with it and see how it work. As long as you keep caloires about mainteince or alittle bit below and then on refeeds go 250-500 caloires about that . About 2200 - 2600 caloires probably for you. Hope this helps and this should help to back up your reasoning. I could see you modify your program by adding some oatmeal first thing in the morning may be like a 1/2 cup dry with your r ala to offset it. I belive you would get the same effect as if you didn't have any carbs (JUST A THEORY )
Hey Leslie, looks good. I'll follow along and ask annoying questions! Like this one- Lifting weights 6 days a week and bp's twice a week. Is that overtraining or not?
Originally posted by rock4832
Hey Leslie, looks good. I'll follow along and ask annoying questions! Like this one- Lifting weights 6 days a week and bp's twice a week. Is that overtraining or not?
Hey Rock;)
Actually in my case, this really is not overtraining. I am unemployed right now and have all the free time in the world to workout and sleep. The amount of shuteye I get is sufficient for recovery:grin:
If I was working fulltime, then yes, this would be an impossible schedule and would lead to a burn out.
Originally posted by Leslie
Hey Rock;)
Actually in my case, this really is not overtraining. I am unemployed right now and have all the free time in the world to workout and sleep. The amount of shuteye I get is sufficient for recovery:grin:
If I was working fulltime, then yes, this would be an impossible schedule and would lead to a burn out.
Awghh, crap then. Got my hopes up. I want someone to tell me I can train like that and not be overtraining. Maybe my wife can support me and I can ditch work and school. Hmmmm...
Shoulders and Triceps
Supersets with 1 min rest periods

DB press 15/20, 12/25, 9/30
Cambered Bar Pushdown 15/45, 12/60, 10/70

Front DB Raise 15/15, 12/17.5, 12/17.5
Overhead Rope Ext 15/40, 12/45, 10/50

Side Lats Ladders using 5, 8, and 10lb db's
Kickback 15/12, 15/15, 10/20

Rear Machine 10/75, 11/60, 10/60