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Lets see what this muscle can do..

IML Gear Cream!
275lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (20-30 sec RI)

Bulgarian Squats
50lb DBs for 6 hilarious sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Drop set of bis & tris

Static Stretched

I was wobbly on the squats and the bulgarians werent horrible since I increased the time.

Yesterday was a major kettlebell day. Wont work out for the weekend.
Weighted Pullups
after some warms..
35lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (20-30sec RI)

Standing OH BB Press
after some warms
135lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (20-30 sec RI)

Weighted Chins
35lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (25-45 sec RI)

Standing OH DB Press
60lb DBs for 5 sets, 5 reps (20-30 sec RI)


Eliptical 18 min

Static Stretched

Increased rests again and this time, no failures.
Flat DB Press
A series of warm ups..
120lb DBs for 8 sets, 3 reps (20-30 sec RI)

DB Row
100lb DBs for 8 sets, 3 reps (30 sec RI)

Incline DB Press
85lb DBs for 5 sets, 5 reps (30-40 sec RI)

T bar Row
3 plates + 10lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (30-35 sec RI)

Static Stretched

Looking back at other days I did this, it must be a bitch. Today did feel rather difficult. I may be on the cusp of overtraining but after tomorrow, I wont have a gym so fuck it.
Flat DB Press
A series of warm ups..
100lb DBs for 4 sets, 6 reps (~45 sec RI)

DB Row
100lb DBs for 4 sets, 6 reps (~45 sec RI)

Alternating Incline DB Press
75lb DBs for 5 sets, 5 reps (~45 sec RI)

T bar Row
3 plates for 5 sets, 5 reps (30-35 sec RI)

Static Stretched

Back at the shitty gym for now. Didnt want to get the new gym jitters so some shit went down. Prepping for more high volume stuff.
Great journal.. Keep it up
275lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (30 sec RI)

Bulgarian Squats
60lb DBs for 6 hilarious sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Tri set of cabled bis, tris, & abs
Tanned ;)
20 min of Eliptical

No place to stretch? :hmmm:

No wonder why Bulgarians were ridiculous. I did 50lb DBs last time. Either way, twas a good workout for the basic gym.
Weighted Pullups
after some warms..
35lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (20-30sec RI)

Standing OH BB Press
after some warms
145lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (20-30 sec RI)

Weighted Chins
35lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (25-45 sec RI)

Standing OH DB Press
60lb DBs for 5 sets, 5 reps (20-30 sec RI)

Supersetted Neutral pullups and dips x 3

Eliptical 20 min

Static Stretched

Just about the exact same. Felt good but I just cant get a good sweat at this shit hole.
Conventional deads
Shit load of warms
325lbs for 10 sets, 1 rep (20-25 sec ri)

Romanian deads
285lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (30 sec ri)

Static Holds

23 min Eliptical

Static stretched

Still at this shithole, but a good workout nonetheless. Exact copy of last week.
Flat DB Press
A series of warm ups..
105lb DBs for 4 sets, 6 reps (30-45 sec RI)

DB Row
105lb DBs for 4 sets, 6 reps (~45 sec RI; 1 RP)

Alternating Incline DB Press
80lb DBs for 5 sets, 5 reps (~45 sec RI)

T bar Row
3 plates for 5 sets, 5 reps (30 sec RI)

Giant set of abs, bis, tris, abs
Leg Raises, planks

Static Stretched

Strong as fuck today, but my steam didnt last. I got nauseous and hungry near the arm sets.
IML Gear Cream!
At LA fitness.

275lbs for 8 sets, 3 reps (30 sec ri)

Conventional Deads
275lbs for 10 sets 1 rep (20 sec ri) :wtf:

Romanian Deads
275lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec ri)

Bulgarian squats
50lb dbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec ri)

Ab shit

Static stretched
Flat DB Press
A series of warm ups..
110lb DBs for 4 sets, 6 reps (45 sec RI)

DB Row
110lb DBs for 4 sets, 6 reps (~45 sec RI)

Alternating Incline DB Press
55lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (40 sec RI)

T bar Row
3 plates for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI; 1 RP)

Superset of bis, tris
Triset of planks, crunches, planks

Static Stretched

Theres my rep scheme for a bit and the pulls were hard as fuck. I had to strap the DB rows and the T bars? I couldnt believe how tough they were.
245lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Brink Squats
185lbs for 6, 5 reps (too heavy)
155lbs for 2 sets, 6 reps (45 sec RI)

25lb DBs for 3 sets, 8 reps (30+ sec RI)

Kettlebell work

Standing Calf Raise
120lbs for 4 sets, 10 reps (30 sec RI)

Static Stretched

I need to switch the rep scheme around, but I may be ok after a week or so. Brink squats were only hard cuz I have to get used to them. Bulgarians can go up.
Weighted Pull ups
25lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Weighted Chins
25lbs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI; 2 RPs)

225lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI; some negatives)

Flat Alternating DB Press
70lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

Caveman w/arms (3 compounds)

super setted abs

Static Stretched

I thought of doing a perpendicular movement plan. Very interesting... Chins became pretty hard. RPs are ok for a mass workout, but I may do BW.

Bench can slightly go up. It wasnt very easy, but I did manage to slow down the eccentrics despite all the energy I spent on the pullups.

