Chino...what did the last few weeks of ur cycle look like and when did u start PCT? Consider this, if u take 100mg of deca with a half life of 14 days, wait 2 weeks, there's still 50mg of deca there. Say your body aims to make the equivalent of 100mg of estered test a week, and lets just say hypothetically that deca is equally suppressive to test, your body will not produce more than 50mg that week, because 50mg of androgen is already being leeched in from the deca depot. Say your last shot of deca was 400mg, it will take u 6 weeks to get to the point where your depot is down to 50mg, and at that point your body is in the same situation, only producing 50mg of test. (hypothetically if deca is equally suppressive to test). Before starting PCT, sometimes we have to give the long esters months to clear after the last shot. If you really don't want to go on TRT then think back to the last few weeks of your cycle and calculate how much gear is left in u and whether or not you should repeat PCT. And if u do go with TRT, you can do 1 little subq shot of .5cc of test a week. There are a lot of threads about people doing subq TRT and getting high-normal levels from 1 little shot a week, particularly in canada. Either way man, don't worry!