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Long cycles or switch up compounds?


May 20, 2013
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IML Gear Cream!
I bought enough test and Deca to last me like 5 months I'm about 10 weeks in now liking it but wondering if maybe I should switch to low test high tren for say 10 weeks in the middle then back to test deca or stay whole time just test deca? On my shitty sell so sorry if the writing isn't good. Any input?
Sometimes I think it's better to switch things up even if only for mental reasons it keeps it interesting and not that long rut feeling
I would either switch it up or play with the dosage. Hell you could even run test, deca, and the tren if you wanted.
My coach is a pro BB'er and likes to switch up compounds on long cycles. Keeps these going and after a while of being on some compounds, they become less effective.

If you look at some examples of old pro BB's stack regimen. A lot don't run any compounds for longer than 5-6 weeks. Not even Equipoise. Also takes sides out from long term use. So instead of running one long 15 week blast. They will blast 3 different compounds every 5 weeks for 15 weeks.
If you look at some examples of old pro BB's stack regimen. A lot don't run any compounds for longer than 5-6 weeks. Not even Equipoise. Also takes sides out from long term use. So instead of running one long 15 week blast. They will blast 3 different compounds every 5 weeks for 15 weeks.

You know, with the long ester run short there would still be kind of a bridging/low dose stack effect as new ones are added and previous ones slowly clear out. Total AAS in the system would still be supra physiological. And probably somewhat steady. Results would still come

Maybe it's kind of like training. You can't switch up too often or you won't benefit from the program you're on, but you have to change it up to grow. If you do the same routine with the same weight forever there is no progression. I know AAS might be completely different but maybe that's the concept they were going on?? It's definitely a bit different than the long blasts guys seem to do these days.

but I don't know current pro's stacks either so what would I know
That's part of why I asked I've seen many pros or gurus advise switch things up every 8 weeks. I always found it odd though they would switch deca or eq in or out at 8 weeks things I thought needed more time than that. I decided tho I'm gonna try it go to test tren then back to test deca. What's it hurt to try I suppose
I think it sounds interesting. I think test/NPP/mast --> test/tren/primo sounds sexy.
Yeah basically you even pinn the long esters for only 5 weeks. But the week you pinn your last say...EQ shot. You also pinn your Deca if that is what you are moving onto. So Eq is winding down and deca is building up at the same time. So you actually get alot of overlapping also. Here's an interesting example of something like what I'm talking about.

DMZ 3.0 2 caps a day
epistane 3 caps a day
proviron 100 mgs a day
EQ 800 mgs
Tren Enethate 700 mgs
ghrp-6 ed 3 x a day
IGF 200 mcg per day

four week blitz then switch to

Test E 800 mgs
deca 800 mgs
Anadrol 100 mgs a day
ghrp-6 3x a day
IGF 200 mcg per day

four week blitz then repeat phase one but add
800 mgs of Mastron E
This is an interesting topic. I've been wondering these same questions. Thanks to everyone for their input