Alternating can go up. I wanted to do arms, but to save time, I just used them for the active rests in the cavemans. I got up to doing 4 compounds but that has since changed! I hardly could do 3.
Hammies bitch

Romanian Deads
315lbs for 6 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI; 1st set un strapped)

135lbs for 4 sets, 8 reps (30-40 sec RI)

Seated Calf
2 plates for 4 sets, 10 reps (30 sec RI)


Too tired today. Still, not a bad set up.
Standing OH BB Press
135lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

T bar row
3 plates for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Alternating Standing OH DB Press
50lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

DB Row
90lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

Unilateral arm supersets

Static Stretched

The 1st 2 movements can go up 5-10lbs, but the other weights were perfect. When things get too easy, I focus on the negatives.
245lbs for 4 sets, 6 reps (45 sec RI)

Brink Squats
155lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

30lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)


Standing Calf Raise
120lbs for 5 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI; negatives)

Seated Calf
2 plates for 4 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI; negatives

Static Stretched

I did some negatives on the squats until I couldnt any more. Brinks did get better, as expected. Bulgarians were fucking crazy.
Weighted Pullups
25lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

235lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI; negatives; failed)

Weighted Chins
25lbs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI; failed)

Alternating Flat DB Press
75lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

Giant set of bis, tris, abs, abs

Static Stretched

Some failures today that were made up after some RPs. Truthfully, I failed bench cuz of the negatives, but I dont think I can net a bench after the first movement cuz of the crowd. Ill have to stick with all pulls before presses, despite my efforts. That said, these failures are ok now, but theyd better improve.
Romanian Deads
325lbs for 6 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI; 1st set un strapped)

135lbs for 4 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI)

Seated Calf
2 plates for 4 sets, 10 reps (30 sec RI)

Ill do Cavemen later. There Ill stretch. As far as this workout goes, this shit was hard.
IML Gear Cream!
Standing OH BB Press
145lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

T bar row
3 plates for 5 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Alternating Standing OH DB Press
50lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

DB Row
90lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

Unilateral arm supersets

Static Stretched

Shouldve calmed down in the first exercise cuz I pulled something in my neck! Again, I did negatives when things were easy.
245lbs for 4 sets, 6 reps (45 sec RI)

Brink Squats
135lbs for 5 sets, 5 reps (30-45 sec RI)

30lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

Calf Press
4 plates for 4 sets, 10 reps (30 sec RI)

Static Stretched

God dammit! I thought Brinks were easy! Not bad after a night of booze.
Weighted pullups
25lbs for 5x5 (45 sec ri)

245lbs for 5x5 (45 sec ri )

Weighted chins
25lbs for 4x8 (45 sec ri; rped)

Alternating flat db press
75lb dbs for 4x8 (45sec ri)

Giant set of bis, tris, &abs

Static stretched

What a morning. And fucking 245 was hard without negs! Clearly its cuz of the ri.
Whooooooashit, is this a beginning? :daydream:

Romanian Deads
330lbs for 6 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI; strapped)

145lbs for 4 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI)

Seated Calf
2 plates + 10lbs for 4 sets, 10 reps (30 sec RI)

See, this is what irks me. I can deadlift or...any other hard exercise after a night of drinking and excel fine, but a morning of 0 drinking brings in the same results? Yes, I know I went up a lil but it was hard and a tad scary.
Standing OH BB Press
145lbs for 6 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

T bar row
3 plates + 10lbs for 6 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI)

Alternating Standing OH DB Press
50lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

DB Row
90lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

4 hours later..

Caveman x 2
Negative arm exercises

Static Stretched

Increased volume and calmed down. No pain. Whatdoyaknow? :clapping: Anyway, I start off doing as many negatives as I can, but then increase the tempo when I cant do them slow anymore. Ehhhhh the DB movements were NOT done slowly. Theyre hard enough on their own.
245lbs for 5 sets, 6 reps (45 sec RI)

Brink Squats
145lbs for 5 sets, 6 reps (45 sec RI)

30lb DBs for 4 sets, 8 reps (45 sec RI)

20 min Caveman!

Cable Torso Twists

Calf Press
6 plates for 3 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI; negs)

Seated Calf
2 plates for 4 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI; negs)

Static Stretched

Lotta volume today. I opted to increase volume vs. increase weight. Eventually Ill go up, but nothing yet.
Weighted pullups
25lbs for 6x5 (45 sec ri)

245lbs for 6x5 (45 sec ri; failed)

Weighted chins
25lbs for 4x8 (45 sec ri; rped)

Alternating flat db press
80lb dbs for 4x8 (45sec ri)

Static stretched

Bench has gone down. God dammit. It has. I know I am doing another set, but I failed at 3 reps on the 6th set. The issue is that I was struggling with the last set as well. Though I didnt do bad with the weighted pullups, with the extra set, I couldve been somewhat out of 'strength' energy. Also, I had NO calories this morning. Just aminos and Hyper FX. Got it cuz I am trying D-aspartic acid route. If I want to have a clean bulk, dity bulk, I have got to have some carbs before a workout. Failures with bench, and the later chins have to do with this.

Oddly, the 80lb DBs was an increase, as difficult as it was. I had a mind fart as I thought I did do 80s last time, not 75s. It was hella hard, but I did do it and I did it at the end!
Romanian Deads
330lbs for 6 sets, 5 reps (45 sec RI; strapped)

150lbs for 4 sets, 8 reps (30 sec RI)

Glute ham Raise
BW for 3x8 (30 sec RI)

Seated Calf
2 plates for 4 sets, 10 reps (30 sec RI)

Static Stretched

Ahh the power of women. Didnt want to stay longer than I did, but I just loved looking at this ass. :daydream:

Anyway, scary or not, I did the workout again and it wasnt that hard. Not easy... Glute Hams were the hardest of the day really.