LGD-2226 | Web shops are selling yet another new type of SARM
It's going to be difficult to tell all those SARMs apart. We already had LGD-4033 [More] [More] and LGD-3303, and now we have LGD-2226 too. Yup, another new SARM has entered the market. And of course darn thing has never been tested in human studies.LGD-2226
According to the websites that are usually well aware of these kinds of developments, LGD-2226 was already launched in 2019. And now that 2020 is almost over, we find out. We are getting old.But luckily for our hurt ego, we don't have to do all that much to be up to date again. There is very little scientific literature about LGD-2226. When we read the publication Jeffrey Miner and his colleagues - all affiliated with the US Ligand Pharmaceuticals - published in Endocrinology in 2007, we knew just about everything there is to know about LGD-2226 at this time.
Androgenic effect
In petri dishes, LGD-2226 hardly stimulated the production of the 'prostate cancer protein' PSA in prostate cells. This suggests that LGD-2226 has little androgenic effect.
The researchers gave LGD-2226 at different doses to castrated rats for two weeks and compared the effect of the SARM with that of testosterone.
The 100 line in the figures below indicates the level that you would expect in normal intact professional animals.
At a daily dose of more than 4-5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, the rats' muscle mass begins to increase above the '100' level.If you translate this dosage into adult humans, you get about 50 milligrams per day. That's a bit much for a SARM.
However, the 2007 publication also contains a figure based on administration over 6 weeks. In this animal study, a daily oral dose of 1-3 milligrams per kilogram of body weight is already sufficient to lift the muscle mass above the '100' level found in intact laboratory animals.
The human equivalent of this dose is approximately 25 milligrams LGD-2226 per day.
And that's what usually comes in capsule when you buy LGD-2226 in a webshop.
Whether LGD-2226 is safe? Of course we don't know. Deep sigh.
Endocrinology. 2007 Jan;148(1):363-73.
Androgenic effect
In petri dishes, LGD-2226 hardly stimulated the production of the 'prostate cancer protein' PSA in prostate cells. This suggests that LGD-2226 has little androgenic effect.
The researchers gave LGD-2226 at different doses to castrated rats for two weeks and compared the effect of the SARM with that of testosterone.
The 100 line in the figures below indicates the level that you would expect in normal intact professional animals.
However, the 2007 publication also contains a figure based on administration over 6 weeks. In this animal study, a daily oral dose of 1-3 milligrams per kilogram of body weight is already sufficient to lift the muscle mass above the '100' level found in intact laboratory animals.
The human equivalent of this dose is approximately 25 milligrams LGD-2226 per day.
And that's what usually comes in capsule when you buy LGD-2226 in a webshop.
Whether LGD-2226 is safe? Of course we don't know. Deep sigh.
Endocrinology. 2007 Jan;148(1):363-73.